Zitate und Sprüche von Gerard Butler

Zitate und Sprüche von Gerard Butler

Gerard „Gerry“ James Butler (* 13. November 1969 in Paisley, Schottland) ist ein britischer Schauspieler und Filmproduzent.

Ich finde in meinen Charakteren immer Eigenschaften, mit denen ich mich identifizieren kann.
I always find stuff in my characters to relate to.
I love doing the stunts. It's as simple as that.
To me, it's always good to retain a sense of wonder and never good too big for life, like you've seen it all before.
I love a girl with a good sense of humour, who is confident but who has a sweetness to her - that melts my heart.
It was always a dream as I was growing up. I would watch movies, mostly American movies, and be so engrossed in those stories, all I wanted to do was be there. I wanted to be part of that romance or that fantasy or be that warrior or that struggling soul who finally makes it good.

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