Zitate und Sprüche von Wendell Berry

Zitate und Sprüche von Wendell Berry

Wendell Berry (* 5. August 1934 in Henry County, Kentucky) ist ein US-amerikanischer Essayist, Dichter, Romancier, Umweltaktivist, Kulturkritiker und Landwirt.

The past is our definition. We may strive with good reason to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it. But we will escape it only by adding something better to it.
The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.
Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and she has more votes, a longer memory, and a sterner sense of justice than we do.
I am not bound for any public place, but for ground of my own where I have planted vines and orchard trees, and in the heat of the day climbed up into the healing shadow of the woods.

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Ich habe noch nie jemanden aus Kentucky getroffen, der nicht eine Waffe, Spielkarten und einen Krug mit Whiskey dabei hatte.
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