Zitate und Sprüche von Dave Attell

Zitate und Sprüche von Dave Attell

Lustige und sarkastische Zitate von Dave Attell - der beliebte Stand-up Comedian bringt dich zum Lachen! Finde hier seine besten Sprüche!

Welche beiden Dinge sind angeblich am gesündesten? Hühnchen und Fisch. Was solltest du also tun? Kombinier beides, iss einen Pinguin.
I don't think I'm a star or a celebrity or any thing like that.
Doesn't matter what you say or do; people can always find a way to call you a dick.
Yeah, I know, some people are against drunk driving, and I call those people 'the cops.' But you know, sometimes, you've just got no choice; those kids gotta get to school!
You know, men and women are a lot alike in certain situations. Like when they're both on fire - they're exactly alike.

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I quit therapy because my analyst was trying to help me behind my back.
I tried phone sex - it gave me an ear infection.
Beim Sex stelle ich mir immer vor, ich wäre jemand anderes.
I like to read biographies of authors that I love, like Richard Yates. I also like to see what non-fiction authors are out there. My bible is Something Happened. It's one of the greatest books I've ever read. But if I don't read a Dostoevsky soon I'm going to kill myself.
For 45 years I've worked without an audience.
I love being famous. It validates that I have something to say.
My parents were my worst audience.
Hat schon jemals eine große Geschichte angefangen mit den Worten: Wir tranken einen Tee?
Wenn mir einer sagt "Trink nicht so viel", sag ich, "Jaja"! Und was heißt "Jaja" in Hamburg? "Leck mich am Arsch!"
Also ich wüsste jetzt wirklich nicht, was man mit mir machen kann, außer lieb haben. Also, da fällt mir nichts ein.

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