Cheap generals are like cheap enchiladas. You end up paying for it on the back end.
Sein Worte: "Boots on the moon bis 2024." Eigentlich schrieb er, "Boobs on the moon", aber wir glauben, das war ein Tippfehler.
His words: "Boots on the moon in 2024." Actually he said "Boobs on the moon", but we believe that to be a typo.
Space Force - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Gender roles… offensive and out of date. Like you.
Are you going to sit there like an idiot doing nothing or are you going to shoot for the stars?
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I'm going to reabsorb your budget like the world's most useful tampon.
General Naird: "It was a very successful mission ordered by POTUS himself which proved assault rifles will work in the vacuum of space."
Dr. Mallory: "Which was never in doubt."
Dr. Mallory: "Which was never in doubt."
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
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Cells couldn't multiply without this, the IKEA instruction manual for life, DNA. DNA is tiny yet comlex, like Tom Cruise.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1