Zitate und Sprüche aus Dying Light

Zitate und Sprüche aus Dying Light

Dying Light ist ein von Techland entwickeltes Open-World-Survival-Horror-Spiel. Das Spiel ist in einer post-apokalyptischen Welt angesiedelt. Im April 2022 bekam es die Fortsetzung Dying Light 2: Stay Human.

There is nothing permanent, except change.
Dying Light - 2 Stay Human
I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.
Dying Light - 2 Stay Human
In der Tradition von griechischem Feuer, Feuertöpfen und Brandkugeln, ist der Molly der wohl beliebteste Wurfbrandsatz der Geschichte. Und da heißt es, man lernt hier nichts.
Der Unterschied zwischen Insektenvergiftung und Untotenvernichtung? Die Dosierung.
Careful, he's American. The metric system makes him angry.
Irgendwann wird das schiefgehen und ich lande auf einem Haufen rostiger Messer. Ganz sicher.
One day I'm gonna do this and end up landing on a bag of rusty knives, I just know it.
Kyle Crane
Bandages! Awesome! People love bandages - at least the ones who need them do. Other people don't really care so much. But the guy who lives across the hall from me just shot off his thumb, so he's really gonna appreciate this stuff. Say, you didn't see any loose thumbs out there, did you? When he shot it off, it kind of flew out the window. It would look like a chicken nugget with a bullet hole. No? Well, keep your eyes open.
Kennt nicht jeder jemanden, der beim Rumspielen mit Böllern Finger verloren hat? Seien Sie nicht dieser jemand. Werfen Sie sie lieber auf den Feind und gehen Sie dann schnell in Deckung!
Die meisten Leute glauben, es reicht, jemanden in Brand zu setzen, um sich seiner zu entledigen. Ich nicht! Ich empfehle, mit Elektroschocks auf Nummer sicher zu gehen.
Vor dem Ausbruch war mein größtes Erfolgserlebnis der 1. Platz beim Buchstabierwettbewerb.
Sie wollen die frohe Botschaft mit möglichst vielen Gegnern teilen? Dann empfehle ich diesen Mod: Splittergranaten und Gift ergeben eine wahrlich unwiderstehliche Kombination.
Afra hat bloß Gas im Kopf, aber das gehört in seiner Branche wohl dazu. Tja, es gibt eben solche und solche.
When you deal with the best, you die like the rest!
If Mama ain't happy, nobody happy! So you'd better make Mama happy!
Barbarism is the natural state of mankind.
Bozak: "You have very good lungs."
Crane: "Yeah, well I've been holding my breath a lot around here."
Ich weiß nicht ob ich da was tun kann, aber ich werde es versuchen.
I don't know how I'm gonna fix this, but I'm sure as hell gonna try.
Kyle Crane
You come to us, like a snake in the grass, here... in a city of lies, you are the biggest liar of all.
Kadir Suleman

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It's a Golden Nut. It's shiny and its price is totally justified. Don't overthink it, you need one! Purchase a Golden Nut today! (Warning: Ingestion is not recommended).
Satisfactory - Golden Nut
Relaying message: Hello this is paternal figure. I have taken ill and need your help to find a cure. Doctors say that the only remedy is alien artifacts.
Usage and production of this material is strictly prohibited. On Earth, that is. There are no rules in space, only efficiency.
Satisfactory - Ficsonium
Used as fuel for Nuclear Power Plants.
The power source that put FICSIT on the map. Literally. The crater is still there.
Satisfactory - Ficsonium Fuel Rod
I am ADA, also known as Artificial Directory and Assistant, tasked to support pioneers, such as you, in their mission.
Teammates? Ugh. Always good for collateral.
You'll break your neck trying to keep an eye on me.
Let's play a game of cat and mouse. You're the mouse.
Eventually, everything falls apart, and I'll be there to play with the pieces.
Trusting me? Now that's a risk you'll have to take.
Consequences? Hahaha, what are those?
Life's just a game and lucky you, you're playing it with me.
Run and hide. I'll enjoy doing the seeking.
That had the components of a joke, but... it wasn't funny.
What an "interesting" thing to say out loud.
I accept myself as I am. What's your excuse?
Knowledge is power... try reading a book!
I've exceeded my capacity for social interaction today!
I like when it's quiet — I can hear myself think.
Note to self: repeating previous actions may lead to unfavorable results.
Where do yordles go when they die? Back to Bandle City?
I recognize those ravens. Are you their owner? Or, do they own you?
It's such a relief to have you here, Ramhaurg. Our other colleagues are so... loud.
Ashe, your ideas may be noble, but your execution is lacking.
Spending time with others is exhausting. If I seem curt, don't take it personally.
Do any of you wanna talk about spirits? ...I'll assume that's a yes!
Unless you know anything about spirits or the Spirit Realm, you do well to let me focus on my work.
You stain your blade with spirits, Yone! Why hurt what you can heal?
Not all lies are bad, just as the truth is not always good.
New Moon Luna in Epic Seven
Only by knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can you succeed.
Birgitta in Epic Seven

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