Zitate und Sprüche aus Legends of Runeterra (Seite 3)

Zitate und Sprüche aus Legends of Runeterra (Seite 3)

Legends of Runeterra (Abkürzung: LoR) ist ein kostenlos spielbares Online-Sammelkartenspiel, das vom Publisher Riot Games entwickelt wurde.

Bild: Riot Games
Shen: "A shame you let pride disrupt your training."
Yasuo: "A shame you didn't."
Shen: "We both want what is best for Ionia."
Zed: "And only one of us pursues it."
The fate of mortals and spirits falls to me.
Zilean: "What do you call two time-travelling birds, Ekko?"
Ekko: "A para-ducks!"
Pyke: "Should've stayed in Piltover, kid."
Ekko: "Tell me I'm from Piltover one more time."
Safety Inspector: "Alright son, let's not have a repeat of last time."
Ziggs: "What do ya mean?! That guy's eyebrows grew back!"
Don't worry. I brought my own fireworks!
Inventive Chemist: "Ha! Little booms are just as good as big ones!"
Ziggs: "Yeah, yeah, but the big ones are, well... bigger."
Heimerdinger: "Ah, the sweet smell of science!"
Ziggs: "Oh yeah, science smells like burning!"
Is there more to life than blowing stuff up? No!
One big boom, coming right up!
Heimerdinger: "What seems to be the problem?"
Ziggs: "Problem? No problem! Who said anything about a problem? Hehe!"
Battle warms even the coldest heart.
Peace comes only at the price of war.
Darius: "What's a king with no army?"
Tryndamere: "One who fights his own battles."
Next time, I'll use my good sword hand.
Katarina: "You're already dead, Tryndamere."
Tryndamere: "You know my name, not my reputation."
Ashe: "I was hoping you'd be here."
Tryndamere: "Seems we're both looking for trouble."
My blade grows restless.
Darius: "Noxus could use a man like you."
Tryndamere: "Noxus uses people all too often."
Tryndamere: "I'd die a thousand times for you."
Ashe: "Could you just stay alive instead?"
Wolf: "Do they know little Lamb?"
Lamb: "They will."
Senna: "Veigar. I brought the darkness."
Veigar: "Now I'll bring the doom!"
Veigar: "Bring me darkness, Senna, and perhaps I will let you live."
Senna: "It's a good thing you're cute, Veigs."
It's a lot of darkness out there. Let's make some of our own.
Ixtali Sentinel: "What was it like, Senna? To die?"
Senna: "A lot like living. Pain, fear. And hope."
Yasuo: "What would you ask of a man with nothing?"
Yone: "To die with honor."
Senna: "Long road behind, long road ahead."
Viego: "If only love could lead the way."
Kalista: "There can be no justice, only revenge."
Viego: "You hardly know what it is to have your heart broken."
Viego: "I do this for her! For us!"
Akshan: "Come on, Loverboy. Time to put you to bed."
Heimerdinger: "You know if you attached a coolant to the rotating barrel of...-"
Jinx: "Boooring!"
Lariette Rose: "Bilgewater's lawless, but bounties pay."
Vi: "Bounty's yours - I'm here for punching!"
Veteran Investigator: "A keen mind... is my greatest weapon."
Vi: "Huh. Good luck punching with that."
If I hear fat-hands one more time...!
Vi stands for violence!
Vi: "I'm doing this MY way."
Caitlyn: "WE are doing this OUR way."
Smooth Soloist: "Come on a musical journey."
Vi: "Hey, gimme a beat for my beat down!"
I don't ask for much. Just everything.
Irelia: "The only honest Noxian is a dead Noxian."
LeBlanc: "Now you're getting it."
Sivir: "This better be worth my time, lady."
LeBlanc: "Just name your price."
Crimson Curator: "I have the name. I need the reputation."
LeBlanc: "This apple has fallen very far from the tree."
Jarvan IV: "I've got my eye on you."
LeBlanc: "Just one? You Lightshields never learn."
The best lies are beautiful.
Incisive Tactician: "The Rose sends its finest."
LeBlanc: "A petal for the thorn."
Atakhan: "I am returned to serve my killer!"
LeBlanc: "And serve, you will."
LeBlanc: "Who is this... imposter?"
LeBlanc: "I am LeBlanc. You are a cheap illusion."
Elise: "I pull the strings."
LeBlanc: "Of course you do, dear."
Jarvan IV: "How many innocent lives has Noxus claimed?"
LeBlanc: "How many have died for Demacia? For you?"
Irelia: "Come face me, deceiver!"
LeBlanc: "Patience, dear. Only fools rush in."
Jarvan IV: "How many innocent lives has Noxus claimed?"
LeBlanc: "How many have died for Demacia? For you?"

Verwandte Seiten zu Legends of Runeterra

LeBlanc, die TäuscherinTryndamere, der BarbarenkönigZiggs, der Hexplosions-ExperteVi, Piltovers VollstreckerinZitate von Leauge of Legends ChampionsLeague of LegendsSenna, die ErlöserinEkko, der ZeitbrecherViego, der Ruined KingHeimerdinger, der Verehrte ErfinderYasuo, der Entehrte Krieger