Zitate und Sprüche von Mello

Zitate und Sprüche von Mello
In the end, there is no greater motivation than revenge.

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Eine ganz besondere Eigenart von uns Menschen ist es, einander so gut wie gar kein Vertrauen zu schenken.
In this world, there are very few people who actually trust each other.
Manchmal sind nur die Fragen kompliziert, aber die Antworten einfach.
Sometimes, the questions are complicated – and the answers are simple.
Lern' dein Leben zu schätzen, denn leider kann es dir jederzeit genommen werden.
Learn to treasure your life because unfortunately, it can be taken away from you anytime.
Being alone is better than being with the wrong person.
Egal wie talentiert du bist, du alleine kannst die Welt nicht verändern.
No matter how fifted you are: You alone cannot change the world.
There is no heaven or hell. No matter what you do while you’re alive, everybody goes to the same place once you die. Death is Equal.
Laws aren’t perfect, because humans who created laws aren’t perfect. It’s impossible to be perfect. However, the laws are evidence of the human’s struggle to be righteous.
The human world is a boring place with boring people doing boring things.
In all things, one cannot win with defense alone. To win, you must attack.
We've eased each other's boredom for quite a while... It's been quite fun.
When you die, I'll be the one writing your name in my Death Note.
The real evil is the power to kill people. Someone who finds himself with that power is cursed. No matter how you use it, anything obtained by killing people can never bring true happiness.
This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, so why not me?
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1

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