Zitate und Sprüche aus Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Zitate und Sprüche aus Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Hier findest du die besten Zitate und Sprüche aus Extraordinary Attorney Woo, einer südkoreanischen Serie aus dem Jahr 2022, die sowohl im koreanischen Fernsehen, als auch auf Netflix ausgestrahlt wird.

Even if other people say it's not, if you say it's love, it's love.
Lee Joon-ho - Staffel 1
Do you like anybody? If you do, hold onto them. If something happens and you let go of them, go back and hold on tight.
Jung Myung-seok - Staffel 1
What you see isn't everything. Don't be blinded by what you can see. Keep in mind the essence of what lies beyond that.
Staffel 1
I'm happy just being with you. For me to be happy, I have to be with you!
Lee Joon-ho - Staffel 1 Episode 15
Go home? What does that mean? Is it like having a life after work? The thing that only exists in fantasies and not in real life?
Choi Su-yeon - Staffel 1
Junho: "My feelings toward you, Attorney Woo, are like the unrequited love toward a cat."
Woo: "The unrequited love toward a cat?"
Junho: "Cats sometimes make their owners lonely. But they make them just as happy, too."
Woo: "The expression 'the unrequited love toward a cat' is inappropriate. Because cats love their owners, too. So let's not break up."
Woo Young-woo - Staffel 1
I live in an unfamiliar ocean with unfamiliar belugas. Because everyone's different from me, it's not easy to adjust and there are lots of whales that hate me, too. But it's okay. Because this is my life. Though my life is unusual and peculiar, it's valuable and beautiful.
Woo Young-woo - Staffel 1 Episode 16
The shock of moving from one space to another is very overwhelming for me. If I count to three and take a deep breath before going in, it lessens the shock a bit.
Woo Young-woo - Staffel 1
Colleagues are supposed to learn from each other. To grow.
Jung Myung-seok - Staffel 1
Will you reveal the truth and achieve social justice or stay loyal to the client's interests?
Jung Myung-seok - Staffel 1
Have you ever heard that we know more about the dark side of the moon than we do about the deep sea?
Woo Young-woo - Staffel 1
I like you so much that it feels like I'm sick inside.
Lee Joon-ho - Staffel 1
If you want good grades, study. If you want to lose weight, exercise. If you want to communicate, make an effort!
Staffel 1
Dates are like that. No meaning, no effiency. Foolish.
Lee Joon-ho - Staffel 1
If you have such a powerful father, you can live as a princess forever.
Staffel 1
I'm not sure if I'm someone who can make you happy. I think I'm just someone you have to take care of.
Woo Young-woo - Staffel 1 Episode 15
All my thoughts tend to center around me, so I make people close to me lonely. I don't know when or why I do that. And I don't know what I can do to stop it.
Woo Young-woo - Staffel 1
Attorneys are human. They're different from judges and prosecutors. We all add the legal field, but while judges and prosecutors work to safeguard the law, attorneys work to shield the people.
Staffel 1
Discrimination against the disabled is legally prohibited! You not being employed anywhere with your grades is discrimination, dishonesty, and corruption.
Choi Su-yeon - Staffel 1
People think that those who are born rich don't get punished. Whether it's drugs, drunk driving, or assault. Whatever they do, they get away with it.
Choi Su-yeon - Staffel 1
The law takes intention very seriously. How you felt changes your charge.
Woo Young-woo - Staffel 1
Having mental or physical disorder does not mean they are all mentally unfit. It is only when the disability affects one's ability to discern things and make decisions that they are considered to be mentally unfit.
Jung Myung-seok - Staffel 1
If you can't get through to a senior attorney, have even more discussions with your colleagues.
Jung Myung-seok - Staffel 1 Episode 15

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Woo Young-wooJung Myung-seokLee Joon-hoZitate und Sprüche aus Netflix Serien und FilmenNetflixChoi Su-yeonZitate und Sprüche über Anwälte und JuristenAnwälteGirl from NowhereOne PieceDarkHaus des Geldes