Zitate und Sprüche von Blake Carrington

Zitate und Sprüche von Blake Carrington
Blake: "Ich will, dass wir auf der selben Seite stehen."
Steven: "Und welche Seite wäre das?"
Blake: "Meine."
Blake: "I wanna make sure we're on the same page."
Steven: "What page is that exactly?"
Blake: "Mine."
Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Blake: "Was Sie eigentlich sagen wollen, Ms. Flores, ist, dass nicht dieses Video realitätsfern ist, sondern ich."
Cristal: "Nicht Sie. Die Firma."
Blake: "Das ist das selbe."
Blake: "What you're really trying to say, Ms. Flores, is that it's not just this video that's out of touch, it's me."
Cristal: "Not you. The company."
Blake: "Same thing."
Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
You can sleep in the master bedroom tonight. I'm having it disinfected tomorrow.
Adam: "You're not going to like having me as an enemy."
Blake: "It couldn't be worse than having you as a son."
Fallon: "You lied to me my whole life and let me sleep with my cousin."
Blake: "Half-cousin."
Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1
The day that I'm afraid of your truth, Alexis, there'll be snowflakes in hell.

Zitate und Sprüche über Blake Carrington

Blake Carrington after a night in federal custody? This is definitely my new favorite show.

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Steven: "Darum versuchst du immer die Beste und Cleverste zu sein."
Fallon: "Das muss ich nicht versuchen. Das bin ich."
Steven: "Always trying to be the best and the brightest."
Fallon: "I don't have to try. I just am."
Fallon Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Die Familie ist alles und wenn es schwierig wird, gibt man sie nicht auf. Man kämpft noch mehr.
Family is everything and when things get tought, you don't give up. You fight harder.
Cristal Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Wir beide wissen doch, dass man "gut" leicht verwechselt mit "gut im Bett".
We both know it's easy to confuse "good" with "good in bed".
Fallon Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 2
You know, there's a thin line between true love and truly psycho.
A marriage might not last, but an ex-wife is forever.
I love you almost as much as I love my trust fund.
Cristal: "Ich hätt' lieber Bowie auf Spotify als ein Streichquartett. Und wie wäre es mit ein paar Wiesenblumen?"
Joseph: "Ich lasse die Gärtner herrichten, was sie an Unkraut ausgraben."
Cristal: "I'll take Bowie on Spotify over a string quartet. And how about some wildflowers?"
Joseph: "I'll have the gardeners save whatever weeds they dig up."
Joseph Anders in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
I'm glad to see that your father had your teeth fixed... if not your tongue.
Michael: "Sie hat ein paar gute Eigenschaften."
Fallon: "Die hat ein Cocker-Spaniel auch, aber den soll mein Dad auch nicht heiraten."
Michael: "She's got some nice qualities."
Fallon: "So does a cocker spaniel, but I wouldn't want my father to marry one."
Fallon Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 2
I swear, this family has more secrets than Trump's mistress.
Look, I was doing the same thing. I was protecting myself. And the truth is, I started writing that book to get over you. But it turned out to be the best way to tell you how I feel. I know I'm in love with you. I have been, for awhile.
Seems like our little angel has been spreading her wings in more than one bed, hasn't she?
Es ist schon so viel Schaden angerichtet worden, dass es sicher in die Brüche geht. Und wenn es so weit ist, bin ich da um die Scherben aufzusammeln.
Good news is too much damage has been done for it not to fall apart. And when it does, I'll be ready to pick up the pieces.
Fallon Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Falls Sie sich je fragen, warum mein Dad so erfolgreich ist, das liegt an seiner Genialität, einem das Gefühl zu geben, im eigenen Interesse zu handeln, während es nur um sein's geht.
In case you ever wondered why my dad is so successful, it's because he's a genius at making you feel like he's acting in your best interest, when really it's all about him.
Fallon Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Steven: "Wenn die Revolution kommt, wird es dein Kopf sein, der als erster rollt."
Fallon: "Oh, da muss ich mich vorher frisieren lassen."
Steven: "When the revolution happens they'll come for your head."
Fallon: "Oh, I'll be sure to get my hair done."
Fallon Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Die Wahrheit ist nicht schwer zu sagen. Man spuckt sie aus und schüttet Sand drüber.
The truth's not hard to say. You just spit it out and kick sand over it.
Cristal Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Verzeihen Sie meiner Schwester. Sie dachte sie kriegt eine Beförderung, keine Stiefmutter.
Forgive my sister. She thought she was getting a promotion, not a stepmother.
Steven Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, trinken Sie ihren Zucker mit einem Spritzer Kaffee.
If I recall, you take your sugar with just a spot of coffee.
Joseph Anders in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Du hast nicht gewusst, dass ich ein Carrington war, der nicht so wie ein Carrington sein wollte.
You had no idea I was a Carrington trying to escape being a Carrington.
Steven Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 2
I don't care whether your relationship with Dex is personal or professional, Dex is mine, in the boardroom and in the bedroom.
I just can't wait for the day when I see you walking out of this house carrying the same two cheap plastic suitcases that you walked in here with.
Real Colby blood is thicker than water, right? You are my father's brother. I thought that would mean something more to you.
Monica: "Das ist eine Überraschungs Hochzeit?"
Fallon: "Viel eher ein Überfall."
Monica: "This is a surprise wedding?"
Fallon: "More like an ambush."
Fallon Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Diese Familie gedeiht an Komplikationen.
This family thrives on complicated.
Steven Carrington in Der Denver-Clan - Staffel 1 Episode 2
I don't know if I'm more insulted by that, or the fact that you just completely butchered "Notting Hill".
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1

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