Zitate und Sprüche von Ernestine Rose

Zitate und Sprüche von Ernestine Rose

Ernestine Louise Rose (* 13. Januar 1810 als Ernestine Louise Sigismund Potowsky in Piotrków Trybunalski; † 4. August 1892 in Brighton) war eine polnisch-US-amerikanische Frauenrechtlerin und Abolitionistin. Sie war eine zentrale Figur der frühen Frauenrechtsbewegung in den USA.

Slavery and freedom cannot exist together.
When a man comes to me and tries to convince me that he is not a thief, then I take care of my coppers.
If you allow one single germ, one single seed of slavery to remain in the soil of America... that germ will spring up, that noxious weed will thrive, and again stifle the growth, wither the leaves, blast the flowers and poison the fair fruits of freedom.
She had her reward! - that reward of which no enemie could deprive her, which no slanders could make less precious - the eternal reward of knowing that she had done her duty.
It is an interesting and demonstrable fact, that all children are atheists and were religion not inculcated into their minds, they would remain so.

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Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.
Independence is happiness.
Join the union, girls, and together say Equal Pay for Equal Work.
The day may be approaching when the whole world will recognize woman as the equal of man.
I do not demand equal pay for any women save those who do equal work in value. Scorn to be coddled by your employers; make them understand that you are in their service as workers, not as women.
Delling: "Woran liegt das, dass er kein Tor schießt?"
Netzer: "Woran das liegt? Er trifft das Tor nicht!"
Delling: "Super, dafür haben wir einen Experten."
Sie sind der Experte – Betonung liegt auf Ex.
Die Luft, die nie drin war, ist raus aus dem Spiel.

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