Zitate und Sprüche von Kat Hernandez

Zitate und Sprüche von Kat Hernandez
There's nothing more powerful than a fat girl who doesn't give a f.
I wish my mental problems made me look like you.
You know, it's one thing for my classmates to body shame me, but for you, Principal Hayes, that's just a whole other thing. It's degrading. It's discriminatory. And it just goes to show how insidious, and systemic body terrorism truly is in this country.

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I'm just saying, love is a million things.
The beautiful thing about getting high is that time ceases to exist.
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Real love is when you can't exist without someone, when you'd rather die than be apart. And the whole world goes dark and nothing else matters but the person standing in front of you.
You gonna ruin my life? I f'ing promise you I can do that a lot better than you can!
I feel like you ruined me forever.
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I don't know what kind of fed up sht you got going inside of your head. I don't know how to help, but I could tell you one thing: This drug sht - it's not the answer.
I don't take nothin' a drug addict says personally. 'Cause I don't believe nothin' a drug addict say.
When you're younger, everything feels so permanent. But as you get older, you begin to realize nothing is and everyone you love can drift away.
All I know is, life is not a Nicholas Sparks novel.
Elliot: "I'm not sure it's a good thing we met."
Rue: "What are you talking about? You're my new favorite person."
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If I could be a different person, I promise you, I would. Not 'cause I want it, but 'cause they do.
Whenever I feel good I think it will last forever. But it's not like that.
That's the thing with guys like Nate. They don't actually want a person. They want something they can own and possess.
Sometimes two people in the universe who aren't meant for each other find each other.
Honey, it's just the way your brain was hardwired. Plenty of great, intelligent, funny, interesting, and creative people have struggled with the same things you struggle with.
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The absolute worst part of depression is that even though you know you're depressed, You're unable to stop yourself from getting worse.
Hello heart... thought I'd lost ya.
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It's not even the lies that hurt, you know? It's the fact that you're never really emotionally prepared for someone to leave you.
And at some point you make a choice about who you are and what you want.
I feel like I've framed my entire womanhood around men.
In my head, it's like If I can conquer men, then I can conquer femininity.
I want you to wanna kiss me so bad that you don't even ask.
The universe is just out here giving like zero fs.
Maddy Perez in Euphoria - Staffel 1 Episode 4
I'll never find that kind of love. There's just no darkness. It's just sweet. I don't know if that would ever be enough for me.
It's not like anyone's 100% straight or 100% gay.
I feel like love is super dark and no one ever talks about it.
I keep making mistakes and not learning from them.
Maybe people are nostalgic about high school 'cause it's, like, the last time in their life that they get to dream.
Talkin' to you was one of the best parts of my whole year.
Damn, Lexi. You're f'ing fearless.
It's a new year, playboy.
The farther you go, the sharper their blade. Just don't ever give them an opening.
It's not just football. It's life.
You may have won the game, but you lost control of the team.
Because you're so broken you don't even trust yourself. And that's scary.
At night, I fall asleep to you, and in the morning, I wake up to you. I kind of feel closer to you than I do anyone in the world.
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
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Cells couldn't multiply without this, the IKEA instruction manual for life, DNA. DNA is tiny yet comlex, like Tom Cruise.
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