Zitate und Sprüche von Betty Cooper

Zitate und Sprüche von Betty Cooper
Jughead Jones: "He'll be here tonight as the sun has its last shadow upon the earth and the crescent moon is risen upon the Eastern ridge."
Betty Cooper: "So... like 9 o'clock?"

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We're not gonna hug in front of this whole town. So why don't we just both do that bro thing where we nod like douches and mutually suppress our emotions.
Gamechanger. Archie got hot. He’s got abs now. Six more reasons for you to grab that ginger bull by the horn tonight.
In case you haven't noticed... I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in, and I don't want to fit in.
Jughead Jones in Riverdale - Staffel 1 Episode 10
Was denn? Sarkastischer Humor ist meine Art die Welt zu verstehen.
What? Sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world.
Jughead Jones in Riverdale - Staffel 1 Episode 2
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
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Cells couldn't multiply without this, the IKEA instruction manual for life, DNA. DNA is tiny yet comlex, like Tom Cruise.
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Wissen ist ein Paradox. Je mehr man letztendlich weiß, desto mehr versteht man das Ausmaß seiner eigenen Unwissenheit.
Knowledge is a paradox. The more one understands, the more one realizes the vastness of his ignorance.
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Wenn man alles verliert, ist man endlich frei.
When you lose everything, that's when you're finally free.
Star Wars: The Acolyte - Staffel 1 Episode 6
Uns definiert nicht, was wir verlieren. Sondern was wir überleben.
We're not defined by what we los. We're defined by what we survive.
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