If you can't see where you're supposed to go ahead of you, then look the opposite way.
Our loss today will connect us to victory tomorrow.
Endou Mamoru - Episode 36
Let's run like the wind together.
You can't win without good defense.
If I stay here, nothing about me will change.
Being perfect doesn't mean I had to become Atsuya. It was to fight alongside my friends... to become one with them!
If you spit on the heavens, they'll only come back to rain on you.
I'll become perfect through this match. For everyone's sake, I have to!
This is super-dimensional soccer.
On Earth, there aren't any allies or enemies when the match is over.
Why am I sitting here? I chose to stay with the Captain and the others so I could become perfect.
Coach please let me play in this match!
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A gray heron once told me that all gray herons are liars. So, is that the truth or a lie?
Kenne dich selbst und kenne deine Gegner, dann hast du den Schlüssel zum Sieg in der Hand.
Know yourself, know your adversary, and you hold the key to victory.
Ash Ketchum in Pokémon - Staffel 1 Episode 7
7Ich habe nur immer wieder bereut, was ich nicht getan habe.
I've only ever regretted the things I didn't do.
Atsushi Nakajima in Bungo Stray Dogs - Staffel 2 Episode 7
2Wenn sich einmal die Wege gekreuzt haben, vergisst man das nie. Es kann nur sein, dass man sich nicht daran erinnert.
Once you meet someone, you never really forget them. It just takes a while for your memory to come back to you.
Zeniba in Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland
2Diese Welt ist erbarmungslos, aber gleichzeitig unfassbar schön.
This world is merciless, and it's also very beautiful.
Man sagt, dass das beste Feuer am hellsten leuchtet, wenn die Umstände am schlimmsten sind.
They say that the best blaze burns brightest, when circumstances are at their worst.
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1We can never make up for our own misfortune unless we collect it from the blessed.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Staffel 3
1I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I want to be needed by someone and to be told that it is okay for me to live. To be important to someone.
Yuta Okkotsu in Jujutsu Kaisen - 0
1Egal welche Lügen du auftischst, dein eigenes Herz kannst du nicht täuschen.
No matter what lies you tell, you can't fool your own heart.
Schwach zu sein bedeutet, dass es Raum zum Wachsen gibt.
Being weak means that there is room to grow.
My wings exist for you. I'm your partner. I'm not going to leave you alone.
Mit ungetrügtem Blick die Wahrheit sehen, das will ich.
Lady Eboshi: "What exactly are you here for?"
Prince Ashitaka: "To see with eyes unclouded by hate."
Prince Ashitaka: "To see with eyes unclouded by hate."
Prinz Ashitaka in Prinzessin Mononoke
1Everybody, try laughing! Then whatever scares you will go away.
Tatsuo Kusakabe in Mein Nachbar Totoro
Du magst mein Herz und meine Seele besitzen, aber eines wirst du nie beherrschen können: Den Stolz eines Saiyajins!
You can take control of my mind and my body, but there is one thing a Saiyan always keeps: his pride!
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
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