Zitate und Sprüche von Chōta Segawa

Zitate und Sprüche von Chōta Segawa
Unser Lächeln ist das Licht der Hoffnung.
Our smiles are the light of hope.
Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Chōta Segawa: "Das ist irgendwie cool. Ich brauche nicht arbeiten zu gehen."
Daikichi Karube: "Habt ihr sie noch alle?"
Chōta Segawa: "Und niemand da, der wütend auf einen ist. Und wir können essen und trinken was wir wollen."
Daikichi Karube: "Du bleibst ewig Jungfrau."
Chōta Segawa: "Daran habe ich nicht gedacht."
Chōta Segawa: "I think this is quite nice. I don't have to go to work."
Daikichi Karube: "Have you guys gone crazy?"
Chōta Segawa: "No one would be angry at us. And we can eat and drink all we want, right?"
Daikichi Karube: "You'll be a virgin your entire life."
Chōta Segawa: "I don't want that."
Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 1

Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen

Just as water can overfill a container. Madness is all the same.
Menschen lieben es, wenn Schwächere ihnen folgen - dann geht es ihnen gut.
Humans like it when someone weaker follows them, because it makes them feel at ease.
Saori Shibuki in Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Es fasziniert mich, was ich alles bereit bin zu tun, um mein Leben zu retten. Wir alle versuchen, zu überleben.
It amazes me that I'm willing to do anything just so that I can survive. If we weren't willing, we might as well die.
Yuzuha Usagi in Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 3
With death staring you in the face, you truly understand what it means to be alive.
Ich hab' nur euch zwei. Wenn jemand das Ziel erreichen sollte, dann nicht ich.
You guys are all I have. If someone has to survive this game, it's not me.
Ryōhei Arisu in Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 3
Wenn man nicht sterben will, muss man immer weiter spielen.
If you don't want to die, you'll have to keep playing the games.
Saori Shibuki in Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Whether it's on the other side of the planet, or right in front of one's eyes, as long as one is safe, it doesn't matter how many others die. Isn't that humanity?
When the guarantee of safety is dangled right in front of their eyes, humans will turn their eye from probability.
Die Farben auf den Karten kennzeichnen das Genre des Spiels. Pik heißt Mannschaftsspiel, Karo geistiger Wettstreit. Herz jedoch - das hat's wirklich in sich. Da geht es um Verrat, ein Spiel mit den Herzen der anderen.
The mark on a trump card signifies the game's genre. Club refers to a team battle and Diamond refers to a battle of wits. As of Heart - it's the most troublesome one. It's a game of betrayal where you play with people's hearts.
Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 2
No matter what you do, it's all futile in this world.
In this world with only despair, how do you live?
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1

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