Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 49)

Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 49)

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Next Halloween, when the sun sets, when someone is alone, he kills.
Laurie Strode in Halloween Kills
It's the wanting. Pain comes from always wanting things.
Aldo Moltisanti in The Many Saints of Newark
You got to be good. I want to do whatever I can to help the family.
Richard Moltisanti in The Many Saints of Newark
Manches was du tust, gefällt Gott vielleicht nicht.
Aldo Moltisanti in The Many Saints of Newark
Step right up in the home of one of the unexplained mysteries of the universe - is he man or beast?
Lass die dunklen Zeiten einfach zieh'n
Manchmal wird's auch besser, sicher kriegst du's wieder hin
Und haut es dich mal wirklich aus dem Stand
Irgendwer reicht dir die Hand
Evan Hansen in Dear Evan Hansen
Ich wünschte alles wäre anders.
Ich wünsche es wäre von Bedeutung was ich sage.
Evan Hansen in Dear Evan Hansen
Lieber Evan Hansen,
heute wird ein toller Tag und ich sag dir warum:
Evan Hansen in Dear Evan Hansen
Even if you never get around to doing some remarkable thing, that doesn't mean that you're not worth remembering.
Justin Paul in Dear Evan Hansen
I was certain of one thing: how I felt when I was around him and when I wasn't. The first was exhilarating. The other unbearable.
Val Emmich in Dear Evan Hansen
Wir alle stehen im Leben vor Entscheidungen. Du musst jetzt deine treffen.
Mike Milo in Cry Macho
Jetzt können wir so tun, als hätten wir Freunde.
Connor Murphy in Dear Evan Hansen
'Cause when the villains fall, the kingdoms never weep.
Justin Paul in Dear Evan Hansen
What really makes all the difference, then, is how we land.
Val Emmich in Dear Evan Hansen
I won't go forward looking in the rearview mirror of my life. This is who I am.
Some people, they're just hurting so bad, and we just need to love them.
Oh, Tammy Faye, you follow blindly. In the end, all you are is blind.
God does not want us to be poor!
Ich bin ein Raubtier. Wir sollten da draußen sein und böse Typen verschlingen!
Venom in Venom - 2: Let there be Carnage
Du hast mir dein Wort gegeben und das war mal was wert.
Howard Polk in Cry Macho
Ich bin nicht verrückt, wirklich. Ich bin nur rachsüchtig.
Cletus Kasady in Venom - 2: Let there be Carnage
When I walked on to the bus this morning everyone was either talking to their friends or staring down at their phones. What am I supposed to do?
Val Emmich in Dear Evan Hansen
Für mich gibt es nur einen Trost... das Träumen kann man mir wenigstens nicht verbieten.
Be kind, have courage and always believe in a little magic.
Perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take is to be seen as we really are.
Ein großer Mann sucht nicht nach der Führung - er wird berufen.
Aber nur, weil du ihn verprügeln kannst, gibt dir das noch lange nicht das Recht dazu. Vergiss niemals: Aus großer Kraft folgt große Verantwortung!
Onkel Ben in Spider-Man
Secrets have a cost. They're not free. Not now, not ever.
Tante May in Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man
This is the first day of the rest of your life. But if you want it, you gotta fight for it.
Matrix - 4 - Resurrections
It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it.
Anna Sawyer in Einer wie keiner
High school's just a bunch of scared people pretending to be something they're not.
Cameron Kweller in Einer wie keiner
Kannst du das nicht genießen ohne es mit 500 Fremden zu teilen?
Cameron Kweller in Einer wie keiner
Cameron Kweller: "She acts like she doesn't even know me."
Nisha: "That's just because she's tremendously ashamed of you."
Brin Kweller: "Why do you have to hate everything remotely popular?"
Cameron Kweller: "No. See, I hate things that suck. Whether they're popular or not is outside my control."
Cameron Kweller: "Why do you listen to that crap all the time?"
Brin Kweller: "Jordan Van Draanen's music is not crap. You haven't even heard his other songs."
Cameron Kweller: "Okay, what are his other songs?
Brin Kweller: "He hasn't recorded them yet."
Anna Sawyer: "We had two heart attack victims. A toddler with a watch battery stuck in her nose. And a gentleman on meth with a stab wound to the neck."
Padgett Sawyer: "Yikes! What a nightmare."
Anna Sawyer: "Yeah, it was pretty awful. They were just thrashing around, cursing at everyone, spitting on the orderlies."
Padgett Sawyer: "Man, meth really messes you up.
Anna Sawyer: "Oh, no. That was the toddler. Yeah. The guy on meth actually seemed really sweet. You know, until he smiled. His teeth. Pretty rough."
Even in the darkness, we have the choice to reflect the light.
Zane in Ninjago
The greatest victory is that which has no battle.
Sensei Wu in Ninjago
Even lessons learned the hard way are lessons learned.
Sensei Wu in Ninjago
Perhaps it's best to think of our friends as we remember them in our hearts, not as they are now.
Zane in Ninjago
Sensei once told me it's not the size of a Ninja in a fight, but the size of the fight in the Ninja.
Kai in Ninjago
The best way to defeat your enemy is to make them your friend.
Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
If you want something bad enough, don't wish for it to happen - make it happen.
Jay in Ninjago
Overlord: "You can't defeat me! Where there is light, there will always be shadow!"
Lloyd: "Unless my light is bright enough!"
There comes a time when we all must grow up. When that time comes, it's important not to forget the lessons of our childhood. Because our childhood is the greatest training ground one will ever have.
Sensei Wu in Ninjago
Protect those who cannot protect themselves.
The future is what we make it.
You will not hurt my friends. There is nothing that will hold me back. I know who I am!
Zane in Ninjago
Long before time had a name, Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitzu Master, using the Four Weapons of Spinjitzu. The Scythe of Quakes, the Nunchucks of Lightning, the Shurikens of Ice and the Sword of Fire. Weapons so powerful, no one can handle all of their power at once! When he passed away, his two sons swore to protect them, but the oldest was consumed by darkness and wanted to possess them. A battle between brothers broke out, and the oldest was struck down and banished to the Underworld. Peace returned, and the younger brother hid the weapons, but knowing his older brother's relentless ambition for power, he placed a guardian to protect them. And for fear of his own demise, a map for an honest man to hide. That honest man was your father. The older brother is Lord Garmadon, and I... need to find those weapons before he does.
Sensei Wu in Ninjago
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