Für mich ist Freundschaft eine Verbindung, die alle Hindernisse überschreitet.
Cricket ist meine Leidenschaft; meine erste Liebe.
It's very hard to find true friends when your life is a bumpy ride full of twists and turns. But, I'm glad that amidst all the ramblings in my life I have managed to win some great friends.
I think cricket is there in Usain Bolt's blood. Since I got to watch from close quarters, it was amazing to see him run up to bowl. The perfect delivery stride is understandable because he is a world champion athlete. But the manner - he loaded at the crease and then bowled the ball - left me zapped. He looked like a natural cricketer.
I am very emotional. It took me many years to recover from the death of my father. Even when I was playing cricket, I wasn't happy. I would just sit and cry. I was very young. He was too young; he shouldn't have gone. Cricket is all right. We all play sport. Good and bad days come.
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Freundschaft ist auch ein bisschen wie Liebe, nur ein bisschen kleiner.
Gerry Ceylan in Sturm der Liebe
Sometimes, strangers can become more like family than blood ever could.
It's a mystery of human chemistry and I don't understand it, some people, as far as their senses are concerned, just feel like home.
He's a better person when she's around, and isn't that what friends are for, to raise you up and keep you at your best?
Beim Cricket passiert wirklich gar nichts. Selbst die Highlights sehen aus, als wäre das Bild eingefroren.
I don't watch cricket very much, but of course I enjoy whenever I see the sport, especially live, because of the energy in the stadium with the fans going crazy.
Ich will meinem Arsenal immer mehr neue Skills hinzufügen.
Kein Cricket Team der Welt verlässt sich nur auf einen oder zwei Spieler. Das Team spielt um zu gewinnen.
Ich habe eine Menge vom indischen Team gelernt.
I am happy to bowl wherever my captain wants me to bowl. If he tells me to bowl upfront and be aggressive with the new ball, I am happy to do that.
On a good day, when you have a clear plan, you are able to execute whatever you wanted.
In cricket, my superhero is Sachin Tendulkar. He has always been my hero and will continue to remain so. Apart from him and outside cricket, my mother has remained my inspiration. Whatever difficult time I had faced, she was always there for me. She has given me all the strength. She maintained her composure and supported me in tough times.
A fit body gives you confidence. And there's nothing more impressive than a great attitude, which you can wear on your sleeve. But you'll have to remember the difference between being rude and being confident.
Es ist wichtig zu lernen und seine Fehler nicht zu wiederholen. Was passiert ist, ist passiert.
Ich glaube daran, dass ein Kapitän nur so gut wie sein Team sein kann.
Cricket ist ein Teamsport, wenn du allen Ruhm für dich willst, dann spiel in einem Einzelsport.
Unsere Flagge ist unsere Identität. Wir können nicht zulassen, dass wir oder irgendwer anders unsere Identität missachtet.
It's important on any English wicket to leave well.
The fear of failing... not quite the fear of failing, but the uncertainty of whether you are going to perform or not, is there every single game I have played in my life. It will always be there.
There are lots of mentally very tough players that I have played against and with.
When people throw stones at you, you turn them into milestones.
Du musst verstehen, dass es wichtig ist, immer ein Ziel zu haben. Etwas, worauf man hinarbeiten kann.
Comebacks are not at all easy. After a major surgery, the difficult part is to conquer the inner demons. It's all in the mind. Only an individual can overcome his fears.
Egal wie talentiert du bist, nichts kann harte Arbeit ersetzen.
Beziehungen überleben durch Vertrauen, und wenn das gebrochen wird, ist es meistens das Ende der Beziehung. Die Unfähigkeit miteinander zu reden, führt immer zu Problemen.
I have been in love, and it was a great feeling. It's when you are attracted to and feel affection for someone. You want to do things for that person. But only love isn't enough in a relationship - understanding and communication are very important aspects.
In sport, there is always room for improvement. Whenever I see my innings against the West Indies or Australia, I think, 'Maybe, I could have done this better or should have changed that.' See, cricket is a skill game, and one can always improve upon the impact one has on an innings.
Fitness hat nichts mit Alter zu tun.
Der zweite April ist ein erinnerungsträchtiger Tag in meiner Cricket Karriere.
As for my batting, the best part about it is I have never changed it. I have never changed my thinking, I have never changed my batting style.
Mein Job ist es, Leistung zu bringen, Cricket zu spielen und Gott dankbar dafür zu sein, was er mir gegeben hat.
Marken sind mir egal. Ich trage, was mir am besten passt.
I have always maintained that if you work hard, it won't go waste, as recognition will come to you at some stage, whether in studies or sports. You need to have good intentions and intent to move ahead in life as well as in sports.
No dream is ever chased alone.
I was lucky in my early years to play for a Karnataka team that was trying to forge itself into a strong side, and they were years of fun and learning. In the Indian team, I was fortunate to be part of a wonderful era when India played some of its finest cricket at home and abroad.
My approach to cricket has been reasonably simple: it was about giving everything to the team, it was about playing with dignity and it was about upholding the spirit of the game. I hope I have done some of that. I have failed at times, but I have never stopped trying. It is why I leave with sadness but also with pride.
Your laugh is the reason your parents never tickled you growing up.
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