Zitate und Sprüche von Krümelmonster

Zitate und Sprüche von Krümelmonster
Home is where heart is. Heart where cookie is. Math clear: home is cookie.
Early bird gets the worm. But cookie taste better than worm. So me sleep in.
Cookie is like high five for stomach.
Me love to eat cookies. Sometimes eat whole, sometimes me chew it.
Today me will live in the moment, unless it's unpleasant in which case me will eat a cookie.
Sometimes me think, "What is a friend?" And then me say, "a friend is someone to share the last cookie with."

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[Asked why he lives in a trash can] Well, the rent is cheap and I love trash, so I figured I would be close to it if I lived in a trash can myself.
Oh, ich mag Müll!
Alles was staubig ist, schmutzig und dreckig
Alles was rostig ist, gammlig und speckig
Ja, ich mag Müll!
Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash!
Elmo thinks it's important to be kind because if you're kind to somebody, then they'll be kind to somebody, and it goes on and on and on.
Ernie: "You know, whenever I'm not sleepy, Bert tells me to count sheep."
Count: "‘Count Sheep?’ Who's that?"
[Bert] I love pigeons more than anything else in this world… besides oatmeal.
Bad days happen to everyone, but when one happens to you, just keep doing your best and never let a bad day make you feel bad about yourself.
Where there is life, there is hope.
Everyone makes mistakes, so why can't you?
It is I, your furry pal, Grover!
[Ernie] I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.
Greetings it is I the Count. They call me the Count because I love to count things.
If you keep practicing, you can do anything.
Heute mache ich mal was für Bauch, Beine und Po.
Liebe Plätzchen, das sind keine Speckröllchen. Das ist externer Speicherplatz für mehr Bauchgefühl.
Dear cookies, that isn't fat, it's external storage for more of you.
Du kannst nicht mit Keksen die alltäglichen Dinge des Lebens kaufen.
Sweetheart, you can't buy the necessities of life with cookies.
I don't want to live in a world where I have to eat sugar-free sugar cookies.
Queenie in Animal Crossing
Ich hab die Ernährungspyramide gerade nicht mehr im Kopf... wie viele Kekspackungen soll man noch gleich am Tag essen?
I can't recall the food pyramid right now... how many cookies should I be eating today again?
Wer isst schon eine Millionen Plätzchen in einer Nacht und wird nicht fett? Ich krieg' das hin.
Who can eat millions of cookies in one night and not get fat? Well, I can.
Ich liebe rohen Keksteig, direkt aus der Schüssel. Marshmallow Masse mag ich auch.
I love raw cookie dough, right out of the tube. The other thing I eat is marshmallow fluff.
Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.
Mmmmm. Warm chocolate chip cookies. Not even AB negative can compare.
Statler: "Mit den Jahren gefällt mir die Show immer besser."
Waldorf: "Weil die Witze immer besser werden?"
Statler: "Nein, weil mein Gehör immer schlechter wird!"
Statler: "Do you think this show is educational?"
Waldorf: "Yes. It'll drive people to read books."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Piggy: "Ich weiß nicht, Dr. Bob, ich glaube, er hat Fieber. Er fühlt sich so heiß an."
Dr. Bob: "So? Na, dann holen Sie mal das Senftöpfchen!"
Piggy: "Wieso Senf?"
Dr. Bob: "Na, weil auf Hot Dogs Ketchup oder Senf gehört."
Statler: "Sie könnten diese Show ja sehr leicht verbessern, wenn sie den Schluss ändern würden."
Waldorf: "So, wie denn?"
Statler: "Wenn gleich nach dem Anfang der Schluss käme."
Waldorf: "Statler isn't here tonight, Kermit. He's sick."
Kermit: "Oh, that's too bad. The flu?"
Waldorf: "No, the show. He's sick of it."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 4 Episode 13
Waldorf: "Just when you think the show is terrible, something wonderful happens."
Statler: "What?"
Waldorf: "It ends."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 4 Episode 3
Bert: "Ernie... did I make a complete fool of myself?"
Ernie: "Absolutely, Bert."
Ernie & Bert in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 1 Episode 2
It's incredible where you can go with your imagination.
You'd be a grouch, too, if you lived in a trash can.
Statler: "I know what is wrong, with this show, it's the theater."
Waldorf: "What's wrong with it?"
Statler: "The seats face the stage."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 2 Episode 1
Waldorf: "How should we know how to get to Sesame Street?"
Statler: "We don't even know how to get out of this stupid theater box!"
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 5 Episode 18
Changes happen as time passes by. Soon enough, you'll be grown.
You are what you eat, which I guess makes me part mosquito.
Kermit der Frosch in Die Muppet Show - Before You Leap

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