Oh, nap time! You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.
Shego: "You know, for someone who is supposedly a mad genius I'm not seeing much of the genius."
Dr. Drakken: "Keep it up Shego, and you'll see plenty of the mad."
Dr. Drakken: "Keep it up Shego, and you'll see plenty of the mad."
Mother, boy bands are cute. Brown Bear backpacks are cute. Ron as a cheerleader - not cute.
Sidekicks need to know their place… right?
Jim Possible: "You're a rocket scientist! Can't you do something?"
Dr. Possible: "Well, I could put it in geo-synchronous orbit, but I'm not sure how that would help."
Dr. Possible: "Well, I could put it in geo-synchronous orbit, but I'm not sure how that would help."
Wait, you mean Kim Possible and Dr. Possible are related?
Can't spell inspiration without procrastination.
You actually stole a wheelchair? What's next, candy from a baby?
Kim: "A naked mole rat? Ron, ever think about getting a normal pet?"
Ron: "Like what?"
Kim: "Something... not naked."
Ron: "Never be normal! That's the Ron Stoppable motto."
Ron: "Like what?"
Kim: "Something... not naked."
Ron: "Never be normal! That's the Ron Stoppable motto."
Ron Stoppable - Staffel 1 Episode 1
News flash, Shego. I'm a bad man.
I think some serious physics just happened!
You ever notice "Mankey" is a mere vowel away from "monkey"? Just an observation!
Ron Stoppable - about Josh Mankey
Shego: "Why are you dressed in that stupid costume?"
Kim: "You look in the mirror lately?"
Kim: "You look in the mirror lately?"
Lord Monkey Fist: "What kind of a hero brings a baby on a mission?"
Ron Stoppable: "A baby AND a sack of flour!"
Lord Monkey Fist: "Ah, yes. That explains everything."
Ron Stoppable: "A baby AND a sack of flour!"
Lord Monkey Fist: "Ah, yes. That explains everything."
Dr. Drakken: "This is so your fault!"
Ron Stoppable: "What, I'm supposed to let you take over the world?"
Dr. Drakken: "In the spirit of the season, yes!"
Ron Stoppable: "What, I'm supposed to let you take over the world?"
Dr. Drakken: "In the spirit of the season, yes!"
This is my chance to rule the world! All I want is what's coming to me! All I want is my fair share!
Professor Dementor: "Too late! My men have already unleashed... ze dachsunds!"
Bonnie Rockwaller: "We're supposed to be afraid of little wiener dogs?"
Bonnie Rockwaller: "We're supposed to be afraid of little wiener dogs?"
Yes, information? I'd like the number for 911 immediately, please!
You were like "pow pow" and I was like "zap zap" and now you're all "boo hoo"!
Name your price, Stoppable! Power? Glory? When I take over the world, you can have a continent! Any continent... not Europe.
Dr. Drakken: "I never joke about cocoa-moo."
Shego: "Cocoa-moo?"
Dr. Drakken: "It's uses are limitless! Pudding, cookie dough, foot massages..."
Shego: "Cocoa-moo?"
Dr. Drakken: "It's uses are limitless! Pudding, cookie dough, foot massages..."
Shego: "You're going to gorge yourself on corndogs and hork on Dementor again?"
Dr. Drakken: "That was last year and those were funnel cakes!"
Dr. Drakken: "That was last year and those were funnel cakes!"
The knuckle dragging ying to my knuckle headed yang.
Have I been placed on this earth to suffer?
Dr. Drakken: "Oh look, it's Kim Possible and her friend."
Ron: "Hello, I've got a name."
Dr. Drakken: "Which I can never remember."
Ron: "Hello, I've got a name."
Dr. Drakken: "Which I can never remember."
Good, then it will be my honor to collapse from exhaustion.
Yeah I'd say I'm 30% serious, 70% mock.
So where are we in the Possible family Christmas Eve schedule?
I don't do cakes. I don't bake them and I don't jump out of them.
Oh, no, no, no. You are not going to jack some kid's wheelchair!
Kim Possible, you think you're all that, but you're not!
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