Zitate und Sprüche von Jim Nantz

Zitate und Sprüche von Jim Nantz

James William Nantz III (* 17. Mai 1959) ist ein amerikanischer Sportkommentator, der für CBS Sports seit den 1980er Jahren Spiele der NFL, NBA, NCAA und PGA Tour moderiert.

Wide right. The two most dreaded words in Buffalo have surfaced again.
Januar 2024 während Bills v Chiefs
Lanny Wadkins: "I understand that Clark relaxed last night by seeing the movie Snakes on a Plane."
Jim Nantz: "Yes, and now he has to worry about a Tiger on the course."
2006 Master's Golf Tournament
I don't like hot takes any more than I like hot cakes.
I call golf with my head and my heart. I don't have any notes in front of me - it's different from basketball and football in that feel.
The broadcasting industry definitely has changed, and I'm talking about young broadcasters who come along today, they really feel like they have to do something that's outlandish to make them stand out. They have to say something provocative that maybe they don't even really truly believe in their heart and, it's not really what their beliefs are, but they're going to sacrifice their beliefs to try to do something to gain attention.
A man's word and his intestinal fortitude are two of the most honorable virtues known to mankind.
There are two things you don't do: One, you don't open an e-mail from Phil Simms in front of your kids, and, two, you don't jinx a man going for a perfect week.
The 'mecca of college basketball is in Storrs, Connecticut.
You know, I'm a total perfectionist, and I labor over trying to get things right. Whether we're putting together an opening for the Masters broadcast or when I was writing with my friend Eli Stillman a book about my dad called "Always By My Side", I'm always trying to find a way to do something better.
My father used to look at people and he treated everyone with such respect, and he always believed that he would rather trust you face on and be disappointed perhaps down the road, be disappointed some of the time rather than never to trust someone, never to believe in someone, and alas, be disappointed all the time. There's a big difference there.
I'm blessed to have great friends, and there are a lot of men in my life who've been more than just friends.
April 2005
I don't look at the world through a prism of sarcasm. Anything I do, I take things face on. I tell you how I feel, and what you hear on the air is what I'm feeling. I'm not going to try to fake it, create synthetic drama. I'm just going to be myself.
The Super Bowl is the biggest event in America, the biggest event in television. The preparation and all of the behind-the-scenes detail is immense.
Super Bowl V was the Colts against the Cowboys and Jim O'Brien kicked a 32 yard field goal to beat the Cowboys. I was traumatized by it. Everyone at school knew I was the only Cowboy fan in the area. I didn't want to go to school and I begged and pleaded with my parents. Those are indelible memories when you are a kid.
I loved Tom Landry and Roger Staubach.

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Let's get these motherf*ckin' snakes off this motherf*ckin' plane!
Samuel Jackson in Snakes on a Plane
Grün und Schwarz passen gut zusammen, oder?
Green and black go well together, don't they?
My dad was my best friend and greatest role model. He was an amazing dad, coach, mentor, soldier, husband and friend.
Hockey ist ein Sport für weiße Männer. Basketball ist ein Sport für schwarze Männer. Golf ist ein Sport für weiße Männer, die sich wie schwarze Zuhälter kleiden.
Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps.
Winning is not always the barometer of getting better.
The Denver Broncos are all child molesters.
Of course it looks bad when you're not executing. When things go bad, it's not going to look good.
Remember, for it to be a forward pass, it's got to go forward.
So many QBs throw the ball down the field, that's wrong. Watch Aaron Rodgers throw it up the field.
Football ist für Texas, was die Religion für den Priester ist.
Football is to Texas what religion is to a priest.
Ein Gewinner hört nie auf, es zu versuchen.
A winner never stops trying.
Ich habe gelernt, dass jede Niederlage konstruktiv genutzt werden kann.
I've learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.
Ab heute hast du noch 100% deines restlichen Lebens übrig.
Today, you have 100% of your life left.
Es gibt keine Staus entlang der Extrameile.
There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.
Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking short cuts.
Gewinnen heißt nicht, besser zu sein als andere, sondern besser zu sein als man selbst.
Winning isn't getting ahead of others, it is getting ahead of yourself.
All of us get knocked down, but it's resiliency that really matters. All of us do well when things are going well, but the thing that distinguishes athletes is the ability to do well in times of great stress, urgency and pressure.
Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills.
Chris Berman - Oktober 2008
Marty: "Wir könnten nach Connecticut fahren"
Alex: "Was bekommt man denn in Connecticut?"
Melman: "Zeckenbisse!"
We're not done, dawg, I want three!
Patrick Mahomes - Februar 2024, zum Super Bowl Sieg der Chiefs
Die haben eine gute Defense, aber wir haben eine sehr gute Offense.
I mean, they got a good defense, but we got a really good offense.
Jordan Love (als Spieler bei den Green Bay Packers) - Januar 2024, nach Sieg gegen die Cowboys
Walk until the darkness is a memory, and you become the sun on the next traveler's horizon.
Kobe Bryant in Training Camp
Ich bin bei denen, die Rassismus und Gewalt gegenüber farbigen Menschen in unserem Land anprangern. Es reicht.
I stand with those who are calling out the ingrained racism and violence toward people of color in our country. We have had enough.
Michael Jordan - Juni 2020
Ich waren gestern in einem Restaurant, als ein Typ auf mich zukam und sagte, "du bist doch Rik Smits?"
Nicht ganz, aber ich ich weiß sein Basketballwissen zu schätzen...
Walked into a restaurant yesterday and guy comes up and says: "Aren't you Rik Smits?"
Not quite but I appreciated his hoops knowledge…
Dirk Nowitzki - Dezember 2023
Wir haben einfach Bronze geholt letztes Jahr, dieses Jahr Goldmedaille - ich will nichts mehr über meinen Namen hören.
Dennis Schröder - September 2023, zum WM-Titel Deutschlands
Ihr seid bessere Menschen, als ihr Spieler seid... und das heißt eine Menge!
You guys are better people than players - that means a lot!
Gordon Herbert - September 2023, zum WM-Titel Deutschlands
Wir haben uns von einem beschissenen Team zu einer der besten Dynastien aller Zeiten entwickelt. Alles was es brauchte, war ein kleiner Funke, um das Feuer zu entfachen.
We went from a shitty team to one of the all-time best dynasties. All you needed was one little match to start that whole fire.
Sorgen macht man sich nur wenn man an sich zweifelt. Wir zweifeln nicht.
You're only concerned if you know you don't have it. We have it.
LeBron James - Olympia 2012 - nach Vorrundenspiel gegen Argentinien
Das Spiel ist vorbei! Deutschland ist Basketball Weltmeister! Es ist die größte Leistung des deutschen Basketballverbandes in seiner Geschichte. Es ist eine Mannschaft, die in die Ewigkeit eingehen wird.
Sebastian Ulrich - September 2023, nach Sieg gegen Serbien
Schach ist ein ständiger Kampf zwischen meinem Verlangen, nicht zu verlieren und meinem Verlangen, nicht zu denken.

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