Zitate und Sprüche von LeBlanc, die Täuscherin

Zitate und Sprüche von LeBlanc, die Täuscherin

Bild: Riot Games
Und mit meinem nächsten Trick, werde ich ihre Lebensleisten verschwinden lassen.
I don't ask for much. Just everything.
Irelia: "The only honest Noxian is a dead Noxian."
LeBlanc: "Now you're getting it."
Für einen Augenblick wäre ich fast ins Schwitzen gekommen.
Sivir: "This better be worth my time, lady."
LeBlanc: "Just name your price."
Crimson Curator: "I have the name. I need the reputation."
LeBlanc: "This apple has fallen very far from the tree."
Lügen ist wie etwa 95 Prozent von dem was ich tue.
Jarvan IV: "I've got my eye on you."
LeBlanc: "Just one? You Lightshields never learn."
The best lies are beautiful.
Zeit für meinen Auftritt.
Incisive Tactician: "The Rose sends its finest."
LeBlanc: "A petal for the thorn."
Atakhan: "I am returned to serve my killer!"
LeBlanc: "And serve, you will."
LeBlanc: "Who is this... imposter?"
LeBlanc: "I am LeBlanc. You are a cheap illusion."
Elise: "I pull the strings."
LeBlanc: "Of course you do, dear."
Alles nur Rauch und Spiegel.
Looks can be deceiving.
Jarvan IV: "How many innocent lives has Noxus claimed?"
LeBlanc: "How many have died for Demacia? For you?"
Irelia: "Come face me, deceiver!"
LeBlanc: "Patience, dear. Only fools rush in."
Jarvan IV: "How many innocent lives has Noxus claimed?"
LeBlanc: "How many have died for Demacia? For you?"
The Black Rose shall bloom once more.

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Best way to the heart is between the ribs.
Pyke: "They all sink before they float."
Wolf: "Dead should stay dead!"
Lamb: "He will soon wish he had."
Kalista: "We shall pierce their treasonous hearts!"
Lamb: "Betrayers make for worthy prey."
Soothsayer: "Wash away all that troubles you."
Wolf: "We are the troubles!"
Jinx: "You build the VROOM VROOMs and I'll do the kachachaCHOOs."
Heimerdinger: "Ah, I see we're using technical terms."
Garen: "My heart and sword, for Demacia."
Jinx: "My blarg and bloof for bablafia."
Malphite: "The girl always beats me. I must learn her powers."
Taliyah: "Perhaps you should choose Scissors, Malphite."
Hecarim: "The living will fall."
Wolf: "They always do!"
Lamb: "By arrow or by teeth."
Darius: "Remember why you fight, brother."
Draven: "Blah blah Noxus, blah blah strength."
Taric: "Your arrogance is impressive."
Aurelion Sol: "It is the least impressive thing about me."
Miss Fortune: "Cute bird. He bulletproof?"
Quinn: "Cute face. Talon-proof?"
Swain: "Demacia's walls will crumble."
Quinn: "Then I'll have a clean shot at your head."
Sejuani: "We will take Demacia!"
Quinn: "Not the first time I've heard that."
My bird could beat up your boar.
Miss Fortune: "I'd oughta show you the sights of Bilgewater."
Quinn: "The sights are fine. The smells on the other hand..."
Gangplank: "I don't suppose you've ever sailed, have ye?"
Quinn: "I don't suppose you've ever bathed, have ye?"
Demacia does not forget, and neither do I.
Sejuani: "Bow to no one."
Lissandra: "A shame you value pride over power."
Braum: "Is it the moustache? Who knows!"
Sejuani: "I'll rip that moustache off and wear it!"
In einer Welt ohne Liebe ist der Tod bedeutungslos.
Lange bevor Schwerter und Zauberei nötig sind, können Worte eine Seele retten.
Rhaast: "Der Meister beschwert sich nicht beim Werkzeug."
Kayn: "In diesem Fall mache ich eine Ausnahme."
Der einzig wahre Tod ist nie gelebt zu haben.
What's in my violin case? Violence.
Was riecht denn hier so? Oh, das bin ja ich.
Liebe und Hass sind nur andere Wörter für Leidenschaft.
Es ist traurige Gewissheit, dass die, die am hellsten strahlen, oft am schnellsten verglühen.
Ich liebe meine Waffen wie meine Argumente, hieb- und stichfest.
Meine Bestimmung? Weißt du, jetzt wo ich darüber nachdenke... wollte ich immer schon ein Bäcker werden.
Nur die Sieger schreiben Geschichte. Zeit für unser eigenes Kapitel.

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