Besser jetzt die Möglichkeiten in Betracht ziehen als in zehn Jahren, wenn einem das Leben die Wahl eventuell begrenzt.
Better to consider opportunities now than in ten years, when life may limit your choices.
Ms. Darbus in High School Musical - 3: Senior Year
9Troy: "Aber hey, Brüder streiten sich..."
Chad: "...und bleiben Brüder."
Chad: "...und bleiben Brüder."
Troy: "But hey, brothers fight..."
Chad: "...they're still brothers."
Chad: "...they're still brothers."
Chad Danforth
4It's just three little words, yeah, it's not a big deal
It's not like I can help feelin' all that I feel
And by now, I'm sure you're thinking it's so obvious
But just in case it's not, what I'm sayin' is this
I can't help dreaming of you
Guess I'm saying I don't not love you
It's not like I can help feelin' all that I feel
And by now, I'm sure you're thinking it's so obvious
But just in case it's not, what I'm sayin' is this
I can't help dreaming of you
Guess I'm saying I don't not love you
Ricky Bowen - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Du bist völlig durchgeknallt und zu hundert Prozent echt. Und deshalb liebe ich dich.
You're a total weirdo and a hundred percent real. And that is why I love you.
E.J. Caswell - Staffel 1 Episode 1
2Big Red: "Kennst du überhaupt den Plot von High School Musical?"
Ricky: "Na klar! Es geht darum, dass Zac Efron mit 'nem Basketball tanzt."
Ricky: "Na klar! Es geht darum, dass Zac Efron mit 'nem Basketball tanzt."
Big Red: "Do you even know the plot of High School Musical?"
Ricky: "Of course! It's about Zac Efron dancing with a basketball."
Ricky: "Of course! It's about Zac Efron dancing with a basketball."
Ricky Bowen - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Kourtney: "Weißt du noch wie zerstört du nach Ricky warst?"
Nini: "'Zerstört ist ein klein wenig übertrieben."
Kourtney: "Du hast dein Zimmer 48 Stunden nicht verlassen. Ich musste Pizza unter der Tür durch schieben."
Nini: "'Zerstört ist ein klein wenig übertrieben."
Kourtney: "Du hast dein Zimmer 48 Stunden nicht verlassen. Ich musste Pizza unter der Tür durch schieben."
Kourtney: "Remember how crushed you were after Ricky?"
Nini: "'Crushed' is a little dramatic."
Kourtney: "You didn't leave your bedroom for 48 hours. I had to slide pizzas under your door."
Nini: "'Crushed' is a little dramatic."
Kourtney: "You didn't leave your bedroom for 48 hours. I had to slide pizzas under your door."
Kourtney - Staffel 1 Episode 1
1So much has happened, think of what we've done
In the time that the earth has traveled 'round the sun
Winter, spring, summer and we're back to fall
We've been together hand-in-hand through it all
From the minute we kissed and my heart skipped a beat
To the night that we danced, I was swept off my feet
Sure as every year has to come to and end
I'd go spinning around the sun with you again and again
In the time that the earth has traveled 'round the sun
Winter, spring, summer and we're back to fall
We've been together hand-in-hand through it all
From the minute we kissed and my heart skipped a beat
To the night that we danced, I was swept off my feet
Sure as every year has to come to and end
I'd go spinning around the sun with you again and again
Nini Salazar-Roberts - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Everyone is special in their own way
We make each other strong, we're not the same
We're different in a good way
Together's where we belong
We make each other strong, we're not the same
We're different in a good way
Together's where we belong
Gabriella & Troy
1Troy Bolton: "Sharpay's kinda cute too."
Chad: "Yeah, so is a mountain lion, but you don't pet it."
Chad: "Yeah, so is a mountain lion, but you don't pet it."
1Die Theaterbühne kann ein wundervoller Partner im Selbstfindungsprozess sein.
The stage can be a wonderful partner in the process of self-discovery.
Ms. Darbus in High School Musical - 3: Senior Year
3Rocket: "Ich würd' nicht mal mit dir singen, wenn meine Haare brennen würden und du der letzte Eimer Wasser auf der Welt wärst."
Tiara Gold: "Und ich nicht mit dir, auch wenn ich fast am Verhungern und du die letzte übrige Gurke wärst."
Tiara Gold: "Und ich nicht mit dir, auch wenn ich fast am Verhungern und du die letzte übrige Gurke wärst."
Rocket: "I wouldn't sing with you if my hair was on fire and you were the last bucket of water on earth."
Tiara Gold: "I wouldn't sing with you if I was starving and you were the last pickle at the picknick."
Tiara Gold: "I wouldn't sing with you if I was starving and you were the last pickle at the picknick."
Rocket & Tiara Gold in High School Musical - 3: Senior Year
1Troy: "Dann sagst du also ja?"
Gabriella: "In jeder Sprache der Welt. Oui, si, ja, yes."
Gabriella: "In jeder Sprache der Welt. Oui, si, ja, yes."
Troy: "So is that a yes?"
Gabriella: "In every language. Oui, si, ja, yes."
Gabriella: "In every language. Oui, si, ja, yes."
Gabriella Montez in High School Musical - 3: Senior Year
1It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance, can I have this dance?
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance, can I have this dance?
Gabriella & Troy in High School Musical - 3: Senior Year
2Wir alle werden noch lange nachdem wir East High verlassen haben an die nächsten 16 Minuten denken. Also Leute, jetzt oder nie.
These sixteen minutes are going to stay with us for a long time after we leave East High - so it's now or never.
Troy Bolton in High School Musical - 3: Senior Year
2Blend in the universe, gonna make everything in our whole world change
And you know that where we are will never be the same
And you know that where we are will never be the same
Gabriella & Troy in High School Musical - 3: Senior Year
2Once in a lifetime means there's no second chance
So I believe that you and me should grab it while we can
Make it last forever and never give it back
It's our turn, and I'm loving' where we're at
So I believe that you and me should grab it while we can
Make it last forever and never give it back
It's our turn, and I'm loving' where we're at
Gabriella & Troy
2Everybody's always talking at me
Everybody's trying to get in my head
I wanna listen to my own heart talking
I need to count on myself instead
Everybody's trying to get in my head
I wanna listen to my own heart talking
I need to count on myself instead
Troy Bolton
1I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
We might find our place in this world someday
But at least for now I gotta go my own way
I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
We might find our place in this world someday
But at least for now I gotta go my own way
Gabriella Montez
2And like a common thread you're pulling me
When I hear my favorite song, I know that we belong
When I hear my favorite song, I know that we belong
Gabriella & Troy
1Gabriella: "Ich möchte das Hier und Jetzt genießen. Für mich ist das was Neues. Der selbe Ort, den ganzen Sommer lang. Das bedeutet mir viel, besonders wenn ich zusammen bin mit..."
Troy: " einem hervorragenden Marmeladenbrotschmierer wie mir?"
Troy: " einem hervorragenden Marmeladenbrotschmierer wie mir?"
Troy Bolton
2We're soaring, flying
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
If we're trying, so we're breaking free
You know the world can see us in a way that's different than who we are
Creating space between us, 'til we're separate hearts
But your faith it gives me strength, strength to believe
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
If we're trying, so we're breaking free
You know the world can see us in a way that's different than who we are
Creating space between us, 'til we're separate hearts
But your faith it gives me strength, strength to believe
Gabriella & Troy
2I swore I knew the melody that I heard you singing
And when you smiled you made me feel like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words, now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's and once upon a song
And when you smiled you made me feel like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words, now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's and once upon a song
Gabriella Montez
2Jack Bolton: "Du bist Spielmacher und kein Sänger."
Troy Bolton: "Könnte ich denn nicht vielleicht beides sein?"
Troy Bolton: "Könnte ich denn nicht vielleicht beides sein?"
Jack Bolton: "You're the playmaker, not a singer - right?"
Troy Bolton: "Did you ever think that maybe I could be both?"
Troy Bolton: "Did you ever think that maybe I could be both?"
Troy Bolton
3Denk mal an die Kindergartenzeit, da hast du ein anderes Kind gesehen und wusstest nichts über es. Es hat keine zehn Sekunden gedauert, dann wart ihr die besten Freunde. Weil man einfach nur man selbst sein musste, mehr nicht.
Do you remember in kindergarten how you'd meet a kid and know nothing about them, then 10 seconds later you're playing like you're best friends, because you didn't have to be anything but yourself? Singing with you felt like that.
Gabriella Montez
4Gabriella: "Der Wildcats Superstar fürchtet sich?"
Troy: "Nein, ich fürchte mich nicht. Ich hab'... nur Angst."
Troy: "Nein, ich fürchte mich nicht. Ich hab'... nur Angst."
Troy Bolton
3Die Beschäftigung mit der Kunst ist eine Reinigung für die Seele.
Ms. Darbus
2Gabriella Montez: "Du hast dich auch so angehört, als ob du oft singst."
Troy Bolton: "Ja, klar, meine Dusche ist sehr beeindruckt von mir."
Troy Bolton: "Ja, klar, meine Dusche ist sehr beeindruckt von mir."
Gabrilla Montez: "Well, you sound like you've done a lot of singing, too."
Troy Bolton: "Yeah, my showerhead is very impressed with me."
Troy Bolton: "Yeah, my showerhead is very impressed with me."
Troy Bolton
3Now who'd have ever thought that we'd both be here tonight
And the world looks so much brighter with you by my side
I know that something has changed, never felt this way, I know it for real
This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And the world looks so much brighter with you by my side
I know that something has changed, never felt this way, I know it for real
This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
Living in my own world, didn't understand
That anything can happen when you take a chance
That anything can happen when you take a chance
Troy Bolton
1Ricky Bowen: "Wieso müssen sich Dinge ändern?"
Big Red: "Manche Dinge ändern sich nie. Ich trag' seit einer Woche die selben Socken."
Big Red: "Manche Dinge ändern sich nie. Ich trag' seit einer Woche die selben Socken."
Ricky Bowen: "Why do things have to change?"
Big Red: "Some things never change, dude. I've been wearing the same socks for three days."
Big Red: "Some things never change, dude. I've been wearing the same socks for three days."
Big Red - Staffel 1 Episode 1
1Here and now, it's time for celebration
I finally figured out
That all our dreams have no limitations
That's what it's all about
I finally figured out
That all our dreams have no limitations
That's what it's all about
Troy Bolton
1Ich entscheide mich für Basketball. Aber nicht nur dafür, auch für's Theater. Die Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley bietet mir beides an. Ich werde also ab nächstem Herbst in Kalifornien sein. Vor allem jedoch entscheide ich mich für die Frau meines Herzens, die Universität ist nämlich ganz genau 52,6 km von dir weg.
I’ve chosen Basketball but I’ve also chosen theatre. The University of California, Berkeley offers me both. That’s where I'm going to be attending next fall. But most of all, I choose the person who inspires my heart. Which is why I picked a school exactly thirty two point seven miles from you.
Troy Bolton in High School Musical - 3: Senior Year
7Ich hasse Musicals nicht. Ich find's einfach nur seltsam, wenn Leute mitten auf der Straße anfangen zu singen.
I don't hate musicals. I just think it's weird when people, like, burst into song in the middle of the street.
Ricky Bowen - Staffel 1 Episode 1
1Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen
Ich weiß nicht, ob ich an Liebe auf den ersten Blick glaube, aber ich glaube auf jeden Fall daran, dass die Chemie sofort stimmen kann. Es sollte immer einfach sein, mit einem Mädchen zu sprechen. Wenn man die Zeit vergisst, während man sich unterhalten hat, ist das ein gutes Zeichen.
I don't know if I believe in love at first sight, but of course I believe in two people having chemistry right away. A girl should be really easy to talk to. When I lose track of time because we've been talking, I think that's really fun.
A lot of people ask: 'Will you play a psycho to really change your image and prove you can act?' But that's not what I'm about.
I think every single girl has something different and special about her. You find one who clicks with your vibe.
I wish I could say I see my little brother more. We used to fight all the time but now that I don't see him very often I cherish the time I have with him.
Die Leute finden mich süß, aber ich bin so viel mehr als das.
People see me as cute, but I'm so much more than that.
Der einzige Weg um zu wachsen, ist sich immer wieder selbst herauszufordern.
The only way to grow is to challenge yourself.
Lass dich durch niemanden und keine Zurückweisung von dem abhalten, was du willst.
Don't let anyone, or any rejection, keep you from what you want.
So viele Menschen versuchen, schnell erwachsen zu werden, dabei macht das gar keinen Spaß. Bleib ein Kind solange du kannst!
So many people try to grow up too fast, and it's not fun. You should stay a kid as long as possible!
I don't go long without eating. I never starve myself: I grab a healthy snack.
I get to go to all these beautiful places, so it's nice being able to take pictures of it.
Freundschaft ist auch ein bisschen wie Liebe, nur ein bisschen kleiner.
Gerry Ceylan in Sturm der Liebe