Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 48)

Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 48)

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Amber Mendez: "Die Gewinner der letzten Saison."
Fireball: "Nein. Die Verlierer der letzten Saison!"
If you're not ready to act, give me a break and shut up!
Ben Richards in Running Man
Uplink underground. If you say that one more time, I'll uplink your ass, and you'll be underground!
Ben Richards in Running Man
The year is 2019. The finest men in America don't run for President. They run for their lives.
This is television, that's all it is. It has nothing to do with people, it's to do with ratings! For fifty years, we've told them what to eat, what to drink, what to wear... for Christ's sake, Ben, don't you understand? Americans love television.
Damon Killian in Running Man
Ehrlich gesagt ist mir was klar geworden. Vielleicht haben wir NPCs bisher immer falsch wahr genommen.
Sometimes the truth isn't believable. But that doesn't mean that it's not true.
Christian Longo in True Story - Spiel um Macht
Pat Frato: "I'm not sure Christian Longo deserves to have his story heard."
Michael Finkel: "Everybody deserves to have their story heard."
Michael Finkel: "This article was about saving young people's lives. You said write it up."
Karen: "I said write it up, not make it up!"
Sometimes you have to accept looking one way in order to protect something more important.
Christian Longo in True Story - Spiel um Macht
It's not easy to relate to someone accused of four murders, but everybody understands a child needing a toy.
Michael Finkel in True Story - Spiel um Macht
Michael Finkel: "You're an outcast."
Christian Longo: "That's not the man I wanted to be."
Michael Finkel: "None of us is the man he wants to be."
Michael Finkel: "The truth always matters."
Christian Longo: "It always seems to matter to you."
Ich bin Special Agent John Hartley, FBI. Ich bin euch schon lange auf der Spur. In jeder Stadt, bei jedem Coup. Jetzt da ihr markiert wurdet, mit Red Notice, gehört ihr zu den meist gesuchten Verbrechern der Welt. Und ich bin der einzige, der euch schnappen kann.
John Hartley in Red Notice
Bro, I didn't see the handcuffs coming. It was a nice touch. God, this is such a confusing erection.
Nolan Booth in Red Notice
Sarah Black: "You know, there was an easier way in, but I doubt very much that you could have managed it. Now that I have two out of the three eggs, I'll give you one last chance to take me up on my offer."
John Hartley: "Well, here's my counteroffer. You're under arrest."
Nolan Booth: "Oh, my God. Read the room!"
Inspector Das: "What are you? Six for six now?"
Nolan Booth: "Yeah one more, and I get a Shawshank jacket."
Nolan Booth in Red Notice
I'm a good guy but sometimes I do bad things.
John Hartley in Red Notice
Broken people save broken people.
Denise Wade in The Guilty
Bill Miller: "This phone duty is shit."
Joe Baylor: "You think so? I think it's fantastic."
Bill Miller: "Tomorrow you're going to be back on the street."
Joe Baylor: "I can't wait."
Ich hatte endlich die wichtigste Auszeichnung dieser Branche gewonnen. Frisch gebackene Personality of the Year: Julien Bam. Und die fünf millionen Follower hatte ich auch geknackt.
Modesty's a myth that was sold to women a long time ago. Be proud of your work!
Marion Redding in Afterlife of the Party
Look around. Everybody looks like they're talking to themselves. It's talking to each other that we have trouble with.
I miss brownies. Why couldn't I have had death by chocolate?
Look, it's going to be okay. And the good news is that the worst is over now, that you're de...- no longer living. You don't have to deal with all of those human annoyances. You know, like heartbreak, or PMS. Just think of the afterlife as one long spa day. And if you're one of the lucky ones, it could last for an eternity.
Why are you sleeping? There is a whole world out there, and you are missing it!
Lisa: "I'm really focused on work right now, and I can't have any distractions."
Cassie: "Not even in the form of our new neighbor and his cute accent?"
I'm around dinosaur bones all day, so I'm not really used to talking to people that much.
Tonight, tonight,
It all began tonight,
I saw you and the world went away.
Tonight, tonight,
There's only you tonight,
What you are, what you do, what you say!
West Side Story - Tonight
I like to be in America!
O.K. by me in America!
Ev'rything free in America
For a small fee in America!
West Side Story - America
I've just met a girl named Maria,
And suddenly that name
Will never be the same
To me.
Make of our hands one hand,
Make of our hearts one heart,
Make of our vows one last vow:
Only death will part us now.
West Side Story - One Hand, One Heart
When you're a Jet,
You're a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette
To your last dyin' day.

When you're a Jet,
If the spit hits the fan,
You got brothers around,
You're a family man.
West Side Story - Jet Song
There's a place for us,
Somewhere a place for us.
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us, somewhere.

There's a time for us,
Some day a time for us,
Time together with time to spare,
Time to learn, time to care.
West Side Story - Somewhere
There's something due any day,
I will know right away,
Soon as it shows.
It may come cannonballing down
West Side Story - Something's Coming
Have you met my good friend Maria,
The craziest girl on the block?
You'll know her the minute you see her,
She's the one who is in an advanced state of shock.
West Side Story - I Feel Pretty
Hold my hand and we're halfway there
Hold my hand and I'll take you there
West Side Story - Procession and Nightmare
What part of "no" don't you understand, Strode? The "N" or the "O"?
Captain Fredricks in Set It Off
Frankie: "Cleo, you go to survey the line for the COW."
Cleo: "COW? There's gonna be a cow up in there?"
Stony: "Stop smoking weed!"
Shit, we ain't robbing stagecoaches, man! We need something to set it off with.
Cleo Sims in Set It Off
Eloise: "Ich weiß, was Sie getan haben."
Jack: "Ich habe vieles getan. Du müsstest schon etwas genauer werden, Liebes."
Wenn ich mir aussuchen könnte, wann und wo ich lebe, dann hier, in London. In den Sechzigern.
Ich hab diese Fähigkeit. Ich sehe Menschen und Orte. Dinge, die andere nicht sehen.
Barney, dein B-BOT ist echt super schräg. Freunde zu finden ist doch, wozu er da ist. Wenn er nicht einmal das kann, ist er absolut nutzlos.
Savannah in Ron läuft schief
Barney: "Der B-BOT, mit dem stimmt was nicht. Das sollte er nicht machen!"
B-BOT: "Das sollte ich nicht machen."
Stell dir ein Gerät mit der schnellsten, fortschrittlichsten und komplexesten Technologie der Welt vor. Aber was wenn es nicht nur ein Gerät wäre? Sondern dein neuer bester Freund?
Wir präsentieren den B-BOT. Er vernetzt sich mit der Welt wie nie zuvor. Lass deiner Fantasie freien Lauf, ganz ohne Grenzen! Erschaffe Spiele und erlebe eine neue Welt der Freundschaft. Der B-BOT. Lasst uns Freunde sein.
Einer von uns lügt. Gott soll entscheiden wer.
Jean de Carrouges in The Last Duel
Marguerite de Carrouges: "Ich sage die Wahrheit!"
Nicole de Buchard: "Die Wahrheit ist nicht von Belang. Es gibt allein die Macht der Männer."
Es gibt nur eine Frage von Belang. Schwört ihr bei eurem Leben, die Wahrheit zu sagen?
Michael Myers ist aus Fleisch und Blut. Aber ein Mensch hätte dieses Feuer nicht überlebt. Je mehr er tötet, desto mehr verwandelt er sich. Er ist die Essenz des Bösen.
Laurie Strode in Halloween Kills
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