Die Vergangenheit begleitet uns ständig, Tyler. Man kann versuchen wegzulaufen, aber sie ist immer da.
Rendell Locke - Staffel 1 Episode 3
1Grief never gets any smaller, so you have to make yourself bigger around it. The best way to do that is to open up. Let people in.
The reason why she doesn't remember is because she's a grown up. That's how this stuff always works. Only kids can get into Narnia.
Friendships are the foundation that we stand on.
People come into our lives exactly when they should.
It's okay to lose yourself in this, just as long as you can find yourself again.
Just because I don't have fear, doesn't make me irrational.
High school is the perfect time to try on a bunch of different hats. You get to decide who you are, who you surround yourself with.
Best-available idea doesn't make something a good idea.
Some things are more important than doing math problems.
What's the point of having magic keys if we can't even use them?
At first, these keys were fun, but now we know they're more than that. They're important. They're part of our family and we need to protect them.
Not all final girls make it to the end by fighting the monster. Some of them hide. They stay quiet when their family needs them. They're not waiting for their moment. They don't even know if another moment's coming. They just close their eyes and wait for it to be over. Truth is, some final girls are cowards.
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