Zitate und Sprüche aus Ice Age

Zitate und Sprüche aus Ice Age

Hier findest du die besten Zitate und Sprüche aus Ice Age, von Sid dem Faultier, Manni dem Mammut, Diego dem Säbelzahntiger und den anderen. Im Januar 2022 wird mit Ice Age 6 - Die Abenteuer von Buck Wild ein neuer Film veröffentlicht.

You're a little low on the food chain to be mouthin' off, aren't ya?
Sid: "Manny, aren't you forgettin' somethin'?"
Manny: "No."
Sid: "But you just saved him."
Manny: "Yeah, well I'm still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved."
Manni: "Diego, spuck ihn raus, du weißt nicht wo er rumgelegen hat."
Sid: "Einen Moment hab ich wirklich gedacht, du würdest mich fressen."
Diego: "Ich esse kein Fast Food."
Parents, please do not leave your children unattended. All unattended children will be eaten!
Gaier in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Diego: "Du hast mich gerettet. Das hättest du nicht tun müssen."
Manni: "So macht man das in einer Herde."
Sid: "Das ganze Gerede von der Eiszeit geht mir tierisch auf den Keks. Weißt du worauf ich Bock hätte? Auf Globale Erwärmung."
Diego: "Träum weiter."
Gibt's denn niemand anders, dem du auf die Nerven gehen kannst? Freunde? Familie? Giftige Reptilien?
After we rescue Sid, I'm going to kill him.
Manni in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
Sid: "Maybe we could rapidly evolve into water creatures?"
Diego: "That's genius, Sid."
Sid: "Call me 'Squid'."
Sid in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Rule number one: always listen to Buck! Rule number two: stay in the middle of the trail! Rule number three: he who has gas travels at the back of the pack.
Buck Wild in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
Sid: "Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope... with their teeth!"
Diego: "Come on Sid, let's play tag. You're it."
If your species will continue, clap your hands!
Sid in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Sid: "It's a boy!"
Diego: "That's its tail."
Sid: "It's a girl!"
Sid in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
With my little stick in my highly evolved brain I shall create fire!
Manny: "So, you think she's the girl for me?"
Sid: "Oh, yeah! She's tons of fun, and you're no fun at all! She... completes you!"
Sid in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Manny: "Don't listen to him; Fast Tony would sell his own mother for a grape."
Fast Tony: "Are you making an offer? I mean... no, I would not!"
Fast Tony in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Ellie: "I thought those guys were extinct?!"
Manny: "Well, then that is one angry fossil."
Manni in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
Es gibt kein "wir". Und ohne mich gäbe es noch nicht mal ein "du"!
Sid: "But he started it!"
Manny: "I don't care who started it, I'll finish it!"
I just did something involuntary.... and messy.
Sid in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Buck: "Everybody stop! I smell something. Smells like a buzzard's butt fell off and then got sprayed on by a bunch of skunks!"
Diego: "That's Sid."
Diego in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
Du bist 'ne Schande für die Natur, weißt du das?
Wenn man einen Lebensgefährten findet, sollte man treu sein. In deinem Fall dankbar.
Manny: "When, exactly, did you lose your mind?"
Buck: "Three months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple! An ugly pineapple! But I loved her."
Buck Wild in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
Manny: "Okay, you. Check for poop!"
Sid: "Hey, why am I the poop-checker?"
Manfred: "Because returning the runt was your idea, because you're small and insignificant, and because I'll pummel you if you don't."
Crash: "Why do they call it the Chasm of Death?"
Buck: "We tried calling it the Big Smelly Crack. But that just made everybody giggle."
Buck Wild in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
You, ma'am! You look like a fat, hairy beast! How would like to lose a ton or two?
Fast Tony in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
I've eaten things that didn't complain this much.
That was the bravest thing I ever saw. Oh, that wasn't a compliment! To a opossum bravery's just dumb.
Ellie in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Also, ich weiß nicht wie ihr das seht, aber wir sind die krasseste Herde, die ich je gesehen habe.
He's never gonna let up on you. It'd be easier for all of us if you'd just go with it.
Diego in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Manfred: "Hey, can we have our melon back? Junior's hungry."
Dodo: "No way! This is our private stockpile for the Ice Age! Sub-arctic temperatures will force us underground for a billion, billion years!"
Sid: "Von jetzt an nennt mich 'Sid, Herr der Flammen'!"
Manni: "Hey, Herr der Flammen, dein Schwanz brennt."
Manny, brink of extinction is a bad time to be picky.
Sid in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Diego: "You calling me a liar?"
Sid: "I didn't say that."
Diego: "You were thinking it."
Sid: "I don't like this cat. He reads minds."
Manny: "Guys, don't talk to guys about guy problems. They just punch each other on the shoulder."
Ellie: "That's stupid."
Manny: "To a girl. To a guy that's, like, six months of therapy!"
Manni in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
Sid, whatever you're doing, it's a bad idea!
Manni in Ice Age - 3: Die Dinosaurier sind los
Buck Wild: "Die Verlorene Welt ist der gefährlichste Ort überhaupt."
Crash: "Kannst du das mal wiederholen? Ich hatte einen Marshmallow im Ohr."
Ice Age - 6: Die Abenteuer von Buck Wild
Phew! Well, don't that put the "stink" in "Extinction?"
Sid in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Hey Kinder, kommt jetzt. Aussterben könnt ihr später spielen!
Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's
Doesn't anyone love me? Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth?
I'm not going extinct!
Manni in Ice Age - 2: Jetzt taut's

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I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
It's a tough transition really for theater actors to adjust to television or film, and all of these years later, I still have a tendency to play it too big.
I don't get hung up on weight.
Meiner Kinder sind magische Wesen und ich liebe sie bis in den Tod.
And then also I think it's harder for women because comedy is so opposite of being ladylike.
I have a funny family, but none of them are remotely in show business.
It wasn't until I became more confident with myself and I put myself forward instead of the jokes; at first it was put the jokes out there and I'm just behind the jokes.
But I think funny and talent will always win out; I mean, of course there are hurdles, but I think if you're funny you will get over all of that.

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