Die schönsten Buchzitate (Seite 16)

Die schönsten Buchzitate (Seite 16)

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Here, I'm invisible. Unimportant. Manhattan is too crowded to give a sh-t about me, and I love her for it.
It was amazing how different sex felt when a person used more than their body. I involved my heart and my gut and my mind and my hope. I fell in that moment. Not in love. I just... fell.
I'm the awkward writer who posts a picture of my book and says, "It's an okay book. There are words in it. Read it if you want."
A writer should never have the audacity to write about themselves unless they're willing to separate every layer of protection between the author's soul and their book. The words should come directly from the center of the gut, tearing through flesh and bone as they break free. Ugly and honest and bloody and a little bit terrifying, but completely exposed.
Most people come to New York to be discovered. The rest of us come here to hide.
My mother used to say that houses have a soul, and if that is true, the soul of Verity Crawford's house is as dark as they come.
It's natural, to assume the worst in people, even if that assumption is only for a split second.
How many other planets have you visited? Perhaps they all sail in oceans of pollen and your home is the freakish one.
Tress considered herself to be categorically boring. She liked her tea lukewarm, she went to bed on time, she loved her parents, occasionally squabbled with her little brother, and didn't litter. She was fair at needlepoint, and had a talent for baking. But had no other noteworthy skills. She didn't train at fencing in secret, she couldn't talk to animals, she had no hidden royalty or deities in her lineage. Though her great-grandmother Glorf had once reportedly waved at the king.
Die Welt ist voller offensichtlicher Dinge, die offensichtlich niemand sieht.
Arthur Conan Doyle in Sherlock Holmes - Der Hund von Baskerville
Schließlich hatte er es ihr selbst ins Herz geschrieben. Ihren Stolz und ihre Abneigung gegenüber Fürstenblut
"Wenn einmal der Tag kommt, an dem wir getrennt werden", sagte er leise und sah mich an, "und meine letzten Wort sind nicht, 'Ich liebe dich' - dann weißt du, dass es daran gelegen hat, dass mir keine Zeit geblieben ist."
Diana Gabaldon in Outlander - Das flammende Kreuz
"Ye werena the first lass I kissed," he said softly. "But I swear you'll be the last."
Sofern man nicht Maria heißt und der Heilige Geist seine Hand nicht im Spiel hat, gibt es, soweit ich weiß, nur einen Weg, schwanger zu werden.
Diana Gabaldon in Outlander - Das flammende Kreuz
"A hedgehog? And just how does a hedgehog make love?" he demanded.
No, I thought. I won't. I will not. But I did. "Very carefully," I replied, giggling helplessly.
I once read that you fell in love like how you fell asleep: slowly at first and then all at once.
We might not have months or years, but we have moments. Thousands upon thousands of them. Let's take each moment, seize it and wring it dry.
Forgetting is pretending it never happened. You need to remember and remember and remember, until it has no power over you anymore.
Feelings are like tonsils. Mostly useless, and occasionally a source of pain and discomfort.
Wasn't love a kind of chaos theory? One small look, one smile or one word could alter the course of a life forever.
Sometimes the heart hides itself behind the mind.
Love had no end. She was infinite. She was a universe, my universe, and I was hers. Love had no boundaries, no rules, no favorites. And no limits.
Emma Scott in All In
My world had been fading to gray until she burst in like a bombshell of color and light.
Love, real love, wasn't empty, grasping hands, or lies that felt like truths. And it wasn't perfect or neat or always easy. It was a rising sun on a new day. It was endless possibility.
Maybe. Maybe is gradations of darkness. The sweetest torture. Maybe is hope.
There's so much that's shitty in this world, when you find something that shines against all the dirt and darkness, you gravitate toward it.
Sterben, das hatte ich gelernt, war kein Mannschaftssport. Es war ein einsames Unterfangen. Alle, die ich liebte, standen am trockenen Ufer, während ich allein in einem Boot saß, das sich langsam von der Küste entfernte, und niemand konnte etwas tun. Sie konnten nur dabei zusehen.
There are times in this life in which we must do what is best, and so often what is best is not what is easy.
The music is the language and your body speaks the words.
I loved her… my soul sang the words I could never say to her out loud.
Where there is ruin, there is hope for treasure.
Emma Scott in All In
"What does he need?"
He smiled sadly. "Someone who stays."
I love her. I don't know how it happened, or why, but I do. Something in me connects to something in her. I've felt it since the day we met.
"How do you do that? How do you know what to do and say so that I feel…?"
"So that you feel what?"
"Whole. You make me feel like I have a shot at something more than this misery."
I love you. It was so simple it almost went straight past me. I love you.
Emma Scott in All In
We had to go full tilt, just like the card players did. I would hit instead of stay. Always.
I'm more afraid of not being with you than I am of being with you.
Own this love, Wes. It's not just hers. It's yours too.
I kissed Jonah Fletcher with all of my heart, and with every piece of my soul that would love him forever.
Despite our losses, we would keep going. Never give in or give up. Because love always wins. Always.
Emma Scott in All In
"Beauty and pain," she said, almost to herself. "I don't think you can separate the two."
"Maybe pain exists to make us appreciate the beauty."
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They are in each other all along.
You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.
That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquility.
A butterfly flutters its wings in Malaysia and the changes in air currents cause a hurricane in Florida. I love that idea. That even one tiny action can create an enormous effect.
I had a sense of being dropped straight into the middle of a book without having read the early chapters.
He pulled me toward him, wrapping his arms around me. A sob rose to my throat but I choked it down, and held him tight. As tight as he held me, and wherever we touched became proof to one another that we were not alone.
I knew I was treading on thin ice. Criticism of anyone's art, no matter how good the intentions, could be risky business.
You can find beauty everywhere, even in the things that scare you the most.
I love how a few words, carefully chosen, can elicit deep reactions. Or evoke a certain mood, or make you feel something real.
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