The promise of autonomous vehicles is great.
On the battlefield, the military pledges to leave no soldier behind. As a nation, let it be our pledge that when they return home, we leave no veteran behind.
On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.
Right now, every American is affected by high energy prices. Working families, small businesses and consumers across the country are feeling the pinch with no end in sight.
Yet, despite our many advances, our environment is still threatened by a range of problems, including global climate change, energy dependence on unsustainable fossil fuels, and loss of biodiversity.
Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen
Du weißt was sie über Chicago sagen. Wenn dir das Wetter nicht gefällt, warte einfach 15 Minuten.
You know what they say about Chicago. If you don't like the weather, wait fifteen minutes.
Take me away, like I overdosed on cocaine
Or take me away like a bullet from Kurt Cobain, suicide
I'm from a windy city like Do or Die
Or take me away like a bullet from Kurt Cobain, suicide
I'm from a windy city like Do or Die
The Game - My Life, Album: LAX
You can leave Chicago, but it will never leave you.
Village idiot? Hello, Chicago is a city, not a village, and the best city in the world!
Lydia Berman in Thunder Force
Looking at Chicago from outside the city in daylight is one of the most depressing sights in the world.
Neo Tribes in Cyberpunk 2077
Two-thirty, baby, won't you meet me by The Bean?
Too early, maybe later you can show me things
You know what it is, whenever I visit
Windy city, she blowin' me kisses
Too early, maybe later you can show me things
You know what it is, whenever I visit
Windy city, she blowin' me kisses
Drake - Chicago Freestyle, Album: D6
Es gibt zu viele gute Bürger in Chicago, die es satt haben, lange Umwege zu nehmen, um Gangs und Drogendealern an bestimmten Straßenecken auszuweichen.
There are too many senior citizens and good residents in Chicago who are sick and tired of having to walk several blocks out of their way when they leave their homes just to avoid the gangs and drug dealers on the street corner.
Chicago ist die korrupteste Stadt in Amerika.
Chicago is not the most corrupt American city. It's the most theatrically corrupt.
Meine liebste Großstadt ist Chicago. Ich habe für einige Jahre in Indiana gewohnt und bin immer mit meiner Familie zu den Spielen der Cubs gefahren oder um das Aquarium oder Museen zu besuchen.
My favorite big city would have to be Chicago. I lived in Indiana for several years and would always go into the city with my family for Cubs games or to visit the aquarium and museums on field trips.
Ich bin beeindruckt von den Menschen aus Chicago. Hollywood ist hype, New York ist Gerede, Chicago ist Arbeit.
I'm impressed with the people from Chicago. Hollywood is hype, New York is talk, Chicago is work.
Ich vermisse alles an Chicago - außer Januar und Februar.
I miss everything about Chicago - except January and February.
Chicago ist meine Heimatstadt und wird immer einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen einnehmen.
Chicago is my hometown and will always have a special place in my heart.
Ich glaube, dass Chicago die schönste Großstadt der Welt sein wird.
Eventually, I think Chicago will be the most beautiful great city left in the world.
Die kreativsten Menschen kommen nicht mehr nur aus Chicago oder London, sondern auch aus Stockholm, Tokio und Seoul.
The best creative no longer has to originate in Chicago or London; it will be coming from Stockholm, Tokyo, and Seoul as well.
Es heißt immer, mit Geld könne man sich kein Glück kaufen. Aber man kann sich davon einen Flug nach Chicago kaufen - was quasi das selbe ist.
They say money can't buy happiness. But it can book your flight to Chicago - which is kinda the same.
Glück kann man nicht kaufen, aber einen Flug nach Illinois - und das ist quasi das selbe.
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Illinois - and that's pretty much the same thing.
Ein echter Soldat kämpft nicht, weil er hasst, was vor ihm liegt, sondern weil er liebt, was hinter ihm liegt.
The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.
As a veteran, I know firsthand the satisfaction there is in defending the democracy you so strongly believe in, but I can also attest to the trauma encountered from combat on the battlefield.
The valor and courage of our young women and men in the armed services are a shining example to all of the world, and we owe them and their families our deepest respect.
Honoring the sacrifices many have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy is the very foundation of Veterans Day.
While only one day of the year is dedicated solely to honoring our veterans, Americans must never forget the sacrifices that many of our fellow countrymen have made to defend our country and protect our freedoms.
Wenn die mutigen Männer und Frauen, die unserem Land dienen im Ausland eingesetzt werden, lassen sie nicht nur ihre Familie und Freunde zurück, sondern oft auch ihre Jobs. Nach dem Opfer, das sie erbracht haben, ist es das mindeste, dass man ihnen einen vernünftigen Job gibt, um ihre Familien zu unterstützen, nachdem sie zurückkehren.
When the brave men and women who serve our nation in uniform leave to deploy overseas, they dont just leave behind their family and friends, often times they leave behind jobs and livelihoods as well. After the sacrifices they have made, making sure that they have access to a good paying job to support their families when they return is the least we can do.
But this Veterans Day, I believe we should do more than sing the praises of the bravery and patriotism that our veterans have embodied in the past. We should take this opportunity to re-evaluate how we are treating our veterans in the present.
The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.
Der Soldat betet am meisten von allen für den Frieden, denn er ist es der die Wunden und Narben des Krieges ertragen muss.
The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.
Schach ist ein ständiger Kampf zwischen meinem Verlangen, nicht zu verlieren und meinem Verlangen, nicht zu denken.
Ich würd an Hans Stelle jetzt den Fame nutzen und einen riesigen Outdoor-Schachklub aufmachen, wo jeder willkommen ist so wie er ist und spielen kann so wie er will. Das Niemannsland.
Jan Gustafsson - September 2022