Zitate und Sprüche aus Bunny Girl Senpai

Zitate und Sprüche aus Bunny Girl Senpai

Hier findest du die besten Zitate und Sprüche aus Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.

No matter who you were before, how you look right now is who you are.
Life is here for us to become kinder. I live life every day hoping I was a slightly kinder person than I was the day before.
Mai: "If you're lying to me, I'll make you eat Pocky through your nose."
Sakuta: "One stick?"
Mai: "One box."
It's not like I live for all of humanity to like me.
What phrases make you happy to hear from others? My three favourites are "Thank you", "You did your best", and "I love you".
I don't mind if I only had one person. Even if the whole world hated me, I could keep living if that person needed me.
You know Sakuta, its likely that I'm more in love with you than you think.
Mai Sakurajima - Staffel 1 Episode 11
Once the class takes shape it doesn't change easily.
You're having lewd thoughts, aren't you?
I can't allow her to sleep in the same house as you, so I'll have to sleep there as well to keep an eye on her.
Forget what you saw today. Also, don't have anything to do with me under any circumstances. If you understand, then say yes.
It's foolish to fight the atmosphere when the people creating it don't have a sense of it.

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We can never make up for our own misfortune unless we collect it from the blessed.
I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I want to be needed by someone and to be told that it is okay for me to live. To be important to someone.
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Egal welche Lügen du auftischst, dein eigenes Herz kannst du nicht täuschen.
Schwach zu sein bedeutet, dass es Raum zum Wachsen gibt.
My wings exist for you. I'm your partner. I'm not going to leave you alone.
Mit ungetrügtem Blick die Wahrheit sehen, das will ich.
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Everybody, try laughing! Then whatever scares you will go away.
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Du magst mein Herz und meine Seele besitzen, aber eines wirst du nie beherrschen können: Den Stolz eines Saiyajins!

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