Zitate und Sprüche von Winston

Zitate und Sprüche von Winston

Bild: Blizzard Entertainment
Mercy: "Winston, are you experiencing any issues with your genetic therapy?"
Winston: "Other than a crippling addiction to peanut butter?"
Lucio: "Hey Winston, alles Banane?"
Winston: "Oh, eine Anspielung auf meinen Gemütszustand unter Zuhilfenahme affentypischer Nahrungsmittel. Nicht lustig!"
Illari: "I didn't know monkeys needed glasses."
Winston: "Actually I'm a gorilla... and a scientist."
Winston: "Hey, Kiriko. Do you do a lot of office work?"
Kiriko: "No, why?"
Winston: "Because you always leave a paper trail!"
Torbjörn: "Winston, still using that feather duster of a gun? How's that working for you?"
Winston: "Why don't you come over here and ask that again?"

Zitate und Sprüche über Winston

Sombra: "Isn't it a little embarassing to get beaten up by a monkey?"
Doomfist: "Have you ever been hit by a giant, genetically engineered gorilla? I could arrange it for you."
Winston: "Overwatch had good reason to shut down your research."
Moira: "I shouldn't be surprised at such a narrow opinion coming from a jumped. Up. Ape."
Winston! You're an animal!

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Moira: "The best mistake one could ever make."
Kiriko: "Yikes... you look cheery."
Moira: "As cheery as you are significant."
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Moira in Overwatch - originally by Oscar Wilde
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Moira in Overwatch - originally by Oscar Wilde
Situational awareness could save your life - I recommend it.
Mercy is for the weak.
Moira in Overwatch - to Mercy
Doomfist: "You are bold to stand against Vishkar on your own."
Lifeweaver: "I'm not alone! The scientific community is on my side."
Doomfist: "It would be wise not to count on that for long."
Zenyatta: "I believe that you could find peace, if you were to search within yourself."
Doomfist: "What is tranquility, but stagnation?"
Wrecking Ball: "How do you keep track of your master plans?"
Doomfist: "True tacticians do not plan. They act... and force others to react."
Doomfist: "A claw hand? Inefficient."
Torbjörn: "Well we can't all have ultra-powerful gauntlets."
Doomfist: "No. You cannot."
Ana: "Youth truly is wasted on the young."
Tracer: "At least statistically, I've wasted less than most."
Orisa: "Tracer, is it wrong for us to operate outside the law?"
Tracer: "That's a difficult question, Orisa. I think there are times when you just have to do what's right."
Genji: "What is it like to have the chance to change the past?"
Tracer: "Sometimes it doesn't want to change."
Doomfist: "I thought I'd taken care of you. You're more resilient than you look."
Tracer: "I've come back from worse."
Nach manchem Gespräch mit einem Menschen hat man das Verlangen, einen Hund zu streicheln, einem Affen zuzunicken oder vor einem Elefanten den Hut zu ziehen.
Der Unterschied zwischen Religionsführern und einem Affen im Urwald, der zufrieden an einer Banane kaut, ist der, dass in dieser Banane mehr Göttlichkeit enthalten ist, als in all denen, die vollgefressen auf die hungernden Kinder in der Welt aufmerksam machen und anschließend mit güldenem Schmuck behangen das gläubige Volk segnen!
Ja, das war eine Banane. Niemand erwartet die Banane.
The tribe said their farewells. Kevin had given them something they hadn't had in a very long time. Hope. Kevin felt pride. He was going to be the one to save his tribe. Stuart felt hungry mostly. He was going to be the one to eat this banana. And Bob, Bob was frightened of the journey ahead. And they were Off. Off to find their new boss.
Can't change the world by following all the rules.
The path shapes you... the spirits perfect you.
Moira: "How are you feeling, Lacroix?"
Widowmaker: "I don't feel. That's the point, isn't it?"
Reinhardt: "How do you think your fancy jumpsuit would fare against my hammer?"
Widowmaker: "All the armor in the world can't save you from a well-placed bullet."
Roadhog: "Don't blow it!"
Junkrat: "When have I ever... er, don't answer that."
Lifeweaver: "Are you and Roadhog together?"
Junkrat: "Do you ever see us apart?"
Lifeweaver: "No, I mean are you a couple?"
Junkrat: "Yes, a couple of dashing rogues!"
Well, it's high noon somewhere in the world.
Reaper: "You look ridiculous."
Cassidy: "Looked in a mirror lately?"
Mei: "Look at all the snow! We should make snow angels!"
Mercy: "Why are you looking at me, Mei?"
There's no prescription to treat what you have.
Darf ich vorstellen? Die Schusslinie.
Doomfist: "Retirement suits you."
Torbjörn: "And I think a hammer upside your face would suit you!"
Mercy: "Mei, you haven't aged a day. What's your secret?"
Mei: "Cryostasis. But I'm not sure if I'd recommend it."
Tracer: "Aren't you warm wearing all that?"
Mei: "Yes. But it's too late to change!"
Cassidy: "Just remember Pharah, we ain't playing with toy guns anymore."
Pharah: "Good, I'm much better with the real thing."
Mercy: "Pharah, If your mother could see you now I'd think she be proud of you!"
Pharah: "There's a first time for everything, I guess."
Seeking progress by sowing chaos is like planting a tree in a volcano.
Moira: "I must know how your technology functions."
Zenyatta: "Existence is mysterious, isn't it?"
Ashe: "I hear if it weren't for your parents, you'd be as much an outlaw as me. "
Lifeweaver: "They're always trying to help, but frankly, I'd prefer they gave up."
Ashe: "Yeah, well, be careful what you wish for."
Ashe: "Brave of you to show your face around here, Cole."
Cassidy: "Well, I know how much you missed me. Still have a picture of me at the hide-out, I hear."
Ashe: "On the dartboard."
Echo: "I think I can pull off a cowboy hat."
Cassidy: "Want me to buy you one?"
Echo: "No need. I'll just borrow yours."
Cassidy: "You know, that sake's not half bad but... I prefer a little bite to my liquor."
Hanzo: "How predictable! Such unsophisticated taste."

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