This is a formidable enemy. To dismiss it as a bunch of 'cowards' perpetuating 'senseless acts of violence' is complacent nonsense. People willing to kill thousands of innocents while they kill themselves are not cowards. They are deadly vicious warriors and need to be treated as such.
I happen to believe that the preemption school is correct, that the risks of allowing Saddam Hussein to acquire his weapons will only grow with time.
If you believe that health care is a public good to be guaranteed by the state, then a single-payer system is the next best alternative. Unfortunately, it is fiscally unsustainable without rationing.
When under attack, no country is obligated to collect permission slips from allies to strike back.
Doves oppose war on the grounds that the risks exceed the gains. War with Iraq could be very costly, possibly degenerating into urban warfare.
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You really cannot set a standard, because Georgia is my home state, my home team. No other team can match what Georgia can offer. Schools cannot really match that, so that is an edge for Georgia.
The ridiculousness of thinking that some sort of global Illuminati wrote down their plot for killing of 95 % of humanity on a giant granit post-it note and left their secret plan somewhere no conservative would ever find it: rural Georgia.
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Ich bitte alle Amerikaner, die ein Gewissen haben, alles und jeden aus dem mörderischen Staat Georgia zu meiden.
Frauen aus Georgia - die Art Frau, die man seiner Mutter vorstellen kann und die dann deinen Vater unter den Tisch trinkt.
Country liegt mir einfach im Blut. Ich komme aus dem tiefsten Süden, aus Georgia. Diese Stimme lebt einfach in mir.
Home is where the heart is and the heart is in Georgia.
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