Zitate und Sprüche von Maritza Ramos

Zitate und Sprüche von Maritza Ramos

If I hadn't buried my feelings so deep I would totally be tearing up right now.

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Nein ich wurde nie deswegen verhaftet. Vagabundieren, Störung des öffentlichen Friedens, Nacktheit, Ansprechen von Männern.. ähh.. wie heißt das, wenn die jemanden wirklich verhaften wollen, aber keinen Grund zum verhaften haben? ... Ah.. Belästigung der Allgemeinheit! Da hab ich die meisten Punkte, Sir.
Lolly in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 4 Episode 7
Poussey: "Also du sagst, du willst nicht mit mir zusammen sein."
Soso: "Nein. Ich ... Ich weiß nur nicht ob ich jemals das sein werde, was du brauchst."
Poussey: "Das lass mal meine Sorge sein."
Soso: "Wie meinst du das?"
Poussey: "Also... vielleicht stellt es in Frage, was du bisher von dir gedacht hast ... und vielleicht brichst du ja mein Herz in tausend Stücke, aber ähm, das sind nur >Vielleichts<. Man kann sein Leben nicht nach den >Vielleichts< richten."
You're a beautiful, sweet girl. F*ck this guy!
What do I think love is? It's like when someone makes your stomach feel all tight, but floaty at the same time, you know? And your cheeks hurt from smiling. And you smile so much, that people think something's wrong with you.
...And also f*cking. Twenty-four seven, deep-dick, can't-walk-right f*cking.
"What's love to you?"
Flaca: "It's like getting into a bath, but the water is like warm chocolate pudding. And the Smiths are playing ‘There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.' There's mood lighting all over, and there's like five dudes massaging you."
Maritza: "And you have a pizza!"
Flaca: "She's right. You also have a pizza."
I hate it when you talk sometimes. No... all the time.
You need to figure out what the f*ck you want.
If you want my advice? Get out of your own goddamn drama for a minute.
Larry Bloom: "Piper, you put a pee stick in my rinsing cup."
Piper Chapman: "Well, you put your pee stick in my v*gina. And that's why we're in this situation."
Piper Chapman in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Sam Healy: "It's popular fiction. It's like global warming or female ejac*lation."
Piper: "No! No. No, it's not. This is real."
Sam Healy: "How is it real? Wait, which?"
Piper: "The chicken. And the... the chicken."
Piper Chapman in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Honey, don't you think the little rocks would hurt your nose, if you're trying to snort crack? I think you mean coke.
Piper Chapman in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Larry Bloom: "Are we at least gonna talk about other options?"
Piper Chapman: "You mean..."
Larry Bloom: "It's not Voldemort, you can say it. Abortion."
Larry Bloom in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Or I look single, 34 and single, which must mean there's something wrong with me. Like, you keep large reptiles in tanks, or I have a very special relationship with my mother.
Larry Bloom in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 7
Well, I'm just gonna go jerk off then. For the 500th time today.
Larry Bloom in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 3
All I wanted was to eat the chicken that is smarter than other chickens and to absorb it's power.
I would very much like to return your witty banter, but I am too exhausted to be clever.
Red: "Black girls hear about a chicken, of course this will happen."
Piper: "Why, because all black people love chicken?"
Red: "Don't be racist. Because they're all on heroin, and somebody's been telling them there's heroin in the chicken."
Galina Reznikov in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Rule Number One: Don't ever fall in love with a straight girl.
I'm pretty much the master of handling things completely wrong.
Well, I think that... when you have a connection with someone, it never really goes away, you know?
Pain is always there cause life is freaking painful, okay?
Pennsatucky: "It weren't my fault. I was just doing as the Spirit commanded."
Pussey: "F*ck are you? Joan of Arc?"
Pennsatucky: "No, I'm from Waynesboro, my name is Tiffany..."
Tiffany Doggett in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 5
What the hell is the matter with you? You tryin' out for the retard Olympics?
George Mendez in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 5
P*rnstache: "You are not an agent of God, okay? God can do so much better than you. You must know that, right?"
Pennsatucky: "Know what?"
P*rnstache: "Jesus Christ, how the f*ck did you survive infancy?"
Pennsatucky: "My auntie helped my momma..."
P*rnstache: "That's a rhetorical question! Do you not understand what a f*cking rhetorical question is?"
George Mendez in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Ich bin nicht verrückt. Ich bin einzigartig.
Stop crying. Remember? Crying makes you ugly and weak.
It's like...It's like I'm a f*cked-up-shit magnet.
I'm not surviving, I'm just existing.
Larry: "She's guilty she's leaving. It's a guilt pig roasting box."
Pete: "At least you get something. I'm not getting laid for a year too. But what do I get?"
Larry: "A baby?"
Pete: "You can't eat it."
Pete Harper in Orange Is the New Black - Staffel 1 Episode 1
(Love is) pain, horrible pain, that you want again and again.
You gotta move...The f*ck...On!

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