Zitate und Sprüche von Clayton M. Christensen

Zitate und Sprüche von Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton M. Christensen (* 6. April 1952 in Salt Lake City, Utah; † 23. Januar 2020 in Boston, Massachusetts) war ein US-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Autor, Unternehmensberater und Bischof der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage.

We don't hire ministers or priests to teach and care for us. This forces us to teach and care for each other - and in my view, this is the core of Christian living as Christ taught it.
As I have studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon, I have come to know through the power of the Spirit of God, that these books contain the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christine and I haven't raised our children. A whole community of selfless Christians has contributed to helping them become faithful, competent adults.
Companies, in fact, are specifically organized to under-invest in disruptive innovations! This is one reason why we often suggest that companies set up separate teams or groups to commercialize disruptive innovations. When disruptive innovations have to fight with other innovations for resources, they tend to lose out.
A disruptive innovation is a technologically simple innovation in the form of a product, service, or business model that takes root in a tier of the market that is unattractive to the established leaders in an industry.

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Es wird dir in Massachusetts gefallen. Da sind sie sehr patriotisch - perfekt für einen Neuanfang.
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Ich bin glücklich, dass ich am schönsten Ort aufgewachsen bin - Amherst, Massachusetts, der Staat meines Herzens. Ich bin patriotischer gegenüber Massachusetts, als jedem anderen Ort.
Ich werde alles geben, um mir das Vertrauen der Menschen von Massachusetts zu verdienen.
Der Mann im Weißen Haus ist nicht die Ursache dessen, was kaputt ist, er ist nur das Symptom der Dinge, die in Amerika schief laufen. Das Produkt eines manipulierten Systems, das nur die Reichen unterstützt.
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Ich ging nach Massachusetts um einen Unterschied zu machen, nicht um eine politische Karriere zu starten. Ich habe einen Unterschied gemacht und die Dinge in's Rollen gebracht, so wie ich wollte.
Nur ein liberaler Senator aus Massachusetts würde sagen, dass eine 49 prozentige Erhöhung des Bildungsetats nicht ausreichend wäre.
Glück kann man nicht kaufen, aber einen Flug nach Massachusetts - und das ist quasi das selbe.
No one has ever been delighted to be in Boston in December. December? What are you excited about? "Oh, I love chapped lips and getting thrown up on by Patriots fans, how peachy."
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Welcome to Boston, where the weather is made up and the seasons don't matter.
Boston's freeway system is insane. It was clearly designed by a person who had spent his childhood crashing toy trains.
Let's be honest: There's no better college town than Boston.
We say the cows laid out Boston. Well, there are worse surveyors.
Everything about Boston is unique. It isn't one thing. Boston is its own deal.
When you think about Boston, Harvard and M.I.T. are the brains of the city, and its soul might be Faneuil Hall or the State House or the Old Church. But I think the pulsing, pounding heart of Boston is Fenway Park.
If you haven't taken pics on Acorn Street, strolled through the Public Garden, or kayaked on the Charles, do you actually live in Boston?
Boston is a city that has the power to convince you to change what teams you root for.
In Boston fragen sie, wie viel weiß er? In New York, wie viel hat er? In Philadelphia, wer sind seine Eltern?
Boston was a great city to grow up in, and it probably still is. We were surrounded by two very important elements: academia and the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums. And I learned how to sail on the Charles River. So I had a great childhood in Boston. It was wonderful.
Du siehst aus als hätte Freddy Krügers Gesicht 'ne topographische Karte von Utah gef-.
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Glück kann man nicht kaufen, aber einen Flug nach Utah - und das ist quasi das selbe.
Growing up in a Jewish matriarchal world inside the patriarchal paradise of Salt Lake City, Utah, gave me increased perspective on gender issues, as it also did my gay brother and my lesbian sister. Our younger sister is the perfect Jewish-American wife and mother, and is fiercely proud of that fact.
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MassachusettsBostonUtahSalt Lake CityDie schönsten Zitate und SprüchePersonen