Zitate und Sprüche von Damian Lillard

Zitate und Sprüche von Damian Lillard

Damian Lamonte Ollie Lillard (* 15. Juli 1990 in Oakland, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Basketballspieler, der auf der Position des Point Guards für die Milwaukee Bucks in der NBA spielt. Mit seinem Künstlernamen Dame D.O.L.L.A. veröffentlicht er außerdem Rap-Songs.

If your dreams don't match your actions, you can either change your dreams or change your actions.
If you want to look good in front of thousands, you have to out work thousands in front of nobody.
Pressure is the single mom who is trying to scuffle and pay her rent. We get paid a lot of money to play a game. Don't get me wrong: there are challenges. But to call it pressure is almost an insult to regular people.
I like "1989", the whole album. "Welcome to New York", "Blank Space", "Bad Blood" - all of it!
With Biggie, I thought his flow and his swag was better than Tupac's, but I thought Tupac's passion and ability to relate to the average person was better than Biggie, and I thought Nas was kind of like both, with a lot substance going but a lot of swag.
When I get done playing basketball, I'm definitely not going to be a rapper. I'm not going to be an old person who is focused on being a rapper.
I grew up a Warriors fan.
For me it's just amazing that I grew up watching Tim Duncan and KG and Kobe and Paul Pierce, Allen Iverson and all those guys and now it's like, "Man, I can't believe they actually got old." It's like they actually walked away. It's crazy to think about, but the game has to keep moving.
I won't let that money define me
I let my struggles refine me
I know my angels behind me
Young, rich, and in the sticks tryna find peace
I ain't get high and I ain't sell dope
People ask "why?" I did it for my folks
Wanna slice the pie then you gotta have hope
Take the plan serious or watch it go in smoke
Loyal to the Soil, Album: The Letter “O”
This dream done been a long time coming
And my clock was Forrest Gump - it spent a long time running
Rap on Sway in the Morning
My life came full circle at the park was throwing left hooks
Now I'm in the league with Steph Curry and Russell Westbrook
Took a couple bumps boy you never would see my chest shook
My heart came from a lion this path only the best took
Soldier In The Game
Let the seat back, I'm leanin' all in the Rover
Make a lot of chips, life is a game of poker
Money Ball, Album: BIG D.O.L.L.A.
I'm loyal to Portland. I want to play my whole career here, but at any moment, they can decide we want somebody else.

Zitate und Sprüche über Damian Lillard

Most underappreciated point guard ever. All-time great.
Davante Adams - Februar 2023

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Ich verdanke all das den Jungs, mit denen ich gespielt habe und den Trainern, die mich hierher gebracht haben. Es ist eine Ehre, hier zu sein.
If that many people recognize how hard I go every night and what I put into my game, to make myself and my team better, it means a lot to mean. I'm fortunate; I'm blessed to be in the situation that I'm in right now.´
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Sky is the limit for her and what she can do on the court, in terms of her impact in the game but also the court as well... It's been fun to watch her journey.
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