Indianapolis Colts - Die besten Zitate und Sprüche

Indianapolis Colts - Die besten Zitate und Sprüche
Ich beende meine Karriere als ein Football Spieler, der an der University of Tennessee, bei den Colts und bei den Broncos gespielt hat und sich dafür sehr glücklich schätzt.
I'm retiring as a football player from the University of Tennessee who played for the Colts and the Broncos and was very lucky to have played for all of them.
Ich war fast mein ganzes Leben lang ein Colt, aber im Leben und im Sport hält nichts für immer. Die Zeiten ändern sich, die Umstände ändern sich. Das ist die Realität der NFL.
I've been a Colt for almost all of my adult life, but I guess in life, and in sports, we all know nothing lasts forever. Times change, circumstances change, and that's the reality of playing in the NFL.
In this house we say "please", "thank you", and "Go Colts!"
Frag mich nicht, wieso ich Colts Fan bin. Frag dich selbst, wieso du keiner bist!
Don't ask me why I'm a Colts fan. Ask yourself why you're not!
I was born a Colts fan and I will die a Colts fan.
Welches Football Team ist das beste und warum sind es die Indianapolis Colts?
Which Football team is the best and why is it the Indianapolis Colts?
Wie nennt man 53 Millionäre, die um den Fernseher sitzen und sich den Super Bowl anschauen?
Die Indianapolis Colts!
What do you call 53 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl?
The Indianapolis Colts!

Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen

Es gibt andere Spieler, die talentierter sind als ich, aber es gibt keinen, der besser vorbereitet ist.
There are other players who were more talented, but there is no one who could out-prepare me.
Wenn man hart arbeitet und gut spielt, verstummen die Kritiker ziemlich schnell.
If you work hard and you play well, all of those critics will quiet themselves pretty quickly.
Es dauert 20 Jahre, um sich einen Ruf aufzubauen, und 5 Minuten, um ihn zu ruinieren.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.
Der wertvollste Spieler auf dem Platz ist der, der den meisten Wert aus seinen Mitspielern heraus holt.
The most valuable player is the one who makes the most players valuable.
Ich bin keine 23 mehr. Aber die Defensive Ends und Linebacker, die mich jagen, sind es. Wenn ich mich zwischen Jugend und Erfahrung entscheiden müsste, würde ich immer die Erfahrung nehmen.
I'm not 23 anymore. But the defensive ends and linebackers chasing me are. If I had to choose between youth and experience, I'd take experience every time.
I think I could describe the perfect quarterback. Take a little piece of everybody. Take John Elway's arm, Dan Marino's release, maybe Troy Aikman's drop-back, Brett Favre's scrambling ability, Joe Montana's two-minute poise, and, naturally, my speed.
Santa: "You're interviewing to become Santa Claus."
Manning: "Yes, I can't wait to rub this in Brady's face."
Ich habe nie vorgehabt, als Quarterback in der NFL zu spielen. Ich wollte einfach ein guter Highschool Spieler sein und habe hart dafür gearbeitet. Dadurch war ich gut genug, um in der College Mannschaft zu spielen. Während dem College habe ich gut genug gespielt, um den Sprung in die NFL zu schaffen. Ich habe nichts für selbstverständlich genommen und habe auf jedem Level hart gearbeitet.
I was never on a mission to be an NFL quarterback. I wanted to be a good high school player, and I worked hard at that. That made me good enough to play in college and then I wanted to be a good college quarterback. During college, I played well enough to make it into the NFL. I never took it for granted and really wanted to play hard at each level and I have always had a lot of fun doing what I wanted to do.
To me, breakfast is my most important meal. It's often the meal you play a game on. I make sure I have oatmeal, milk, and fruit. It's the fuel you use to hopefully do your best, so eating right is a big part of being a professional athlete. I wish I paid more attention to it earlier in my life.
I remember playing a high school basketball game where I didn't eat anything for breakfast. I ate, you know, like a PB and J and some chips for lunch and nothing before the game. I didn't make it through the first quarter. I wish I hadn't have learned that way, but it did leave a lasting impression.
I just grow a terrible mustache, so I try to use my neckbeard as a substitute. And when I get lazy, I don't shave that often.
Breakfast is so important, so I'll make an omelet with cheese and deli meats, and then I'll eat muesli and yogurt mixed with fruit or oatmeal with fruit - and then a side of baked beans.
The sweetest thing we ever had was, like, animal crackers in the pantry. I think my parents sort of passively made sure that we didn't have a lot of junk food at our disposal, and I think that helped me and all my siblings growing up with how to approach nutrition and eating right.
Ich war ein böses Kind, das immer in eine Menge verrückte Dinge verstrickt war.
I was a bad kid, getting into a lot of wild stuff.
Our idea of fun wasn't going to Disney World. It was, you want to play basketball, go outside, and make a goal. You want to play baseball? Take the old broom, take the handle off, take a tennis ball that we found somewhere, and go play baseball. We were forced to create things.
I understand Pat Mahomes is off to a good start. I'm not ready to crown him four games into his career, but he's definitely playing well.
Momma told me, 'I'm going to town. Don't touch the trash in the backyard,' because we used to burn our trash. So I'm going to do mama a favor. I light the trash and go back inside to watch Ohio State and LSU play. And something said, 'You know what, at halftime, go check on it.' And fire is about 8 feet from the back door.
Wenn man im Football einen Hit einsteckt, hat man zwei Optionen: Man bleibt liegen oder man steht verdammt nochmal wieder auf. Ich weiß, dass in diesem Team Kämpfer spielen. Ich weiß, dass sie wieder aufstehen werden.
When you get hit in football, you got two options: You can stay down or you can get the F up. I know this group as fighters. I know this group will get up.
Nick Sirianni (als Coach der Philadelphia Eagles) - Januar 2024
Wenn die anderen es könnten, würden sie es auch machen.
If everybody could do it, everybody would do it.
Nick Sirianni (als Coach der Philadelphia Eagles) - Oktober 2023, zum "Brotherly Shove"
Philadelphia ist eine Arbeiterstadt und das zeigt sich auch in unserem Team. Wir haben toughe Typen. Typen, die jederzeit füreinander einstehen.
Philadelphia is a hard working city. It's a blue-collar city and we tend to think that's the type of team we have. We got tough guys everywhere, we have guys who give it up for each other everywhere.
Nick Sirianni - Januar 2023, zum NFC Titel der Eagles
Jalen Hurts da draußen zu haben, ist, als hätte man Michael Jordan auf dem Feld stehen. Er ist ein Anführer. Er bringt eine bestimmte Ruhe in das ganze Team.
To have Jalen Hurts out there is like having Michael Jordan out there. This guy leads. He brings this calmness to the entire team.
Nick Sirianni - Januar 2023, nach Sieg gegen die Giants
Wir gewinnen zusammen. Wir feiern zusammen. Und wir unterstützen uns zusammen. Alle sind zusammen. Zusammen, zusammen. Keiner hat den anderen enttäuscht. Offense, Defense, Coaches, alle. Wir stecken da zusammen drin, die Teams die zusammen durch Hochs und Tiefs gehen, sind die Teams, die weiter zusammen wachsen.
We win together. We celebrate together, and we pick each other up together. Everything's together. Together, together, together. There wasn't one phase that let one phase down. It was offense, defense, coaching, everything. We're in this together and the teams that stick together through the ups and downs of the season are the teams that continue to grow together.
Nick Sirianni - Dezember 2022
Wir spielen füreinander, das ist unsere größte Motivation.
We're playing for each other, and that's our greatest motivation.
Nick Sirianni - Oktober 2022
I'm gonna drop 18 on his head. And I'm gonna call him Eli after I do it.
What did Tennessee?
Same thing Arkansas.
The Denver Broncos are all child molesters.
Scott Hanson: "If it comes down to it, Brock. It's late in the fourth quarter, are you prepared to disappoint Taylor Swift?"
Brock Purdy: "Yes."
Brock Purdy - Februar 2024, Super Bowl LVIII Opening Night
We're not done, dawg, I want three!
Patrick Mahomes - Februar 2024, zum Super Bowl Sieg der Chiefs
Ich mag Football. Es ist ein aufregendes, strategisches Spiel. Und eine tolle Möglichkeit, Gesprächen mit der Familie an Thanksgiving aus dem Weg zu gehen.
I like football. I find its an exciting strategic game. Its a great way to avoid conversation with your family at Thanksgiving.
Wir müssen nicht sagen, dass wir die Besten sind. Unsere 5 Ringe sagen das für uns.
We don't have to say we're great. Our 5 rings say it for us.
It's definitely a blessing, but you don't think about it a ton, because once you win the AFC Championship game - now you're in the Super Bowl and you're focused on that game.
Harrison Butker - Februar 2024
Quick funny story: I threw a touchdown to this dude to end the game. And he looked at me and he had no idea. I said, "Dude, we just won the Super Bowl!"
Patrick Mahomes - Februar 2024, zum Super Bowl Sieg der Chiefs
Offensiv läuft da nur die Nase, sonst gar nix.
Es war ein langes Jahr bis hierhin und wir haben es heute geschafft. Wir können es nicht abwarten, nach Vegas zu kommen!
It's been a long year to get to this point and we got it done today. We can't wait to get to Vegas!
Kyle Shanahan - Januar 2024, nach Sieg gegen die Lions

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