Zitate und Sprüche von Kermit der Frosch

Zitate und Sprüche von Kermit der Frosch

Kermit der Frosch (engl. Kermit the Frog) ist eine Hauptfigur der Muppet Show und gilt als Jim Hensons bekannteste Schöpfung.

Changes happen as time passes by. Soon enough, you'll be grown.
You are what you eat, which I guess makes me part mosquito.
Die Muppet Show - Before You Leap
Listen everybody, we've got nothing to be ashamed of. And you know why? Well because, thanks to Walter here we tried. And if we failed, we failed together and to me that's not failing at all.
I've got a dream too, but it's about singing and dancing and making people happy. That's the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with.
Just because you haven't found your talent yet, doesn't mean you don't have one.
Rico Rodriguez: "Are you one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?"
Kermit: "Yes I am!"
Gonzo: "Hey, Kermit, are you busy?"
Kermit: "Yes, Gonzo, but I can give you my ear for a minute."
Gonzo: "What would I do with your ear?"
Kermit: "Van Gogh impressions."
Die Muppet Show - Staffel 1 Episode 9

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Statler: "Mit den Jahren gefällt mir die Show immer besser."
Waldorf: "Weil die Witze immer besser werden?"
Statler: "Nein, weil mein Gehör immer schlechter wird!"
Statler: "Do you think this show is educational?"
Waldorf: "Yes. It'll drive people to read books."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Piggy: "Ich weiß nicht, Dr. Bob, ich glaube, er hat Fieber. Er fühlt sich so heiß an."
Dr. Bob: "So? Na, dann holen Sie mal das Senftöpfchen!"
Piggy: "Wieso Senf?"
Dr. Bob: "Na, weil auf Hot Dogs Ketchup oder Senf gehört."
Statler: "Sie könnten diese Show ja sehr leicht verbessern, wenn sie den Schluss ändern würden."
Waldorf: "So, wie denn?"
Statler: "Wenn gleich nach dem Anfang der Schluss käme."
Waldorf: "Statler isn't here tonight, Kermit. He's sick."
Kermit: "Oh, that's too bad. The flu?"
Waldorf: "No, the show. He's sick of it."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 4 Episode 13
Waldorf: "Just when you think the show is terrible, something wonderful happens."
Statler: "What?"
Waldorf: "It ends."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 4 Episode 3
Statler: "I know what is wrong, with this show, it's the theater."
Waldorf: "What's wrong with it?"
Statler: "The seats face the stage."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 2 Episode 1
Nurse Piggy: "It's too late, Dr. Bob. We've lost him."
Doctor Bob: "Well, he couldn't have gone so far. He was under the sheet just a second ago."
Doctor Bob in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 1 Episode 17
Waldorf: "How should we know how to get to Sesame Street?"
Statler: "We don't even know how to get out of this stupid theater box!"
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 5 Episode 18
Waldorf: "Well, this has been an evening to remember."
Statler: "Why?"
Waldorf: "I forgot."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 4 Episode 18
Waldorf: "Do you think there's life in outer space?"
Statler: "There's certainly none in this theater."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 4 Episode 17
Statler: "Bist Du bereit für den Weltuntergang?"
Waldorf: "Ja. Schlimmer als diese Show kann er nicht sein."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 5 Episode 24
Statler: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were reciting some sort of important plot point."
Waldorf: "I hope so. Otherwise I would've bored half the audience half to death."
Statler: "You mean half the audience is still alive?"
Bert: "Ernie... did I make a complete fool of myself?"
Ernie: "Absolutely, Bert."
Ernie & Bert in Die Muppet Show - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Today me will live in the moment, unless it's unpleasant in which case me will eat a cookie.
Die klügsten Menschen die ich kenne, sind im Inneren alle Kinder.
Meine Hoffnung ist, dass ich diese Welt ein bisschen besser hinterlasse, als ich sie vorgefunden habe.
When The Muppet Show ended, we all sat around and said, what kind of television show would we like to do. We felt the need these days are for some quality children's programming.
Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.
Do you know the parable about the frog in the cream? Two frogs landed in a pail of cream. One, thinking rationally, understood straight away that there was no point in resistance and that you can't deceive destiny. But then what if there's an afterlife – why bother jumping around, entertaining false hopes in vain? He crossed his legs and sank to the bottom. The second, the fool, was probably an atheist. And she started to flop around. It would seem that she had no reason to flail about if everything was predestined. But she flopped around and flopped around anyway . . . Meanwhile, the cream turned to butter. And she crawled out. We honour the memory of this second frog's friend, eternally damned for the sake of progress and rational thought.
Der Frosch, der am lautesten quakt, wird zu allererst vom Storch gefressen.
Die Frösche tun sich selber schaden,
wenn sie den Storch zu Gaste laden.
Klappe groß wie 'n Frosch, Lunge voller Smog
Ich leb' im höchsten Turm in einer Stadt gebaut aus Schrott
Keine Kraft, häng' am Tropf, schneide ab, was mich bindet
Tret' in jeder Straße die Latern'n aus, dass mich keiner findet
Paula Hartmann - Truman Show Boot, Album: Nie Verliebt
The first rule of being a ninja is: Do no harm. Unless you mean to do harm. Then do lots of harm!
Woah… pretty heavy philosophical stuff for a cartoon show!
The enemy of my enemy is my bro!
Wo betrinkt sich eine Mücke am liebsten?
In Sekt.
Statler: "Is this movie in 3D?"
Waldorf: "Nope! The Muppets are as one-dimensional as they've always been."
Home is where heart is. Heart where cookie is. Math clear: home is cookie.
[Bert] I love pigeons more than anything else in this world… besides oatmeal.
Raphael: "Hey, Mikey, remember that thing you used to say when we were kids?"
Michelangelo: "You made me promise never to say it again."
Raphael: "Forget about that! Still got one in the tank?"
Michelangelo: "I've been holding it in for years... COWABUNGA!"
I do not wish to fight. But cast a stone into the lake, and the ripples will return to you.
Who were you expecting, maybe the Addams Family?
Class is Pain 101, instructor is Casey Jones.
Raphael: "Drive!"
Vernon Fenwick: "You're a talking turtle."
Raphael: "Yeah, and you're a human nerd. Now that we've got that out of the way, hit it!"
Do I need to remind you who has four shells and defeated the Shredder?
Wissen ist ein Paradox. Je mehr man letztendlich weiß, desto mehr versteht man das Ausmaß seiner eigenen Unwissenheit.
Viktor, der Vorbote der Maschinen in Arcane - Staffel 2 Episode 6

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