More ghosts have been created in bedrooms than anywhere else.
Lockwood & Co. - 4: Das Flammende Phantom
She was so radiant, it was like the other-light was already on her.
Lockwood & Co. - 1: Die Seufzende Wendeltreppe
It's a curious thing with George. With his glasses off, his eyes looked small and weak - blinky and a bit baffled, like an unintelligent sheep that's taken a wrong turn. But when he put them on again, they went all sharp and steely, more like the eyes of an eagle that eats dumb sheep for breakfast.
Lockwood & Co. - 1: Die Seufzende Wendeltreppe
Okay, maybe I'd been a little ratty, but there's something about rotting corpses leaping at my face that puts me a bit on edge.
Lockwood & Co. - 2: Der Wispernde Schädel
"Is mindless violence your solution to everything?" The ghost considered. "Pretty much, yeah."
Lockwood & Co. - 3: Die Raunende Maske