Zitate und Sprüche von Jeanne d'Arc

Zitate und Sprüche von Jeanne d'Arc

I am not afraid... I was born to do this.
One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.
I was in my thirteenth year when I heard a voice from God to help me govern my conduct. And the first time I was very much afraid.

Zitate und Sprüche über Jeanne d'Arc

Susan, I speak French, but that does not make me Joan of Arc.
Doris Walker in Das Wunder von Manhattan

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Was ist schlimmer: Eine Wahrheit die eine Träne entlockt, oder eine Lüge, die ein Lächeln entlockt?
Bryan Bedford in Das Wunder von Manhattan
Wenn Sie überhaupt nichts allein durch Glauben anerkennen, dann sind sie verurteilt zu einem Leben, das von Zweifeln beherrscht wird.
Kris Kringle in Das Wunder von Manhattan
Oh, Christmas isn't just a day, it's a frame of mind... and that's what's been changing. That's why I'm glad I'm here, maybe I can do something about it.
Kris Kringle in Das Wunder von Manhattan
Faith is believing when common sense tells you not to. Don't you see? It's not just Kris that's on trial, it's everything he stands for. It's kindness and joy and love and all the other intangibles.
Bailiff: "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
Kris Kringle: "Yes, but don't I put my hand on a Bible?"
Bailiff: "No, sir, you don't."
Kris Kringle: "Well, I'll put my hand on my heart instead."
Kris Kringle in Das Wunder von Manhattan
Look Doris, someday you're going to find that your way of facing this realistic world just doesn't work. And when you do, don't overlook those lovely intangibles. You'll discover those are the only things that are worthwhile.
If you're really Santa Claus, you can get it for me. And if you can't, you're only a nice man with a white beard, like mother says.
Susan Walker in Das Wunder von Manhattan
I believe... I believe... It's silly, but I believe!
Susan Walker in Das Wunder von Manhattan
Now wait a minute, Susie. Just because every child can't get his wish that doesn't mean there isn't a Santa Claus.
Kris Kringle in Das Wunder von Manhattan
By filling them full of fairy tales they grow up considering life a fantasy instead of reality.
Doris Walker in Das Wunder von Manhattan
For the past 50 years or so I've been getting more and more worried about Christmas. Seems we're all so busy trying to beat the other fellow in making things go faster and look shinier and cost less that Christmas and I are sort of getting lost in the shuffle.
Kris Kringle in Das Wunder von Manhattan
Doris: "Would you please tell her that you're not really Santa Claus, that actually is no such person?"
Kris Kringle: "Well, I hate to disagree with you, but not only is there such a person, but here I am to prove it."
Kris Kringle in Das Wunder von Manhattan
Mr. Collins, I hope you've taken down that old TV antenna. I ripped my pants on it last year.
Kris Kringle in Das Wunder von Manhattan
Mrs. Mara: "Sometimes I wish I married a butcher or a plumber."
Attorney: "My dear, if I lose this hearing, you may very well get your wish."
Your Honor, every one of these letters is addressed to Santa Claus. The Post Office has delivered them. Therefore the Post Office Department, a branch of the Federal Government, recognizes this man, Kris Kringle, to be the one and only Santa Claus.
All my life I've wondered something, and now's my chance to find out. I'm going to find the answer to a question that's puzzled the world for centuries. Does Santa Claus sleep with his whiskers outside or in?
Charles Halloran: "All right, you go back and tell them that the New York State Supreme Court rules there's no Santa Claus. It's all over the papers. The kids read it and they don't hang up their stockings. Now what happens to all the toys that are supposed to be in those stockings? Nobody buys them. The toy manufacturers are going to like that; so they have to lay off a lot of their employees, union employees. Now you got the CIO and the AF of L against you and they're going to adore you for it and they're going to say it with votes. Oh, and the department stores are going to love you too and the Christmas card makers and the candy companies. Ho ho. Henry, you're going to be an awful popular fella. And what about the Salvation Army? Why, they got a Santa Claus on every corner, and they're taking a fortune. But you go ahead Henry, you do it your way. You go on back in there and tell them that you rule there is no Santy Claus. Go on. But if you do, remember this: you can count on getting just two votes, your own and that district attorney's out there."
Henry Harper: "The District Attorney's a Republican."
Delling: "Woran liegt das, dass er kein Tor schießt?"
Netzer: "Woran das liegt? Er trifft das Tor nicht!"
Delling: "Super, dafür haben wir einen Experten."
Sie sind der Experte – Betonung liegt auf Ex.
Die Luft, die nie drin war, ist raus aus dem Spiel.
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Dein Publikum liebt dich nicht wirklich. Sie lieben es, von dir unter­halten zu werden. Das ist wie beim Basket­ball­spieler, wenn du einen Korb wirfst, kreischt das Publikum. Wenn du nicht triffst, wenden sie sich ab.
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KI verändert die Welt. Wenn wir es richtig machen, zum Guten.
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