Jay Baruchel: "Also du trinkst und kiffst nicht mehr?"
Seth Rogen: "Oh, nein nein, ich kiffe und ich trinke immer noch. Ich mache Entschlackung, ich bin doch nicht irre."
Seth Rogen: "Oh, nein nein, ich kiffe und ich trinke immer noch. Ich mache Entschlackung, ich bin doch nicht irre."
Seth Rogen
Wer hat denn heutzutage bitte noch ein P*rnoheft? Willkommen im 21. Jahrhundert, Marc Rogers! Dein verschissenes Haus ist voll mit iPads in den Wänden und trotzdem wichst du noch wie einer der Pilgerväter.
Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen
I always wanted to be a film-maker when I was younger, not an actor. I was an eight-year-old who dreamed of being a writer on 'The Simpsons,' which was a weird dream to have. But I started taking acting classes as a way to learn how to direct actors and I sort of fell in love with it.
It's always better to shock people and change people's expectations than to give them exactly what they think you can do. It's not unexpected for me to be in a comedy film anymore; I'm no longer the underdog in that world. Not that I'm great or good at it or anything, it's just that I've done a bunch of them, so you're not shocked.
I've never had issues with popularity. I was always a popular guy... I've always had friends and loved ones and everything, so it wasn't like, 'Oh man, I gotta fill some void that was left by high school.' I had a great high-school experience.
All my friends were in college when I was making 'Superbad.' We were drinking beer and watching movies and eating pizza. It wasn't like I was going to nice restaurants or anything like that, and I lived like a frat guy. Eventually it was time to grow up, be healthy and be responsible. You can't live like a kid forever, you know?
I play a lot of games on my iPhone. There is a game called Rat on a Scooter that I will promote as much as possible because it has brought me so much joy.
Wenn es schwul ist, Katy Perry zu mögen und Margaritas zu trinken, wer will dann schon hetero sein?!
If liking Katy Perry and drinking margaritas is gay, then who wants to be straight?!
Das Selfie ist die neue Art und Weise, jemandem in die Augen zu gucken und zu sagen, "Hallo, das bin ich."
The selfie is the new way to look someone right in the eye and say, "Hello, this is me."
Wenn das hier mein einziges Leben ist, warum mache ich dann nicht einfach alles was ich will?
If this is the only life, then why I'm not just doing everything I want to do.
Manchmal werde ich ein bisschen traurig und ich fühle mich einsam. Dann spreche ich mit meiner Katze darüber und sie erinnert mich daran, dass ich James Franco bin. Dann tanzen wir.
Sometimes I get a little sad, and I feel like being alone. Then I talk to my cat about it, and he reminds me I'm James Franco. Then we dance.
I used to care about how I looked. Now I don't care as much. Maybe it's because I'm so handsome.
Alles was ich weiß ist, dass McDonald's für mich da war, wann immer ich es brauchte.
All I know is that when I needed McDonald's, McDonald's was there for me.
Ich erwürge dich, ich bring dich um, ich verscharr dich, ich buddel dich aus, ich klone dich und ich bringe alle deine Klone um!