Zitate und Sprüche von Joey Wheeler

Zitate und Sprüche von Joey Wheeler
Ich weiß, dass es schwer ist, wenn man gute Freunde verliert, aber man wird sie niemals vergessen.
My treasure… you can see it, but you can not! So I can't show it to you! It's friendship! We can see it in each other, but you can't see courage itself, right?

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It will do no good to fight with hate in your heart!
If there is the will, then there is hope.
The past is gone, you can not change it! But the future is based on the decision you make.
My friends are never a waste of time.
The gift of kindness you've given and the courage I've given you will remain with us, and that will forever bind us together.
No matter how dark things may get, the special bond I share with my friends will always find a way to shine through. I may be scared, but that fear won't keep me from dueling.
Yugi may have lost one lousy Duel Monsters game, but at least he hasn't lost his heart! Not like you - you've spent so much time with your machines, you've forgotten what being human is about! Yugi has a heart, Kaiba. Yugi has us. And what about you, Seto Kaiba? What do you have at the end of the day?
If you can't understand the darkness in your opponent's heart, you will never understand the pain and suffering of others.
When we first met, you set my heart ablaze. When I see you, all I can do is gaze. Gaze at the beauty and wonder that is you. The constellation Gemini will make me think of me and you. You are my Yami and I am your Hikari. I love you, my Yami. Now and forever.
I wish for friends. Friends who would never betray me, no matter what. And friends whom I would never betray.
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