Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 29)

Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 29)

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Men have an awful problem with thinking they are smarter than they actually are.
Pina Auriemma in House of Gucci
Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten.
Aldo Gucci in House of Gucci
Patrizia Reggiani: "I had no idea I married a monster?"
Maurizio Gucci: "You didn't. You married a Gucci."
Art, like beauty, has no price.
Rodolfo Gucci in House of Gucci
Don't focus on the process, focus on the result.
Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci
We need more women in this family.
Rodolfo Gucci in House of Gucci
True talent is often unaware of its own brilliance. It must be cherished and protected. Whereas hacks, they run around, shouting their delicious ideas, begging to be recognized. Blind to their own mediocrity.
Rodolfo Gucci in House of Gucci
We both know he's blind in one eye and deaf in the other.
Paolo Gucci in House of Gucci
Gucci doesn't belong in a mall, it belongs in a museum.
Rodolfo Gucci in House of Gucci
Sometimes you have to go down to come back up again.
Maurizio Gucci in House of Gucci
You're an unnecessary detail.
Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci
Don't let these forces around you dictate who you are. You're strong. You're magnificent.
Pina Auriemma in House of Gucci
Es war ein Name, dessen Klang so lieblich war, so verführerisch. Ein Synonym für Reichtum, Stil, Macht. Aber der Name war auch ein Fluch.
Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci
I don't consider myself a particularly ethical person, but I am fair.
Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci
Never confuse sh-t with cioccolato. They may look the same, but the taste? Very different.
Paolo Gucci in House of Gucci
Family is important. You can't erase yourself from the family portrait just because you enjoy playing with trucks.
Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci
I don't love you. I don't hate you, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Maurizio Gucci in House of Gucci
Batman: "Ich kann echt nicht gut mit Tieren."
Ace: "Ja, ich kann nicht gut mit Menschen. Vermutlich wegen meiner traumatischen Welpenheit."
Ace der Bathund in DC League of Super-Pets
Krypto: "Wie viel hast du getrunken?"
Ace: "Also ich hatte zwei Kloschüsseln und ein Bidet. Ein Bidet, echt cool, ich wusste gar nicht, dass es so was gibt. Ist so 'ne Art Hunde Wasserspender."
Ace der Bathund in DC League of Super-Pets
Krypto: "Was gibt es Neues bei dir, freundlicher Normalo-Hund?"
Hund: "Ich hab letztens den FedEx Fahrer gebissen."
Krypto: "Für wen arbeitet er? General Zod? Die Legion of Doom?"
Hund: "Für FedEx."
Krypto: "Na klar! Die Förderation von Ex! Nicht ungefährlich."
Krypto der Superhund in DC League of Super-Pets
Batman arbeitet allein. Bis auf Robin... und Alfred... Commissioner Gordon... meine IT Crew... der Typ, den Gordon Freeman gespielt hat...
Eins dürfen Sie nicht vergessen: Wenn Sie dem Täter in die Augen schauen, dann schaut er auch in Ihre.
Ellie Stocker in Der Pass
Ellie Stocker: "Wir müssen dafür den richtigen Weg finden."
Gedeon Winter: "Der richtige Weg führt am Arsch vorbei."
Gedeon Winter in Der Pass
Deutscher Pass, deutsches Problem.
Gedeon Winter in Der Pass
"Any questions?"
"Yes, one. What's all this sh-t?"
Der Pass - Staffel 1 Episode 7
You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them f-ing each other over for a goddamn percentage.
Ellen Ripley in Alien
So ne Art Rettungsaktion. Sie werden drauf abfahren. Es soll in der Kolonie ein paar Bräute geben, die wir vor der Jungfräulichkeit retten sollen.
Al Apone in Alien
Hudson: "He Vasquez! Bist du schon mal für nen Mann gehalten worden?"
Vasquez: "Nein, du etwa?"
We didn't leave Earth to be safe.
Tennessee Faris in Alien - Covenant
We're on an express elevator to hell - going down!
William Hudson in Alien
What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Harsh language?
Ricco Frost in Alien
We're all gonna die. The only question is when. This is as good a place as any to take your first steps to Heaven.
Leonard Dillon in Alien
Ellen Ripley: "Well, someone's gonna have to go down there, take a portable transmitter and patch in."
William Hudson: "Yeah, sure, with those things running around? You can count me out."
Dwayne Hicks: "Well I guess we can count you out of everything then."
Serve in heaven or reign in hell?
David in Alien - Covenant
Ich kann Ihnen nichts vormachen, was Ihre Chancen angeht. Aber: Sie haben mein Mitgefühl.
Ash in Alien
Larry Purvis: "God, I'm so tired."
Ron Johner: "Sleep when you die, man."
Alien - Resurrection
There's a monster in your chest... it's a really nasty one. And in a few hours, it's gonna burst through your ribcage, and you're gonna die. Any questions?
Ellen Ripley in Alien - Resurrection
Dallas: "Ripley. This is an order. Do you hear me?"
Ripley: "Yes. I read you. The answer is negative."
Ellen Ripley in Alien
You've been in my life so long, I can't remember anything else.
Ellen Ripley in Alien
Sie scheinen immer noch nicht zu begreifen, womit Sie es zu tun haben. Mit einem perfekten Organismus. Nur seine Feindseligkeit übertrifft noch seine perfekte Struktur. Ich bewundere die konzeptionelle Reinheit. Geschaffen, um zu überleben. Kein Gewissen beeinflusst es. Es kennt keine Schuld, oder Wahnvorstellungen ethischer Art.
Ash in Alien
Ellen Ripley: "How do we kill it, Ash? There's gotta be a way of killing it. How? How do we do it?"
Ash: "You can't."
Ash in Alien
Bring back life form. Priority one. All other priorities rescinded.
Ash in Alien
If those things get loose, it's gonna make the Lacerta Plague look like a f-ing square dance!
Alien - Resurrection
In space, no one can hear you scream.
The animal itself - wondrous! The potential? Unbelievable - once we've tamed them. We'll teach them tricks!
Mason Wren in Alien - Resurrection
I got you... you son of a b*tch!
Ellen Ripley in Alien
Final report of the commercial starship Nostromo. Third Officer reporting. The other members of the crew - Kane, Lambert, Parker, Brett, Ash, and Captain Dallas - are dead. Cargo and ship destroyed. I should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.
Ellen Ripley in Alien
Averell: "I love exotic food! What do you call this delicious crust around the frijoles?"
Espuelas: "It's called a terracotta bowl, amigo."
Averell Dalton in Lucky Luke - Tortillas für die Daltons
Hey, wollt ihr mich wohl reinlassen!? Ich bin rechtmäßig verurteilt und habe auch Anspruch auf den Knast!
Averell Dalton in Lucky Luke - Sein größter Trick
Bam: "Wenn ich könnte, hätte ich mich da selbst rein gefaltet. Sozusagen als Geschenk für dich."
Joe: "Bam. Wenn du dich da rein faltest, brauchen wir 'nen Pickup Truck."
Joe Simmons in A Madea Homecoming
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