Any last words? Now would be the time to say 'em.
Sombra: "Every time I need a laugh, I look at your search history."
Cassidy: "Let me guess. Last night around dinner time?"
Sombra: "Cactus spines in butt. How get rid of?"
Cassidy: "Was I supposed to leave them in there?!"
Cassidy: "Let me guess. Last night around dinner time?"
Sombra: "Cactus spines in butt. How get rid of?"
Cassidy: "Was I supposed to leave them in there?!"
Cassidy: "You always were the ambitious one, Ashe."
Ashe: "You make that sound like a bad thing. You'd still be on a farm if it weren't for me."
Cassidy: "Some days that doesn't sound so bad."
Ashe: "You make that sound like a bad thing. You'd still be on a farm if it weren't for me."
Cassidy: "Some days that doesn't sound so bad."
Justice ain't gonna dispense itself.
Don't like shooting a lady. But for you, I'll make an exception.
Overwatch - to Widowmaker
I'm not good. Not bad. But I sure as hell ain't ugly.
Time to ride off into the sunset.
No payment required. This one's on the house.
Overwatch - on Kill
Pharah: "Cassidy, where did you learn to shoot like that? Was it Jack, Gabriel?"
Cassidy: "Always was a good shot, but I got a few pointers from the best. That'd be your mother."
Cassidy: "Always was a good shot, but I got a few pointers from the best. That'd be your mother."
Mercy: "You know, smoking's bad for your health."
Cassidy: "Well, I have faith you can get me patched back up, doc."
Cassidy: "Well, I have faith you can get me patched back up, doc."
Baptiste: "Hey, Cassidy. Want to know the bounty Talon had on you?"
Cassidy: "Higher or lower than the one on Amari?"
Baptiste: "Lower."
Cassidy: "Damn it!"
Cassidy: "Higher or lower than the one on Amari?"
Baptiste: "Lower."
Cassidy: "Damn it!"
Mei: "Hey, Cassidy, do you know what time it is?"
Cassidy: "Well, I'd say it's about... now I see what you're doing there!"
Cassidy: "Well, I'd say it's about... now I see what you're doing there!"
Things were a lot simpler when I was robbin' banks with the Deadlock Gang.
I've got a bullet with your name on it.
Someone needs to fill in this saddle.
Moira: "Our courageous cowboy. The years haven't changed you much, have they, Cole?"
Cassidy: "They certainly haven't changed my feelings about working with you."
Cassidy: "They certainly haven't changed my feelings about working with you."
This city is louder than a field of Montana grasshoppers. Y'know, the ones bigger than your thumb?
Sittin' in cafés all day, drinking good espresso, eating pasta with eight syllable names... not a bad way to live.
Reaper: "I didn't teach you all my tricks."
Cassidy: "Lucky for me I still have a few tricks of my own."
Cassidy: "Lucky for me I still have a few tricks of my own."
Zitate und Sprüche über McCree / Cassidy
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Widowmaker: "All the armor in the world can't save you from a well-placed bullet."
Ana: "Seems I was wrong about you Amélie."
Widowmaker: "I thought you'd have gotten used to that feeling by now."
Widowmaker: "I thought you'd have gotten used to that feeling by now."
Tracer: "What'cha lookin' at?"
Widowmaker: "An annoyance."
Widowmaker: "An annoyance."
Unglück ist gesund zum Frühstück, zu Mittag gleichgültig, aber tödlich beim Abendessen.
Erquicklich ist die Mittagsruh,
Nur kommt man oftmals nicht dazu.
Nur kommt man oftmals nicht dazu.
Doomfist: "You are bold to stand against Vishkar on your own."
Lifeweaver: "I'm not alone! The scientific community is on my side."
Doomfist: "It would be wise not to count on that for long."
Lifeweaver: "I'm not alone! The scientific community is on my side."
Doomfist: "It would be wise not to count on that for long."
Sombra: "Isn't it a little embarassing to get beaten up by a monkey?"
Doomfist: "Have you ever been hit by a giant, genetically engineered gorilla? I could arrange it for you."
Doomfist: "Have you ever been hit by a giant, genetically engineered gorilla? I could arrange it for you."
Die meisten Orte würden es einen tödlichen Schneesturm nennen. In Montana sagen wir dazu Dienstag.
Most places would call it a crippling snowstorm. In Montana, we call it Tuesday.