Zitate und Sprüche von Darius, die Hand von Noxus

Zitate und Sprüche von Darius, die Hand von Noxus

Nice glove, Ezreal, maybe you can use it to pick yourself up after the game.
League of Legends - Dunkmaster Darius
There's no I in team, but there is one in Darius.
League of Legends - Dunkmaster Darius
I kill three things: gods, kings and idiots, and you're starting to sound like an idiot.
League of Legends - God-King Darius
I don't discriminate, some of my best friends are demons.
League of Legends - God-King Darius
Kings demand you kneel before their heirlooms and unearned titles. Noxus wants you to stand so you can be reforged in a glory shared by all.
You no longer have subjects. Today they become citizens of Noxus. Rejoice at the end of kings. Noxus offers freedom and fortune for any strong enough to take it.
What is war good for? Lots of things: a world for the strong, endless violence, nation wide morale, manufacturing b-, well that's three things right there!
League of Legends - God-King Darius
Let me honor your death wish.
League of Legends - God-King Darius
True heroes feast upon the bones of kings!
League of Legends - God-King Darius
Hey, Draven! Momma said you were adopted!
League of Legends - Dunkmaster Darius
Demacia is a disease, I am the cure!
League of Legends - God-King Darius
War separates men from kings, predators from prey.
League of Legends - God-King Darius
What do you call a god who kills other gods? You call him Darius… then he kills you.
League of Legends - God-King Darius
It's okay to be afraid... if you're bad.
Don't turn your back, or expose your neck.
For a dunk legend like me, only Infinity Edge will do. Infinity Edge - the closest shave.
League of Legends - Dunkmaster Darius
Don't hate the player - hate yourself.
League of Legends - Dunkmaster Darius
I don't need a buzzer to tell me when to start dominating.
League of Legends - Dunkmaster Darius
Talent wins games. Period.
League of Legends - Dunkmaster Darius
I don't give 100%, I take it.
League of Legends - Dunkmaster Darius
They will regret opposing me.

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That is the truth of the Isles. Mortals come lured by hope. And we are always waiting.
Graves: "Get your ellbow out of my mouth!"
Twisted Fate: "That is not my ellbow."
In the Freljord, we all come from the same family. And like all families, we fight.
In einer Welt ohne Liebe ist der Tod bedeutungslos.
Lange bevor Schwerter und Zauberei nötig sind, können Worte eine Seele retten.
Rhaast: "Der Meister beschwert sich nicht beim Werkzeug."
Kayn: "In diesem Fall mache ich eine Ausnahme."
Der einzig wahre Tod ist nie gelebt zu haben.
What's in my violin case? Violence.
Was riecht denn hier so? Oh, das bin ja ich.
Liebe und Hass sind nur andere Wörter für Leidenschaft.
Es ist traurige Gewissheit, dass die, die am hellsten strahlen, oft am schnellsten verglühen.
Ich liebe meine Waffen wie meine Argumente, hieb- und stichfest.
Meine Bestimmung? Weißt du, jetzt wo ich darüber nachdenke... wollte ich immer schon ein Bäcker werden.
Nur die Sieger schreiben Geschichte. Zeit für unser eigenes Kapitel.
Halte einen Mann lang genug klein und die Gosse wird sein Königreich.
Hallo, ist hier irgendwo ein Arzt? Ich frage für meine Gegner.
Sorry Jungs, die flauschigen Handschellen liegen zuhause.
Es gibt keine Schatten ohne Licht, das sollte dir klar sein.
Der Schlüssel zur Unsterblichkeit? Nicht sterben!
It's a Golden Nut. It's shiny and its price is totally justified. Don't overthink it, you need one! Purchase a Golden Nut today! (Warning: Ingestion is not recommended).
Satisfactory - Golden Nut

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