Zitate und Sprüche von Emraan Hashmi

Zitate und Sprüche von Emraan Hashmi

Emraan Anwar Hashmi (geboren 24. März 1979 in Mumbai) ist ein indischer Schauspieler, der überwiegend in Hindifilmen erscheint. Er wird der Serien-Küsser genannt, weil es in jedem seiner Filme eine Kussszene zwischen ihm und seiner Partnerin gibt.

Sometimes I know a film might not pull the audience to the theatres and have a great collection at the box office. But I need to do these films for creative satisfaction and give something different to the audience.
The effort always remains that my new film outdoes my last in terms of performance and gets better box office success. Box office is the sole reason why I do films.
I am tired of kissing on screen. I have to do it because it is synonymous with me. Also, the producers and directors want to add that element. I don't give it too much importance.
As an actor, I was not accepted for the longest time. But it did not deter me, as the audience had accepted me. I never compared myself with any other actors. I never had any game plan and took whatever came my way.
My films have a bold interpretation. They are unapologetic about showing intimacy. Going by the number of people who come to watch my films, this is what our target audience yearns for.

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Since I'm serious about a career in Hindi films, I'd have relocate to Mumbai.
Mumbai ist wie Manhatten. Es hat ein bestimmtes Tempo, ein soziales Gefüge und der Nervenkitzel des Beruflebens.
Die Jahrhunderte alte Geschichte und Kultur von Indien, die majestätischen Monumente und Museen von Delhi, Agra und Mumbai haben eine ganz besondere Anziehungskraft.
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