Make their fear your weapon... or use a gun, whichever.
Next time we'll use wooden sticks! Make it fair...
There's truth in every dream, if you dig deep enough. Let's find out what they buried.
Their Chamber is dangerous from afar. But up close, he bleeds like the rest of us.
Valorant - zu Chamber
Look at them, pale and sweating. All good signs.
We could finish this with our eyes closed - but I wouldn't recommend it.
Talking a big game doesn't mean much if you lose.
Valorant - zu Phoenix
Their fear is a track, and the track is fresh.
Don't worry everyone, I won't tell them what scares you. Promise...
They brought along Omen. His fear is a sorrowful kind. Like a broken doll lost in the attic.
Valorant - zu Omen
You have such a way with information, Cypher. After this, let's trade notes.
Valorant - zu Cypher
Many people died here. Their fear still lingers.
We won, they lost. This is the way of things.
It doesn't matter where they hide, I'll find them. I always find them.
Pry open their mind, find the weakness!
They're blind with fear.
They have courage, but no one is immune to fear.
Everyone is afraid of something.
One dream ends, another begins.
Another mission? Good. Anything to keep me awake.
Face your fear!
We find what's hidden, we take it, then we leave.
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Phoenix: "I should have picked this game."
Cypher: "[playing chess] Winning requires sacrifice. Not really your style."
Cypher: "[playing chess] Winning requires sacrifice. Not really your style."
Irgendwann akzeptieren wir vielleicht, dass aus dem Traum ein Alptraum geworden ist. Wir sagen uns, dass die Realität sowieso besser ist. Wir reden uns ein, dass es besser ist überhaupt nicht zu träumen. Aber die Stärksten von uns halten an dem Traum fest. Manchmal konfrontiert uns das Leben mit einem neuen Traum und wir beginnen an der Hoffnung festzuhalten. Wenn wir Glück haben, verstehen wir einmal in unserem Leben, dass es nicht immer um diesen oder jenen Traum geht. Es geht darum überhaupt zu träumen.
Meredith Grey in Grey's Anatomy - Staffel 3 Episode 23