Phoenix: "I should have picked this game."
Cypher: "[playing chess] Winning requires sacrifice. Not really your style."
Cypher: "[playing chess] Winning requires sacrifice. Not really your style."
Valorant - Episode 4 Cinematic
I've always wanted to pry my way in here. Don't mind if I just leave some... gifts behind.
I'll try to be even more poor next time. It'll be hard, but I'll try.
One of my cameras is broken! Oh wait… okay, it's fine.
Let's see what I have to use. Pictures of their children? Wow, way too dark.
Nothing stays hidden from me. Nothing.
I must survive to protect my family, I can't lose them, I can't feel that pain again.
You're dead and I didn't feel anything, not even a thrill.
Spend like there is no tomorrow, because there just might not be.
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You know how the game of chess is played. Pieces must be sacrificed!
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