Zitate und Sprüche aus Dragon's Dogma

Zitate und Sprüche aus Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma ist ein Action-RPG von Capcom aus dem Jahr 2012. Der Spieler übernimmt die Rolle des Erweckten in der Fantasy-Welt Gransys, um den Drachen Grigori zu besiegen. Hier findest du die besten Zitate und Sprüche der Charaktere und Vasallen des Spiels.

Thy will... thy soul... These are all the means thou hast to carve thy path anew!
Dragon's Dogma - 2
I'd never violate milord's privacy while he violates milady's privates.
Should we jump, Arisen? It may shorten our path.. or our lives.
When the weak court death, they find it.
Greif zu den Waffen, Erweckter... denn meinesgleichen gibt sich mit Zahnlosen nicht ab.
Take up arms, newly Arisen... for my kind do not heed the toothless.
Whate'er meaning life holds, it makes men deaf to all reason.
I sure dont care about meeting what left these giant footprints behind.
Just being at your side, fills this pawn with vigor, Arisen.
It does not seem human... 'tis certainly no pawn.
The rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening.
If victory is elusive, seek new allies. Where that fails, seek new foes.
Some welcome the end with arms outstretched, while others come to face death incarnate, arms in hand.
What is your purpose here, Arisen? If you sought to live you had naught but run and hide yourself away. But then, tell me, child of man... what does it mean to live in truth? To wage war against the passing days? To pray to the unseen for a few breaths more? To raise grand cities from stone, and spawn new life in turn? Mankind has done this, yes, and more. But is the tapestry you weave truly of your own design?
'Tis the will of the master that shapes the soulless pawn. You've trained them well, Arisen.
In the fullness of time, I shall come to know when the time has come. Know that all I know is that I shall know all who know me. I am not but my shadow, though my shadow be not shadow, but myself. I am come here at the end of my journeys, rich in scars and rich of mind. I am dragon-forged, knower of the beast, and known to it in kind.
The Fool
Him who knows that I know what he seeks to know, knows it well while he who knows not, knows not what I know or know not.
The Fool

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It's a Golden Nut. It's shiny and its price is totally justified. Don't overthink it, you need one! Purchase a Golden Nut today! (Warning: Ingestion is not recommended).
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Relaying message: Hello this is paternal figure. I have taken ill and need your help to find a cure. Doctors say that the only remedy is alien artifacts.
Usage and production of this material is strictly prohibited. On Earth, that is. There are no rules in space, only efficiency.
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Used as fuel for Nuclear Power Plants.
The power source that put FICSIT on the map. Literally. The crater is still there.
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I am ADA, also known as Artificial Directory and Assistant, tasked to support pioneers, such as you, in their mission.
Teammates? Ugh. Always good for collateral.
You'll break your neck trying to keep an eye on me.
Let's play a game of cat and mouse. You're the mouse.
Eventually, everything falls apart, and I'll be there to play with the pieces.
Trusting me? Now that's a risk you'll have to take.
Consequences? Hahaha, what are those?
Life's just a game and lucky you, you're playing it with me.
Run and hide. I'll enjoy doing the seeking.
That had the components of a joke, but... it wasn't funny.
What an "interesting" thing to say out loud.
I accept myself as I am. What's your excuse?
Knowledge is power... try reading a book!
I've exceeded my capacity for social interaction today!
I like when it's quiet — I can hear myself think.
Note to self: repeating previous actions may lead to unfavorable results.
Where do yordles go when they die? Back to Bandle City?
I recognize those ravens. Are you their owner? Or, do they own you?
It's such a relief to have you here, Ramhaurg. Our other colleagues are so... loud.
Ashe, your ideas may be noble, but your execution is lacking.
Spending time with others is exhausting. If I seem curt, don't take it personally.
Do any of you wanna talk about spirits? ...I'll assume that's a yes!
Unless you know anything about spirits or the Spirit Realm, you do well to let me focus on my work.
You stain your blade with spirits, Yone! Why hurt what you can heal?
Not all lies are bad, just as the truth is not always good.
New Moon Luna in Epic Seven
Only by knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can you succeed.
Birgitta in Epic Seven
If you have no use, stop existing!
Harsetti in Epic Seven
Rose always used to tell me that keeping quiet when someone's hurt you isn't kind, it's stupid. I might be useless, and I might be slow... but I'm not stupid!
Nemunas in Epic Seven

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