Here is the truth about tragedy: it's good for the soul.
Sex is for anyone; the aftermath is for lovers.
I kept hearing that "better to have loved and lost" bullshit. Another falsehood. Trust me, it is not better. Don't show me paradise and then burn it down.
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Hope could be a wonderful thing. But hope could crush you anew every single day. Hope could be the cruelest thing in the world.
"She looks really happy."
"Everyone looks happy on Facebook."
"I know, right? What's up with that?"
"Everyone looks happy on Facebook."
"I know, right? What's up with that?"
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon!
You've made plenty of short stories long. But never, ever, have you made a long story short.
Harlan Coben in Promise Me
1We get mad at someone for cutting us off in traffic or for taking too long to order at Starbucks or for not responding exactly as we see fit, and we have no idea that behind their facade, they may be dealing with some industrial-strength shit. Their lives may be in pieces. They may be in the midst of incalculable tragedy and turmoil, and they may be hanging on to their sanity by a thread. But we don't care. We don't see. We just keep pushing.
Summer romances come to an end. That was part of the deal. They are built like certain plants or insects, not able to survive more than one season. I thought we would be different. We were, I guess, but not in the way I thought. I truly believed that we would never let each other go. The young are so dumb.
That's the problem with falling in love. It makes you start talking like a bad country song.
Harlan Coben in Six Years
1Things can always be said later, but things can never be unheard.
They say you never know how someone will react when the grenade is thrown.
But life changes people. It smothers that kind of larger-than-life woman. Time quiets them down. That firecracker girl you knew in high school - where is she now? It didn't happen to men as much. Those boys often grew up to be masters of the universe. The super successful girls? They seemed to die of slow societal suffocation.
Death is so close, always, a breath away, so perhaps it was wise to introduce children to that concept at an early age.
"Semper paratus." "It's Latin," Shane said. "It means 'Always ready'."
Family and money is never a good mix. Someone is always going to feel resentful.
Doctors kept stressing that mental disease was the same as physical disease. Telling someone who was clinically depressed, for example, to shake it off and get out of the house was tantamount to telling a man with two broken legs to sprint across the room. That was all well and good in theory, but in practice, the stigma continued. Maybe, to be more charitable, it was because you could hide a mental disease.
All around her, children and families played and laughed and reveled in the glory of this seemingly ordinary day. They did so without fear or care because they didn't get it. They all played and they all laughed and they felt so damn safe. They didn't see how fragile it all was.
It was obvious and a bit of cliché, but we don't really age in a straight line. We age in a circle, curving back to childhood, but in all the wrong ways.
A beating hurts for a little while. The shame of cowardice never leaves.
Love your parents - while we are busy growing up, they are growing old.
Perception is often more important than reality.
Sheldon: "Du erhoffst dir doch wohl nicht etwa durch unsere Mühen hier deine Chance zu erhöhen mit dieser Frau zu einer sexuellen Vereinigung zu kommen?"
Leonard: "Männer erledigen auch Sachen für Frauen ohne, dass sie dafür Sex wollen!"
Sheldon: "Ja, aber nur Männer die gerade welchen hatten."
Leonard: "Männer erledigen auch Sachen für Frauen ohne, dass sie dafür Sex wollen!"
Sheldon: "Ja, aber nur Männer die gerade welchen hatten."
Sheldon: "You do understand that our efforts here will in no way increase the odds of having sexual congress with this woman?"
Leonard: "Men do things for women without expecting sex."
Sheldon: "Those would be men who just had sex."
Leonard: "Men do things for women without expecting sex."
Sheldon: "Those would be men who just had sex."
Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory - Staffel 1 Episode 2
9Lust and logic never seem to go hand in hand.
And I really do need to be convinced to behave.
Joe: "Darf ich Ihnen einen Drink spendieren?"
Maya: "Oh, von der Gratis-Bar?"
Joe: "Was immer Sie möchten. Ich lade Sie ein."
Maya: "Oh, von der Gratis-Bar?"
Joe: "Was immer Sie möchten. Ich lade Sie ein."
Joe: "Would you allow me to buy you a drink?"
Maya: "What, from the free bar?"
Joe: "Have whatever you want. My treat."
Maya: "What, from the free bar?"
Joe: "Have whatever you want. My treat."
Fool Me Once - Staffel 1 Episode 1
I said everyone looks happy. That was kinda my point. If you judge the world by Facebook, you wonder why so many people take Prozac.
The world doesn't give even the slightest damn about us or our petty problems.
Those who believe that we are anything other than animals are blind. All humans are savages. The ones who are well fed are just lazier. They don't need to kill to get their food. So they dress up and find so-called loftier pursuits that make them believe that they are somehow above it all. Such nonsense. Savages are just hungrier. That was all. You do horrible things to survive. Anyone who believes that they are above that is delusional.
I ordered a cheeseburger and a beer from a waitress who looked as though she wanted to be in one of those want-to-get-away? commercials. She called me hon. I love when a waitress calls me hon.
Deine Geburt hat mein Leben verändert. Ich hab mir dein kleines Gesicht angesehen und es kam mir so vor, als ob alles vorher bedeutungslos war.
When you were born, you changed my life. I looked into your little face, and it was like everything that had gone before didn't matter anymore.
Megan Pierce in Wer einmal lügt - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Michael: "Ich bin oft hier gewesen vor ein paar Jahren."
Rudy: "Sie sind sehr grau geworden."
Michael: "Sagt der Glatzkopf."
Rudy: "Die Glatze ist Absicht. Die rasiere ich."
Rudy: "Sie sind sehr grau geworden."
Michael: "Sagt der Glatzkopf."
Rudy: "Die Glatze ist Absicht. Die rasiere ich."
Michael: "I used to come in here a lot some years ago."
Rudy: "You've gone very gray."
Michael: "Says the bald man."
Rudy: "This is choice bald. I shave it."
Rudy: "You've gone very gray."
Michael: "Says the bald man."
Rudy: "This is choice bald. I shave it."
Wer einmal lügt - Staffel 1 Episode 1
And bad stays. Bad doesn't go away. You bury bad, it digs itself out. You throw bad in the middle of the ocean, it comes back at you like a tidal wave.
"Terrific," Simon said. "The psychos are on my side."
You want people lined up, Will. You want the good guys on one side, the bad on the other. It doesn't work that way, does it? It is never that simple. Love, for example, leads to hate. I think that was what started it all. Primitive love.
She dabbed her eye. A sarcastic rejoinder came to my lips, but I bit it back.
Kids don't do what their parents say - they do what they see their parents do. So who was to blame here?
Sure, on a larger scale, it was healthy to have people out there you cared about more than yourself. She knew that. But then there was the abject fear you would lose it. They say possessions own you. Not so. Loved ones own you. You are forever held hostage once you care so much.
Survival is the thing. The mind will twist to survive. Anything can become normal.
This was a place where tattoos outnumbered teeth.
Walk until the darkness is a memory, and you become the sun on the next traveler's horizon.
Kobe Bryant in Training Camp