Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 13)

Die schönsten Filmzitate (Seite 13)

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Der zweite Weltkrieg wäre vorbei. Unsere Jungs könnten nach Hause kommen.
Lewis Strauss in Oppenheimer
Leslie Groves: "They have a 12-month Head Start."
Robert Oppenheimer: "18."
Leslie Groves: "How could you possibly know that?"
Surviving is not living. Life is more than just what is. It's what could be. What you could make it. You need to promise them dreams that may never come true. You need to love them knowing that you may lose them at any second. Okay? They deserve dreams. They deserve love. They deserve hope. They deserve a mother.
Tom in Bird Box
Every contact we've had with the outside has brought us death!
Douglas in Bird Box
We have a place, a compound. We have a community. It's safe here. How many of you are there? Are any of them children? Because, the fastest way to get here is by the river, and I don't think you could make it with kids.
Listen to me, we're going on a trip now, it's going to be rough. If you hear something in the woods, you tell me. if you hear something in the water, you tell me. But under no circumstances are you allowed to take off your blindfold.
Malorie Hayes in Bird Box
Willy Wonka: "So you're the funny little man who's been following me."
Oompa Loompa: "I will have you know that I am a perfectly respectable size for an Oompa Loompa."
Oompa Loompa in WONKA
Every good thing in this world started with a dream.
I've spent the past seven years traveling the world, perfecting my craft. You see, I'm something of a magician, inventor and chocolate maker. So quiet up and listen down. Nope. Scratch that, reverse it.
Willy Wonka in WONKA
Macht Ihnen das keine Angst? Dass Sie vielleicht nie etwas dummes tun werden?
Sylvia Weis in In Time
Die Uhr ist für niemanden gut. Die Armen sterben und die Reichen leben nicht.
Sylvia Weis in In Time
"Das letzte mal, als er lebend gesehen wurde, hatte er noch über ein Jahrhundert auf der Uhr."
"Tja, in der Gegend hier legen sie dich für ne Woche um."
Ich hab keine Zeit. Ich hab keine Zeit, darüber nachzudenken, wie es dazu gekommen ist. Es ist, wie es ist. Wir sind genetisch so verändert, dass wir mit 25 aufhören zu altern. Das Problem ist, wir leben dann nur noch ein weiteres Jahr. Es sei denn, wir können mehr Zeit bekommen. Zeit ist jetzt unsere Währung. Wir arbeiten dafür, bezahlen damit. Die Reichen können ewig leben. Und der Rest von uns... ich will einfach nur mal mit mehr Zeit auf der Uhr aufwachen, als der Tag Stunden hat.
Will Salas in In Time
Möge dein Messer splittern und brechen.
Paul Atreides in Dune
Einmal ein Ranger, immer ein Ranger.
Power Rangers - Once & Always
This is Ranger business, okay? Let us sort this out.
Power Rangers - Once & Always
Danny Cho: "Okay, alter, ich brauch' Kohle, man."
Isaac Cho: "Kannst du meine P*ssy vielleicht erstmal mit Kimchi Saft einschmieren, bevor du-?"
BEEF - Staffel 1 Episode 1
The trees here are in misery, and the birds are in misery. I don't think they sing. They just screech in pain.
Werner Herzog in Die Last der Träume
It's not only my dreams, my belief is that all these dreams are yours as well... and the only distinction between me and you is that I can articulate them and that is what poetry or painting or literature or film-making is all about.
Werner Herzog in Die Last der Träume
I'm running out of fantasy. I don't know what else can happen now.
Werner Herzog in Die Last der Träume
I don't want to live in a world where there are no lions anymore. Or, where there are no people like lions.
Werner Herzog in Die Last der Träume
If I abandon this project, I would be a man without dreams and I don't want to live like that. I live my life or I end my life, with this project.
Werner Herzog in Die Last der Träume
The love you feel for your family makes you weak.
Conrad Carapax in Blue Beetle
It's called the Scarab. It's some kind of world-destroying weapon. It's designed to protect its host. Sometimes it does what you want, and sometimes it doesn't.
Jenny Kor in Blue Beetle
Jaime: "It's like Batman's stuff."
Rudy: "Batman's a fascist."
Rudy Reyes in Blue Beetle
Jaime: "Everything right now feels so out of reach."
Milagros: "You always land on your feet, bro. You're Jaime."
Milagros Reyes in Blue Beetle
The universe has sent you a gift, and you have to figure out what to do with it.
Rudy Reyes in Blue Beetle
Milagros: "You went in to get us jobs and all you brought back was a hamburger?"
Jaime: "Okay, I don't think it's a burger."
Jaime Reyes in Blue Beetle
I-I think I cut a bus in half!
Jaime Reyes in Blue Beetle
The Scarab chose you, but it belongs to me.
Victoria Kord in Blue Beetle
"How you gonna get a gun?"
"This is Florida. The God damn state is shaped like a gun!"
Everyone in this whole place can go ahead and kill each other. We won't even try to catch them anymore.
This ain't Disney World anymore. You need to get out of here.
A Florida man found out the hard way when the hunter became the hunted.
Hi, I'm Mike and I'm a gambler. Lost my job. Lost my wife.
Mike Valentine in Florida Man
You know, you should always be polite to your neighbors. You never know when you might need to borrow some sugar.
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference.
Talos in Spider-Man - Far From Home
Track the pod. Find the girl. She knows more than she knows.
This is war. My hands are filthy from it, too. But we're here now. You found my family, and this is just the beginning.
Been riding a desk for the past six years trying to figure out where our future enemies are coming from. Never occurred to me they would be coming from above.
Wherever you are… I will always be by your side.
Alex in Chupa
There are some bad people out there who wanna take advantage of these creatures.
A story has come out of Latin America about a creature called El Chupacabra.
You're going to have fun. Your dad always said San Javier was a magical place.
Luna in Chupa
Sorry, buddy. Elements don't mix. Plus, my dad would boil you alive.
Ember in Elemental
Why does anyone get to tell you what you can do in your life?
Wade in Elemental
Meet the residents of Element City: Air... usually has their head in the clouds. Earth... can be a little seedy. Water... is always getting into something. And fire... we run a little hot. But we all live by one simple rule. Elements cannot mix!
Ember in Elemental
I've been trying to fill my father's shoes but I never once asked what I wanted to do.
Ember in Elemental
You know when something crazy happens and someone's like, "it's okay, I've seen way worse"? Everything I saw you do today is gonna be my "way worse".
Rebecca Quincy in Renfield
We will protect you! You have the word of the most trusted institution on earth... the Catholic church!
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