Vater zu sein ist sehr ähnlich wie Coach zu sein, weil man sich ständig um das Wohlergehen anderer kümmert. Nicht für sich allein zu existieren ist eine wunderbare Sache.
Being a dad is very much like being a head coach in that you're constantly concerned about the well-being of other people. To not exist for yourself is a beautiful thing.
Oktober 2023
I'm fighting myself and myself is winning.
Oktober 2023
Mission accomplished, our whole goal this entire off-season was statistical output through five games.
Oktober 2023
It was the team that I found my love for football with. Their jerseys were orange at the time for the most part.
September 2023
The orchestration of the Patriots defense is so consistent, so fundamentally consistent and sound. The strain very, very detailed, and the leader of the ship was at the same job when we were all like, "What's an iPod?" Belichick is one of the founding fathers of this generation of football.
September 2023
Chris Simms: "Great outfit. I just don't see any coaches like that."
Mike Florio: "Can't hide money."
Mike McDaniel: "I'm not trying to."
Mike Florio: "Can't hide money."
Mike McDaniel: "I'm not trying to."
März 2023
I just wanted him to stop... scrambling. And it was pretty irritating because he didn't listen. At all. He didn't take the coaching.
November 2022
That was cool what you did. When that first guy tried to tackle you, and you didn't let him tackle you? That was sick.
Last night I couldn't sleep. So I was thinking about when you randomly hit me up that you were YouTubing me? So I YouTubed you and saw this Trent Dilfer thing showing all this high school shit from you? And bro, your technique was trash. It was cool, though, because you see little elements of, like, your swag.
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Wir gehen nicht da raus, um andere Teams zu erniedrigen. Auch wenn es manchmal so aussieht.
We're not going out there to humiliate teams. That's just what it happened to look like.
Tua Tagovailoa (als Spieler bei den Miami Dolphins) - September 2023
In Kansas City habe ich in einem sehr guten Football Team gespielt. Hier ist das anders.
In Kansas City, I was blessed to be on a real good football team. Here, it's different.
Tyreek Hill (als Spieler bei den Miami Dolphins) - Januar 2023
I think pressure is going to be there every time. I don't feel more pressure that we've acquired all of these guys. It's more of an opportunity that I get, that we all get as a team, to show what we can do this year.
Tua Tagovailoa (als Spieler bei den Miami Dolphins) - April 2022
Frag mich nicht, wieso ich Dolphins Fan bin. Frag dich selbst, wieso du keiner bist!
Don't ask me why I'm a Dolphins fan. Ask yourself why you're not!
The Denver Broncos are all child molesters.
Bei allem, was ich über letzte Saison gehört habe - wir machen jetzt das Gegenteil.
Everything I heard about last season, we're doing the opposite.
Sean Payton - Juli 2023
Ich glaube dran und alles, was ich will, ist diesem Team zu helfen. Wir werden etwas erreichen und ich freue mich darauf. Es wird die Mühe wert sein.
I believe and all I want to do is help this team. We're going to go somewhere, and I'm excited about it. It's going to be worth it.
Russell Wilson - Januar 2023
Neue Dinge sind immer gut. Man kann Neuanfängen mit Angst begegnen, oder sie für sich nutzen. Und das werden wir tun. Wir hängen da zusammen drin. Wir haben Bock und freuen uns darauf, vielleicht eine neue Championship nach Denver zu bringen.
I think newness is always great. Any time you go into something new, you can look at it with fear, nerves, or you can go own it and take care of it yourself. That's what we are doing. We are all in this thing together. We are pumped and excited to do it and hopefully bring a championship to Denver again.
Russell Wilson - Juli 2022
Wir müssen nicht sagen, dass wir die Besten sind. Unsere 5 Ringe sagen das für uns.
We don't have to say we're great. Our 5 rings say it for us.
Red and Gold 'til I'm dead and cold.
Es war ein langes Jahr bis hierhin und wir haben es heute geschafft. Wir können es nicht abwarten, nach Vegas zu kommen!
It's been a long year to get to this point and we got it done today. We can't wait to get to Vegas!
Kyle Shanahan - Januar 2024, nach Sieg gegen die Lions
The end of this thing will tell the story. I'm not saying I'm the best quarterback, but I have some gunslinger in me, and you look at some of the throws I make, you look at some of the windows I throw it into.
Brock Purdy - Januar 2024
Every once in a while, it's important to adjust your altitude.
Welcome to colorful Colorado!
Man braucht niemanden, der einen von Colorado überzeugt, das schafft Colorado schon ganz von allein.
You don't need missionaries in Colorado; you got Colorado.
Colorado - fresh air and fond memories served daily.
I am a Cleveland Brown. I am proud and happy about that.
Baker Mayfield - Mai 2018
In this house we say "please", "thank you", and "Go Browns!"
Frag mich nicht, wieso ich Browns Fan bin. Frag dich selbst, wieso du keiner bist!
Don't ask me why I'm a Browns fan. Ask yourself why you're not!
I was born a Browns fan and I will die a Browns fan.
DeMeco Ryans ist der perfekte Mann für den Job. Er bringt etwas in seinen Spielern zum Vorschein und das ist unbeschreiblich.
DeMeco Ryans is the perfect guy for the job. He brings something out of his players, and it's indescribable.
C.J. Stroud (als Spieler bei den Houston Texans) - Januar 2024
In this house we say "please", "thank you", and "Go Texans!"
Frag mich nicht, wieso ich Texans Fan bin. Frag dich selbst, wieso du keiner bist!
Don't ask me why I'm a Texans fan. Ask yourself why you're not!
I was born a Texans fan and I will die a Texans fan.
In this house we say "please", "thank you", and "Go Falcons!"
Frag mich nicht, wieso ich Falcons Fan bin. Frag dich selbst, wieso du keiner bist!
Don't ask me why I'm a Falcons fan. Ask yourself why you're not!
I was born a Falcons fan and I will die a Falcons fan.
Welches Football Team ist das beste und warum sind es die Atlanta Falcons?
Which Football team is the best and why is it the Atlanta Falcons?
You got a great last name, man. Great last name!
George Kittle - during Super Bowl LVIII, to Trent McDuffie
We're not done, dawg, I want three!
Patrick Mahomes - Februar 2024, zum Super Bowl Sieg der Chiefs
Puka Nacua: "Coop, why do I feel like you would like anime?"
Cooper Kupp: "No. No you were wrong."
Cooper Kupp: "No. No you were wrong."
Travis Kelce hatte eine Menge gute Catches in seiner Karriere. Das wäre sein größter.
I would say that Travis Kelce has had a lot of big catches in his career. This would be the biggest.
Bill Belichick - September 2023, über Travis Kelce und Taylor Swift
In der Vergangenheit zu leben, heißt, in der Gegenwart zu sterben.
To live in the past is to die in the present.
Talent legt die Höhe des Bodens fest, Charakter die Höhe der Decke.
Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling.
Terron [Armstead] had his car broken down, and I think I'm a bad teammate because I passed him and I didn't come back.
Tua Tagovailoa - September 2023
I think we're all excited. It will be cool to finally get to play in front of our hometown crowd, so I'm sure it'll be packed and I'm sure those guys are really excited to see us go out there and play.
Tua Tagovailoa - September 2023
I come from a Samoan family where respect is everything. But it does get to a point where - hey, little easy on that, buddy. Because I think we're pretty tough-minded people, and if we need to get scrappy, we can get scrappy, too.
Tua Tagovailoa - August 2023
Ein wahrhaft reicher Mann ist einer, dem seine Kinder in die Arme laufen, wenn seine Hände leer sind.
A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms, when his hands are empty.
In einem Football Team geht es nicht um die Stärke einzelner Spieler, sondern um die Stärke der Gemeinschaft und wie gut sie zusammen arbeitet.
On a football team, it’s not the strength of the individual players, but it is the strength of the unit and how they all function together.
Scott Hanson: "If it comes down to it, Brock. It's late in the fourth quarter, are you prepared to disappoint Taylor Swift?"
Brock Purdy: "Yes."
Brock Purdy: "Yes."
Brock Purdy - Februar 2024, Super Bowl LVIII Opening Night
Quick funny story: I threw a touchdown to this dude to end the game. And he looked at me and he had no idea. I said, "Dude, we just won the Super Bowl!"
Patrick Mahomes - Februar 2024, zum Super Bowl Sieg der Chiefs