Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 50)

Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 50)

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Weasel in Deadpool
And a little bird has told me, how should I put this delicately? You have a regurgitive reaction to mistruthing.
Benoit Blanc in Knives Out
Marta Cabrera: "You're not much of a detective, are you?"
Benoit Blanc: "Well, to be fair, you make a pretty lousy murderer."
Harlan Thrombey: "Warum schlage ich dich nie in diesem Spiel?"
Marta Cabrera: "Weil ich nie gegen dich spiele. Ich lege nur schöne Muster."
Harlan Thrombey: "Das ist Senioren-Missbrauch. Das melde ich der Greisenbehörde."
There is so much of me in that kid: confident, stupid, playing life like a game.
Harlan in Knives Out
Benoit Blanc: "I'm here because someone dodged a very important question."
Elliot: "Who?"
Benoit Blanc: "Me."
Benoit Blanc: "It's a twisted web. And we're not finished untangling it, not yet."
Ransom: "What is this? CSI: KFC?"
Joni Thrombey: "Can we ask why? Has something changed?"
Benoit Blanc: "No."
Joni Thrombey: "No, it hasn't changed, or, No, we can't ask?"
Why is grief the providence of youth? I don't know. But I'd imagine that age deepens all feelings.
Benoit Blanc in Knives Out
The family is truly desperate. And when people get desperate, the knives come out.
Benoit Blanc in Knives Out
Meine Anwesenheit wird dekorativer Natur sein. Sie erleben mich als respektvollen, ruhigen, passiven Beobachter der Wahrheit.
Benoit Blanc in Knives Out
Just the thought of lying makes me puke.
Marta in Knives Out
Doghan-Dagui: "Wir wissen wie die Menschen ticken."
Laureline: "Dann habt ihr noch nie 'ne Frau getroffen!"
The complexity and the gray lie not in the truth, but what you do with the truth once you have it.
Benoit Blanc in Knives Out
We must look a little closer. And when we do, we see that the doughnut hole has a hole in its center. It is not a doughnut hole, but a smaller doughnut with its own hole, and our doughnut is not holed at all!
Prepare for the worst and you won't be disappointed.
A soldier will always choose death over humiliation.
I'm fighting for a noble cause, too. Mine.
Rules are rules and this is a place where we make love not war.
Bird Woman: "Wanna fly?"
Valerian: "I'm allergic to feathers."
Bussing tables! Every artist's worst nightmare! Never mention this to anybody, okay?
Willkommen in Alpha, der Stadt der 1.000 Planeten, wo seit hunderten von Jahren jede Spezies ihr Wissen und ihre Intelligenz mit den anderen teilt. Es ist das Paradies.
Who's the clever one now?
The Alpha intergalactic space station has reached critical mass in orbit. Its weight and size now poses a serious threat to mother Earth. In its great wisdom, the Central Committee has decided to use all resources necessary to release the space station from Earth's gravity. Its new course is set with the Magellan Current. Like the great explorer Magellan, the Alpha station will journey into the unknown. The symbol of our values and knowledge, it will carry a message of peace and unity to the furthest reaches of the universe. Our thoughts and prayers go with you. Godspeed, and good luck.
Neo: "Am I crazy?"
Therapist: "We don't use that word in here."
Matrix - 4 - Resurrections
A dream isn't some sparkly diamond we get. Sometimes, it's rough. And it's not so pretty.
Usnavi in In the Heights
Little details that tell the world we are not invisible.
Abuela Claudia in In the Heights
Start small. Dream big.
Kevin Rosario in In the Heights
Look. You do you. It's all good. But don't be roping me into your thing.
Sonny de la Vega in In the Heights
Take all the bruises, but stay in the ring!
Kevin Rosario in In the Heights
Iris: "What does sueñito mean?"
Usnavi: "Sueñito? It means little dream."
Sedo: "That's it? No story?"
The streets were made of music.
Usnavi in In the Heights
This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility.
Nick Fury in Captain America - The Winter Soldier
Contrary to your belief, you are not the center of my universe. I have bigger problems in the southwest region to deal with.
Fury: "You think you're the only superhero in the world? Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe, you just don't know it yet."
Stark: "Who the hell are you?"
Fury: "Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative."
Peppa: "What's an attic?"
Grandpa Pig: "It's where we keep all our old things."
Peppa: "Like you, Grandpa?"
In the world, there are two kinds of balloons. Up balloons and down balloons.
Daddy Pig: "Wow, what a lot of candles!"
Peppa: "That's because you're very, very old, Daddy!"
Peppa: "'Blah, blah, blah.' That's how Daddies talk."
Auntie Pig: "Alexander likes it when you talk, Peppa."
Peppa: "That's because I'm very interesting."
I love muddy puddles!
Peppa: "Mommy, now you've made the car all muddy again."
Daddy Pig: "Ha ha, naughty, Mommy!"
Peppa: "Naughty, messy Mommy!"
George, you've done it all wrong!
Ein Glück, dass du kein dicker, fetter Kerl bist. Sonst wär das ja alles richtig schwer.
Pacha: "Du hast mir die Hand drauf gegeben!"
Kuzco: "Weißt du, um jemandem die Hand auf etwas zu geben, braucht man Hände."
Let's take a look-see. Hate your hair. Not likely. Yikes. Yikes. Yikes. And let me guess, you have a great personality.
Küche, zweimal Sodbrennen und 'ne frittierte Bolle für Tisch 12!
Pacha: "Was ist denn passiert?"
Alter Mann: "Ich hab den königlichen Groove versaut."
Pacha: "Was?"
Alter Mann: "Seinen Groove. Die Art und Weise, wie er sein Leben führt. Seinen Groove. Ich hab ihn versaut. Und deshalb ließ mich der König aus dem Fenster werfen."
Pacha: "Was? Wirklich? Den soll ich heute sehen."
Alter Mann: "Versau ihm bloß nicht den Groove!"
This is Yzma, the emperor's advisor. Living proof that dinosaurs once roamed the Earth.
Wow! Das sind keine Falten, das sind Schluchten. Dass diese Ruine noch steht ist 'n Wunder!
Yzma: "Why, I practically raised him."
Kronk: "Yeah, you'd think he would've turned out better."
Yzma: "Yeah, go figure."
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