The government was beholden to the NRA, and the NRA's power stemmed from one oft-debated sentence written at a time when guns were muskets and lightning was witchcraft, the Second Amendment.
Juni 2017
Regardless of our differences, this was still New York. A melting pot crammed onto an island, then pushed into a subway car with a rat eating pizza. You're not left or right. You're a New f*cking Yorker and we're in this together.
The Daily Show - Debates Anti-Vax Mandate Protesters in NYC
Klepper: "What does that mean, 'Their DNA is wiped out'?"
Anti-Vax protester: "Like, their immunity is getting wiped out."
Klepper: "Okay, 'cause COVID wiped out 600.000 DNAs."
Anti-Vax protester: "Yes, of course!"
Anti-Vax protester: "Like, their immunity is getting wiped out."
Klepper: "Okay, 'cause COVID wiped out 600.000 DNAs."
Anti-Vax protester: "Yes, of course!"
The Daily Show - Debates Anti-Vax Mandate Protesters in NYC
I know Liberals and Conservatives don't agree on much. But can we agree that you should not own a gun, if you don't know how to poop in a potty?
The Daily Show - April 2023
Trump Supporter: "It's an American ideal that we treat women with respect."
Klepper: "You gotta give me the back of that shirt one more time, that's too much fun."
Trump Supporter: "Trump that b*tch!"
Klepper: "Ha ha, we don't even see the irony of it... I love it."
Klepper: "You gotta give me the back of that shirt one more time, that's too much fun."
Trump Supporter: "Trump that b*tch!"
Klepper: "Ha ha, we don't even see the irony of it... I love it."
The Daily Show - Trump Supporter Ideology Test
Trump Supporter: "The regular couple... they work so hard, you know, and the gay couple they want more."
Klepper: "When you say 'more', do you mean 'equal'?"
Trump Supporter: "Yeah, they want equal."
Klepper: "And that's just too much?"
Klepper: "When you say 'more', do you mean 'equal'?"
Trump Supporter: "Yeah, they want equal."
Klepper: "And that's just too much?"
The Daily Show - Trump Supporter Ideology Test
Trump Supporter: "The presidency is a man's job. A female has more hormones. She could start a war in 10 seconds."
Klepper: "Haven't all wars been started by men?"
Klepper: "Haven't all wars been started by men?"
The Daily Show - Trump Supporter Ideology Test
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You don't need to show up like a SWAT Team to rescue a Barbie from a little girl. If anything, you should be rescuing the little girl from the Barbie. Should be getting there like, "little girl, watch out! That Barbie can give you a warped sense of what a woman's body is supposed to be!"
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All the teams in the NBA will not be playing basketball on Election Day. And the Knicks were like, "Oh, no problem we don't play basketball every day, that's just what we do."
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - August 2022
The NBA has announced that they will not be playing any games on election day and instead will encourage their fans to go and vote. I will say though, not to sound cynical but, if the Timberwolves game is what was keeping you from voting maybe... yeah.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - August 2022
You're gonna move the ocean into the desert? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, unless they do it while Burning Man is happening. In which case, go for it. Please take a bath, you dirty hippies!
Crypto is crashing even harder, with Bitcoin plummeting 67% from its high, which I found really interesting. Because for, like, the past ten years, every single crypto bro I've met has told me that crypto would protect me when the mainstream economy failed.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - Juni 2022
Usually, when Boris Johnson takes a position, the opposite position is the right one. That's why his hair is always like, "Wherever he goes, I'm going the other way."
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - Juni 2022
I'm just curious about how you even know when Rudy Giuliani is drunk. No, because when a normal person is drunk, they say crazy things, they yell, they sweat a lot. So how does that work with Rudy? Does it work in reverse? Like, does he start talking normally, his hair die sucks back into his hair?
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - Juni 2022
If you dare as an organization to certify the cancellation of the McRib, I will not accept those results. I'm gonna get a group of people together and we're going to travel and we're going to march down to McDonald's headquarters. We're going to McDonald's the first week of January to start the year off with a bang.
It's the 4th of July, that time of year when Americans who don't watch MSNBC, celebrate the nation's birthday.
Don't stereotype Asian people. Also, there's a good chance they're doctors, so they can help you out if you are worried.
I love getting in a Halloween spirit. I buy candy, and when trick-or-treaters come to my door, I eat it in their faces, to show that nothing in life is free!
Do you know how bad that coffee has to be to to be considered a health risk in New York? This is the same city where pizza gets delivered by a rat!
If you wanna spend money to have a shitty night, just go on a Tinder date: "Oh, wow. That's so interesting. I've never met anyone who likes to travel before."
Das Metaverse wird von Microsoft und Facebook gebaut, also weiß man von Anfang an, dass es sau langweilig werden wird.
Close contact with disgusting creatures that may touch you? That's not a haunted house. That's a sleepover at Jeffrey Epstein's place.
Don't point fingers on the internet, because the internet will finger you right back.
They're tricking kids into building their own playground. And I gotta tell you, this exact same thing happened to me back home in Asia, and by the time we were done "playing", we had finished a whole new line of Nike's.
Ich stehe zwischen den Lagern. Zwischen dem Recht, Waffen zu besitzen und der öffentlichen Sicherheit.
Why can't we us thoughts and prayers to protect the border? It's what we use to protect our schools.
Wenn ich nur ein Prozent des Geldes hätte, das weltweit für Rüstung ausgegeben wird, müsste kein Mensch auf der Welt hungrig zu Bett gehen.
Arzt: "Natürliche Todesursache?"
Niko: "Klar. Eine Kugel im Kopf ist in dieser Stadt wohl die natürlichste aller Todesursachen."
Niko: "Klar. Eine Kugel im Kopf ist in dieser Stadt wohl die natürlichste aller Todesursachen."
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Torsten Sträter - Als ich in meinem Alter war
1Ich sitz' manchmal da und denke, "hey, wenn die jetzt merken, dass ich gar keinen Plan hab." Ganz oft. Ich hab keinen Plan, was ich hier mach. Dann stellt mir irgendwer ne Frage und dann antworte ich und dann lacht vielleicht jemand und ich denk, "krass, hat funktioniert, schon 10 Jahre rum."
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Für mich ist das nicht ungewöhnlich, dass ich nen Gag mache und keiner lacht. Damit verdiene ich mein Geld.
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Da bin ich, Gott sei Dank, ja jetzt nicht unbedingt so'n mentaler Intercity. Also, bis ich kapiert hab, was er dort macht, da war's schon wieder vorbei.
Olaf Schubert in LOL: Last One Laughing Germany - Staffel 3 Episode 1
Ich bin nur ein kleiner Friesenjunge
Und ich wohne hinterm Deich
Ja, Ostfriesland ist ein schönes Land
Wie die Schweiz und Österreich
Bin ein Friesenjung, bin ein kleiner Friesenjung und
Bin ein Friesenjung, bin ein Friesen-, Friesenjung
Bin ein Friesenjung, bin ein kleiner Friesenjung
Und ich wohne hinterm Deich
Und ich wohne hinterm Deich
Ja, Ostfriesland ist ein schönes Land
Wie die Schweiz und Österreich
Bin ein Friesenjung, bin ein kleiner Friesenjung und
Bin ein Friesenjung, bin ein Friesen-, Friesenjung
Bin ein Friesenjung, bin ein kleiner Friesenjung
Und ich wohne hinterm Deich
Otto Waalkes - Friesenjung, Album: denk mal drüber nach
Stärke heißt nicht immer nur, alles allein zu machen und physisch stark zu sein. Es gibt einfach Sachen, die kann man nicht alleine lösen.
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Hazel Brugger in Feelings
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Wenn du jeden Tag einen Apfel isst, dann isst du jeden Tag einen Apfel. Das ist ein gutes Rezept zum Apfelessen.
Helge Schneider - Chez Krömer vom 13.12.2021
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Man kriegt das immer wieder mit - sehr viele deutsche Kinder sind zu dick. Und das Problem ist aber, häufig sind sie gleichzeitig auch noch zu blöd. Eine ganz schlechte Kombination - dick und doof... das waren früher immer zwei.
Wir brauchen dringend 'nen 3. Weltkrieg. Guido Knopp ist mit den ersten beiden fast fertig.
Ein Christ, der einem Atheist sagt, dass er in die Hölle kommt, ist in etwa so angsteinflößend wie ein Kind, das einem Erwachsenen sagt, dass er keine Geschenke vom Weihnachtsmann bekommt.
Wenn man alles verliert, ist man endlich frei.
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